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Everything posted by shellb

  1. I would test the water with your family and closest friends first to see the reaction. Explain the situation. I know doing that would not go over with my family, the water has been tested and they've actually said if we get married here by a JOP why would they have to come south to see us do it again. They are adamantly against it. A lot of couples do a small civil ceremony with a few people attending to avoid the hoops we have to jump through in our DW countries to meet marriage requirements or the long wait for the marriage certificate. They then do a symbolic ceremony with all the bells and whistles down in the DW location. Some even keep it even more low key, by doing it secretly without any DW quests knowing with the JOP and 2 witnesses, for legal purposes and the bare minimum of vows and no ring exchange. How does you FI feel about it? Wish you the best, it will all come together.
  2. Just happened to be watching the new this morning and saw that the 3rd largest British travel operator XL filed for bankruptcy yesterday and the media is reporting 85,000 passengers stranded. It's scary stuff and just another reminder why trip insurance and the use of a TA can be helpful. They are saying more airline bankruptcies are expected (Zoom went under here in Canada last month). Here's some info on XL: Holiday firm XL faces bankruptcy | Reuters Tour operator XL goes into bankruptcy - MarketWatch Holidays at risk as more airlines face bankruptcy I really hope that no BDW couples have been affected by this.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by AnneW Thank you, Michelle. It was my fiance's mother's anniversary present before she passed away from breast cancer 10 years ago. The center stone is Tanzanite. It has such an amazing meaning to us! I'd love to see your ring! What a wonderful way to remember a loved one. It truly is a special ring. My center stone is a sapphire. I have always loved sapphires. Not the greatest picture, but here it is with my band.
  4. Jysk is mainly in Europe, but we do have them here in Canada. Here's their main site: JYSK :: worldwide Similar to Ikea, but not quite the same. I so love Ikea more (Ikea folks I hope you are reading this, because we desparately want you back in Nova Scotia).
  5. Welcome! I have some friends that got married at the Coral Oasis Marien and they all had a blast. I know from reading former threads we've got people on here getting married at the Riu's there. We considered Puerto Plata and the Riu's when we first started planning along with the Gran Bahia San Juan, but ultimately decided on Punta Cana. I also think a few girls on here have attended friends weddings in Puero Plata too. Anyone want to chime in? Michelle
  6. For 2009 PhotoSouvenir prices try: wedding packages 2009 Also, here's one thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t7080 and another with a list on the second page: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t23295
  7. Welcome! You're question is not silly. I wondered the same thing at first and all of your guests wonder as well thinking they are paying for their own meal. From my understanding this fee they charge for extra guests above and beyond the wedding package covers things like: Accomodating a large group of people in a centralized area like a banquet hall or restaurant (e.g. they may be closing a restaurant or a section of it for you if your group is large enough) Preparation and execution of a set special menu for your guests that may be outside of the regular menu. if they are feeding 60 people at one seating that takes quite a bit of work as opposed to the normal flow of restaurant. Set-up of things like tables and chairs for the extra guests at the wedding Dedicated wait staff and setup people for your event etc... Hope this helps answer your question. Happy Planning!
  8. Maybe we should seriously consider starting a BDW book, considering the destination wedding mags out there are very generalized. Glad to see we are getting some good responses, I think all of us go through so many of the same things and want to give up on it all and do things the way others want us to. Well, at least now we know we are not alone.
  9. I read your post and thought boy doesn't this sound familiar. My heart goes out to you. Remember it's yours and your FH's day. And those that truly want to be there will do their best to do so.
  10. What have I learned from planning a destination wedding? I was reading a thread (http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t27511) and thinking it sounded so familiar. Why don't we start a thread of all our lessons learned from planning our DW's? I guess I'll start... The people you love the most, will be among those who hurt your feelings the most as you plan the "Big Day". It's those you least expect that will surprise you with their thoughtfulness and helpfulness.
