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Everything posted by shellb

  1. One question, I know a lot of Avon products are scented, does the lip balm have any scent added?
  2. I agree with PenMarie. What about asking the chef at the restaurant you like if there are any restaurants in the area that serve a similar menu and of the same quality? Maybe he can offer up a few great sugestions that help you narrow down the search.
  3. Have a great trip! That is terrific news. Warm thoughts and best wishes for a healthy pregnancy.
  4. Good Luck! BDW forum was my escape when studying for my big one the other week. Some tips that may help: * Get a good night's sleep * Breathe and relax * Do a brian dump of info on scrap paper as soon as you sit to write (if possible) * Do the ones you know first, mark the ones you don't to go back to later (another question may trigger an idea to the one you marked) * read the question twice to make sure you know whats being asked. You are going to do fabulous!
  5. It will also depend on time of year, if you go after a group rate (which can be a headache getting that 10 people confirmed), and where you choose. Jamaica is more pricey, than DR & Mexico. We got a 4.5 star April '09 in Dominican for $1420 taxes in for group rate from Halifax. Regular rate was around $1800. The hardest part will be choosing your resort, believe me it was a weight lifted from my shoulders when we settled on one. I had to consider our families budgets not just ours. It's good that you are ok with just your parents being able to come, but you should try to reach a compromise with your FH if he envisions a lot of people. Price will be a limiting option for people. I know I said I was ok if it was just me and my FH, but when my brother announced he wasn't going to make it last week I actually cried. Weddings will bring out a lot of emotions. For prices, depending on when you get married in 2010, start looking around 12 -13 months out. I looked earlier and prices once we hit the 12 month mark dropped by about $150 pp. Also, have you thought about Cuba. I think it's still slightly cheaper than DR & Mexico. They have some spectacular places for us Canadian brides if you don't have to consider US friends and family joining the celebrations (fingers that someday the embargoes will be lifted). Check out Travel to Cuba Hotels with Sol Melia Cuba Hotel.
  6. I didn't ask my sister either. We are not overly close and I do know just coming to the wedding will strain her finances. I made it quite clear from the beginning to everyone that I was only having my MOH because I didn't want to put anyone out with extra costs. My MOH (my best girlfriend) and I agreed along time ago that I would stand for her and she for me. I think it all depends on whether your sister would be offended if you didn't ask her.
  7. I suffer from it, it's torturous because it never really goes away. I am in the process of doing physio for mine. It flared up last October and I tried to tough it out and ended up making it worse because the tissue/tendons in my right heel got all tightened up. I've been limping around like a 90 year old on and off since last October. At one point I could barely stand when I got out of bed in the morning. I thought I needed new orthotics because it was hanging on so long, went to a pedorthist, bought 2 different new pairs of really good sneakers, but nope, ended up having to see a physiotherapist to try and fix it. I haven't been able to go to the gym for almost 2 months which really sucks. She does ultrasound therapy to loosen the tissue/tendons, gets me to use a tennis ball, hot and cold, tape, massage and stretches. Thankfully, I am almost back to normal because it's getting pricey and I am almost out of coverage. Make sure you get it checked because it is a PITA if you do have it and you are doing yourself more harm in the long run if you ignore it. I know wish I didn't wait so long before getting it checked out. Oh and a hint when you ice, dampen the towel you wrap around the ice pack to make it more effective and only leave it on for about 8-10 minutes. I also use an ace bandage to hold the towel wrapped ice pack on.
  8. You are most definitely going to have to keep us posted on how your planning is going.
  9. Welcome to the board! Yay, another Melia Caribe Tropical bride. If you have anything to add to the MCT thread, please do so, it's at: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t17334
  10. So sorry to hear you are going through this. It really sucks sometimes. I am shocked they are letting you two pay and not going to even offer to try and pay part of the cost. I too would probably try to get a dig in about how you are having to pick up a second job to pay for a wedding that is meant to be cheaper. I'd also let the fact the budget went over 3K because of extra travelling costs. However, they are your IL's and as my MOH told me last night, bite your tongue and realize you are stuck with these people for a very long time regardless of what you do. It will be harder on your FH is you do say something.
  11. What about Laura? They usually have cute dresses.
  12. Congrats on finding the one! It looks great on you!
  13. I believe it took about 3 weeks to get my order. I know I was surprised at how quickly it came. Oh and expect customs to open the box, they did for the one I got.
  14. Tami & Tom: April 19, 2008 - Paradisus Punta Cana Jennifer & Kelvin: April 19, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana Michael & Lisa: April 25, 2008 - Paradisus Punta Cana Jenna & Steve: July 1, 2008 - Sunscape Casa del Mar Erica & Jorge: July 5, 2008 - Iberostar Punta Cana Valerie & Richard July 10, 2008 - Ocean Blue Lindsay & Billy: July 11, 2008 - Paradisus PC Kristin & Justin: July 11, 2008- Dreams Punta Cana Jazlyn & Albert: August 2, 2008 - Excellence Punta Cana Kirk & Christina: August 8, 2008 - EdenH Punta Cana Danielle & Derek: November 6, 2008 - Paradisus Palma Real PC Shelley & Jamie: November 6, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana Camila & Louie... November 8, 2008 - Bahia Principe Punta Cana Caitlin and Joe: November 14, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana Kasia & Rob: November 17, 2008 - Majestic Colonial Anil & Pam: November 20, 2008 - Ocean Sand Jessica & Dominique: November 22, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana Cassie & Brad: November 24, 2008 - EdenH Punta Cana Erica & Larry: November 30, 2008 - Grand Palladium Palace Kyle & Daina: December 12, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana Sorcha & Shannon: January 2009 - Punta Cana (still deciding on resort) Jelena and Bojan: January 3, 2009 - EdenH Arena Michael and Nicole: January 8, 2009 - EdenH Real Arena Heidi & Derek: January 10, 2009 - Colony Bay Resort Punta Cana Lindsay & Jamie : January 28, 2009 - Grande Palladium Bavaro Kim & Chris: April 4, 2009 - Dreams Punta Cana Raquel & Dominick: April 17, 2009 Paradisus Punta Cana Michelle & Jeff: April 24, 2009 - Meliá Caribe Tropical Shawn & Jeremy: May 2009 - Punta Cana (Still deciding on resort) Meagan & Jeff: May 15, 2009 - Dreams Punta Cana Jessica & Omar: May 22, 2009 - Paradisus Punta Cana Clare & Ross: September 7, 2009 - Ocean Blue (date to be confirmed) Chris & Martin: September 9, 2009 - Ocean Blue (date to be confirmed) Kristy & Vince: September 9, 2009 - Dreams Punta Cana Jeannie & Jorge: October 10, 2009 Dreams Punta Cana
  15. Thank you all! Have I said recently I love the people on this forum, you are all awesome!
  16. They look great, where did you get the white first aid kit box?
  17. Are there any trade-off's you can make to have the "it" dress? e.g. sell the other one as soon as you get it rather than waiting, reduce # of floral arrangements, cut back on the nice to have's.... I agree with Jessica, if you don't get the dream dress you may regret it.
  18. Planning a weekend visit may do the trick and give you something to focus on and look forward to.
  19. So happy to hear there is progress being made on this issue. I agree with getting it in writing.
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