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Everything posted by shellb

  1. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  2. Hmmm, sounds familiar, same thing basically happened to us. We chose a family oriented resort because BM was bringing his 4 kids (only 1 under 12). We warned it would be pricey. Originally our BM told us that if it was too expensive just he would come to the wedding. When he heard the quote aprox 8.5K it was a no way I am not paying that (don't blame him)...he could get a better price at another resort. Our response was basically the same as yours it cost $XX to get on the resort on the day and another $XX for the evening of the wedding. He then tried to guilt us over how much it would cost to get a sitter for the week and that he'd have to pay him MIL's wages while she looked after the kids. FH and I felt like crap, even looked at trying to get a cheaper resort for kids. Funny thing happened, I accidentally found out they are going to Mexico at some point next month, so my guilt instantly went away. We are however still stuck with the family oriented resort because he's not sure if his whole family will be coming. Our resort however is large enough that you can avoid kids if you want to. I say get your FH to sit down and talk to him about if the whole family will actually be coming. If they are, I'd say stick at the kid friendly resort. The day & night pass fees are insane and most likely they will stay at the same resort as you and not need it. If no children coming, then by all means definitely change to somewhere that will make your day special if you really do not want to be around children. Just be sure to communicate well to your guests about the change, but try to be make it sould like the change is about something other than children not coming. People with children may get offended.
  3. Sodria yours are adorable. I want one of those cute dogs. Actually everyones are adorable. I want them all, but FH may have issues with that. I love this pet theme.
  4. The funny thing is when we talk or I rarely mention the wedding unless I have to (e.g. group rates) because I know that's not everyones cup of tea. I try to focus on her and what's going on in her life because I know that's what she needs right now. I am going to try giving her a call tomorrow to see how she's doing. If I get no response, I'll leave the ball in her court. I don't want to push it. And now that I know I am not alone in people avoiding you when your having a DW...I don't feel so bad.
  5. Do you find that some of your friends are avoiding you since you told them about your wedding? I've noticed that one friend in particular has been avoiding me since I announced over a year ago that we were planning on getting married down south. We've been relatively close friends since 1st year university. I personally think the world of her and her husband. At the time I told her about the wedding, she was living in NC with her husband while he did a fellowship, so we weren't as close as when she was here in the city. She's been back since last June, I gave her a few months to settle back in, we've chatted infrequently by phone and email (at my initiation) since. When (or should I say if) you get her on the phone she'll chat away, by email it's one or two liners. I've re-iterated both via voice and email that for the wedding "we fully understand if people can not make it, but wanted to be sure to include the people we who we would definitely invite if we got married here. We know that most people we invite won't be able to make it. It's not everyones thing or sometimes circumstances sometimes do not permit. We don't want anyone to feel guilty about that." My latest email to her about a month ago was asking her if she wanted to get together while her husband was out of town for a month....no response... Other than driving to the other side of town and beating on her door, I have no clue what to do. I know they have been try to get pregnant without luck for a while, but I've been supportive telling her I am here to listen, to talk, even available for her to yell at if she wants...she's even thanked me for being there for her. I am afraid it's our decision to get married down south that's pushing her away because I know they avoided going to another friends (her husband's best freind from university) wedding in FL while they were living in NC. I have no freaking clue what to do....
  6. So sorry to her about your sister. Glad to hear she is doing OK.
  7. I think if you don't want the lace then don't get it if money is not the factor. It's your day. Explain to your Mom that it's not the price, you've got what you have always dreamed of and love the way it looks, simple and elegant. She is trying to contribute which is not always bad, which some Moms do not (like mine for instance who generally avoids any type of participation in wedding plans unless it's a complaint). She loves you and wants her little girl to be beautiful on her day. Maybe she dreamed of the long mantilla and never got to wear one. As for her looking for a dress for herself while dress shopping, maybe she wants to look perfect for you or doesn't want to upset you with the choices in dress she might make if your tastes are very different. She might also be thinking if she finds one for herself with you there, she can get you to OK it. Believe me, nothing hurts more when you find something you really like and your Mom tells you she thinks it's ugly. Best of luck, talk with your Mom and remember she does love you. It will work out.
  8. Nestle brand bar's I don't think are carried in the US, Coffee Crisp, Crunchie (which have been already talked about), EatMores, Big Turk... Our chocolate tastes different (much sweeter). US does have Smarties, but they are more like what we call rockets here in Canada. Some others: Kinder eggs MacKintosh's Toffee Hickory Sticks (I think) Sour Soothers (like Sour Patch Kids candy but soother shape)
  9. Hope you get well soon. Be sure to folllow the doctors instructions and to take all your medications. You are going to be right as rain for your big day and feeling a 110% better!
  10. Welcome, another Punta Cana, April 2009 bride, YAY! There is tons of info on here.
  11. Do they give you a grace period? I know i've sent things unknowingly after a postage increase and they went through.
  12. Ah, you're from "The Rock"! I can't wait to go there some day for a visit. I've lots of friends from there. A beautiful place with the most wonderful people. It's tough with people being spread across the country, half of my family is out in Alberta and won't be able to make it. Eloping wouldn't be so bad if that's what you are thinking of, believe me, I wish we had done that. Between all the family issues, both mine and his, it would have been so much easier. You two could always go somewhere beautiful have the resort supply 2 witnesses and have a gorgeous day.
  13. Well, if you ever come to Canada, you'll have to check it out.
  14. What part of the east coast are you originally from? I don't plan on having anyone other than the two witnesses and the JOP there with us.
  15. Slice TV is a station we have in Canada. A lot like the Life network. Not sure if you have it in the US. Here's the link to it: Til Debt Do Us Part ? TV Shows ? Slice You can watch the episodes on there, I think. She tells them like it is, makes them get rid of the plastic, live off of a stirctly cash budget, shows them how if they continue at the rate they are spending at how much debt they will be in a few years down the road. I am addicted to it.
  16. Try Debbie Dominican Travel Site, there might be one on there: Debbie's Dominican Republic Travel Pages - 1,000's of Resort Reviews, Tour, Scuba and Wedding Information Here's one of Punta Cana: Map of Punta Cana Or if you are looking for a resort map, try googling "maplady webshots"
  17. Let's add another Canadian university to the list. St. Francis Xavier University (St.F.X.) for my arts and education degrees, home of the x-ring, go X-men!
  18. Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning! You'll find tons of info on here.
  19. I've got a forget-me-not flower on my right thigh. Got it when I was 23 to commemorate the new beginning I was making after ending a 6 1/2 year relationship.
  20. I am sure it looks gorgeous. All of us have issues with our bodies. You are going to look stunning on your day!
  21. Any local cullinary colleges where you could get some last year students to do the catering aspect? Or like some said previously, go to a restaurant with your budget and work the menu from there. What about hospitallity college? Might be able to snag some serving staff from there at a good price. Also, not sure if at your universities down in the US the food service companies do off campus event catering like they do here in Canada. I worked as a special events waitress in university. If memory serves me correctly, we did some gorgeous weddings and black tie affairs with great food. That may also be an option for saving money on the catering.
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