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Everything posted by shellb

  1. Congratulations and so happy to hear you are both well! He's adorable!
  2. I think it depends on the couple as well. I think living with my FI has helped us learn alot about one another, the good, the bad and the ugly. We've learned to communicate better which we wouldn't have done if he was still living at home in my opinion. It worked for us because of our personalities. I salute the couples who choose not to live together before marriage. I think that is wonderful.
  3. Well I sat and took my CAPM certification exam this week 6 months after I finished the course. I was so afraid that I wasn't going to pass because so much time had gone by. And everytime I turned around these past two weeks some wedding crisis would pop up (people backing out on the group rate, making the wedding deposit, fighting with banks, it's such a PITA to transfer money from my bank to the US, etc.). Now I can cheerfully say that I have my international designation as an associate of project management and even better than that the wedding details are finally starting to get rolling. YAY!
  4. I am only 3 months older than my FI. Not much of a difference, but he teases me about it occassionally. Most of my friends are in fact older than their husbands, widest age difference is I think is 4 years.
  5. I am going to chime in for Ann & Abbie as well for reasons already stated.
  6. Sign me up for nada done today work wise. I did get one more person booked for the wedding... For work however, everytime I started on the project I have been working on I screwed it up, so finally I gave up and said to myself it's Friday. The weekend can't come soon enough.
  7. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. It's gonna work out, just breathe and hopefully Severine will have very good news for you come tomorrow.
  8. There's also the option of WEDO .:: dominican weddings legal requirements which I think may be slightly cheaper than DRSI.
  9. Ah, she's gorgeous. Glad to hear she is here and you both are doing well.
  10. I suggest talking to your doctor or go to a travel clinic if they have one in your area. That way you can talk to someone who can give you the medical pros and cons of the vaccines. Let them know you are against vaccines, but want to make an informed decision. Mine was able to give me suggestions like, strict personal hygiene practices and avoiding raw and unpeeled food. My FI and I do plan on leaving the resort, so we opted for the Hep A vaccinations. I have given my guests the info and suggested they talk to their doctor. It's the best you can do for them, put the information out there so they can make the decision.
  11. Take a look at the following site for recommended vacinations: MD Travel Health - Dominican Republic - vaccinations, polio, malaria prevention, and other health advice Some you probably already have like the Measles & Rubella one. I know I got it when I was a kid back in like grade six as part of a school vaccination program. My FI and I have gotten our Twinrix shots for Hep A just to be on the safe side. My sister on the other hand does not plan on getting any.
  12. Gorgeous pics! They do such a beautiful job.
  13. Hi there and welcome. Sent you a PM. I haven't heard anything on construction. We had a friend who was there 2 weeks ago and she didn't mention anything.
  14. Ah, he's a Caper then. Inverness is a very nice place. Love Cape Breton actually. You'll have to check it out sometime if you haven't already! He'd probably know where I am from then...you'd have to pass it just after crossing the causeway to come onto the mainland of Nova Scotia.
  15. I'd say there's got to be something more to the story. Sorry, but I would not be sitting on a toilet for no one. If the flight attendant needed my seat then he/she would be sitting on my lap or I'd be seating in the jumpseat. Policy or no policy. Who in their right mind would actually not say excuse me, but did you just tell me to go sit on the toilet while a crew member goes and uses my seat? While I am at it why don't we see if I can fit in an overhead bin or closet? Sure he was on a buddy pass, but come one now...that's beyond ridiculous.
  16. Originally from a very small place called Havre Boucher (on the mainland, but close to Cape Breton Island). I am currently living in Halifax. Where's your FI from?
  17. Congrats, the Melia looks awesome does it not? Gazebo and gardens are so pretty. Wait til you see all the pics on the Facebook group and Debbies forum (69 pages I think). We had a friend come back from a 2 week vacation there last week and all she did was rave about how gorgeous the grounds are. Although, I am sure all of the resorts down there are. You will also find this forum one of the most valuable. The people are terrific...so much info, so many ideas, so supportive and helpful. Welcome, welcome!!! If there is anything I can help with just let me know!
  18. Be sure you check out PECgirls stuff in the Melia thread on the Debbies forum. She's got a ton of stuff (pics, Info) in her web site...including very recent photo's. Actually a couple of the girls in the Facebook group got married there last month. Their pics are all awesome.
  19. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. I can understand why you are upset. Who has 4K lying around last minute when they've already put out so much for the wedding itself... Is there anyone that can talk to them about what a crappy position they have put you in and try to figure out first of all why and then how or what they are going to do to rectify this? Someone that is neutral and won't try to murder them while talking to them. They have to be able to give better reasons, must have saved some money, come on now. Friends don't do that to friends. Have you talked to your TA to see if there is any other solution? Like the 3-4 days the other girls proposed. We're all here for you...
  20. My mom's looking at the Bay, Sears, Reitman's and Laura. She wants a simple sun dress. She's not into bridal shops either.
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