  11. Beautiful photos, can't wait to read the reviews and see more photo's. Congratulations!
  12. Is your FI a saver or a spender? Mine's a spender to the core and doesn't think about consequences when he offers to do foolish crap like paying a ridiculous amount of money for something. He's the guy who says...and I quote, "Wedding budget, what's that? We spend what we spend." It's not until I generally sit him down and lay things out for him and say "so if we spend $XXXX on this and $XXXX on that and put $XXXX on our credit card to pay for what you want, yada yada, what are YOU giving up to allow us to do that?" Last week he was wanting to pay for one of our guests and I said hell no, do you have this new job that pays a lot more than you make now that you haven't told me about, because that puts us $1420 more in debt and a couple more payments away from even trying to have a baby.... he saw the light. It drives me bonkers being the practical one at times, but he does thank me for it. He seriously does not think about the trade-offs when it comes to spending money you don't have. Maybe your FI is like that as well. Sit him down, talk about how you agreed not to go in debt for the wedding and ask what he is willing to go without to pony up this extra money. Maybe then he'll be willing to talk to his folks about paying for at least part of their trips.
  13. What about going after a group rate if you are planning on that many? Although with group you usually need 10 to secure and only a short time to make the deposit. I have friends that got married at the Coral Marien in April. They're pics were nice. Also, there's the Bahia San Jaun and the Riu's in Puerto Plata.
  14. Lisa (Chiquita) - November 5, 2008 Lindsay (seaprincess) - January 28, 2009 Chantal (Chantal85) - January 30, 2009 Kate (kleslie5) - February 6, 2009 Shannon (Shay2679) - May 7, 2009 Sorcha (townie princess) - June 12, 2009 Heather (*Heather*) - October 22, 2009 Ana (Ana) - April 1, 2009 Michelle (shellb) - April 24, 2009
  15. I think for photography, there are a lot of options. It all depends on your preference and budget. For us, I fell in love with the style of Photosouvenir's photo's and we were willing to spend the extra. I know there is a thread in here someone posted with a list of DR photographers (let me do a quick search). One that comes to mind that is also very good is Juan Guzman: Juan Guzman-Wedding Photographer in Dominican Republic Here's one thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t7080 and another with a list on the second page: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t23295
  16. Hmmm, depends on exactly what you are looking for and your budget. I know for the Melia, alot of us choose it for the gazebo. I think the Royal Service beach is a little more private than at other resorts (but I can't say for sure). If you are getting married on the beach, be prepared for the onlookers and the fact you may end up with some topless lady or guy in a speedo in the background of your photos. The Melia resort is huge (used to be 2, now one mega) and the grounds are very pretty. Although I don't think any resort in the DR could not be beautiful. Every resort has something special about it that draws us to choose to get married there. For us, the gazebo, the gardens, price and the attempt to accommodate certain guests need to bring their children. The's a group on Facebook for Melia Caribe Tropical Brides. I also think there's one for Majestic as well. Maybe looking at some other peoples pics will help you decide.
  17. So is Nutritional Cleanse the name of the product? Maybe there are folks on here who have tried it and give you their firsthand experiences rather than what the company posts on their site. I tend to be a skeptic of these quick weight loss products or something that makes you lose more than 2-5 lbs a week other than balanced diet and exercise.
  18. I was just watching an infomercial wondering how well it worked. I tend never trust infomercials. It's nice to hear that real people (not paid actors) actually like the product.
  19. Welcome and congrats on you upcomming wedding! The search feature can help you find tons of info easily.
  20. Our guests got $118 per person for a combined cancellation and medical insurance. My FH and I paid $125 per person because we are staying in an upgraded room so there was a little more that had to be insured. I have never heard of $1 per day either. My question would be what does it cover.
  21. I found one on a clearance rack $20 at the Sears Clearance centre about 3 weeks ago. It's a halter style in a white cotton eyelet. You could try there.
  22. So sorry you've had to go through this. Be proud of yourself for choosing to end it. Not everyone has the strength to. No one deserves to be unhappy or live each day losing a bit more of their sense of self. It may seem tough now and you will second guess that decision you made more than once, but believe me with time it does get easier. Just remember why you made that decision in the first place and that you can not change someone no matter how hard you try. I think you should take that vacation, let your hair down, have some fun and rediscover who you are.
  23. Great write-up. Hope you have a wonderful wedding day! Thank you for sharing!
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