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Everything posted by dgsjsu

  1. Thank you maura for the link and info. I was also thinking about the price I know that a friends bridesmaids dress from Hjelm was approx 200, her's was no silk fabric though.
  2. I think that if you like it then you should go for it. You only get married once.
  3. Congratulations on your wedding. The pictures are gorgeous. I was wondering where you got the BM's dresses as well....or maura where did you find them? I love them they are great and awesome color.
  4. dgsjsu


    Congrats that is great that you joined to help your FI. Good luck.
  5. I really like Harrahs. It still is in the middle of the strip and easy to get to anything on the strip. I have also stayed at the Stratosphere and I think that it is such a long walk or a $10 dollar taxi cab ride. I have also stayed at the Imperial Palace, which is very inexpensive and still nice. My thought to Vegas get a decent location to stay at so you dont have to walk a long way in heels. Both the Harrah's and Imperial are okay, you dont need to have a plush place because you will probably not be in there the whole weekend all the time. Also I have heard the drive-thru Elvis is really fun....Have Fun. I love Vegas, we just got back.
  6. Thank you everyone for your responses. I really appreciate them. I have tried to give them the info but maybe I will wait until it gets closer. I think everything will be finished by then though. We are at 6.5 months left and everything is done except; vows and OOT bags(which will be done soon). I also gave a list of things to get done to my FI and he said that he will help with anything, at least I am making progress with someone. Thank you though everyone its so nice to have someone to vent to.
  7. So I am having a hard time and a lot of frustration. I have a wedding party of 6 people, 2 are my FI's sisters and others are my friends from college years. I dont know what it is but I feel as though they dont want to help at all. I dont know why this is and dont understand, if they didnt want to be a part of it then why did they say that they would be honored to do this. Maybe I am just becoming a bridezilla (hopefully not this soon I still have roughly 7 months). Anyone else having this problem? Also my FI doesnt seem to want to help at all in the planning.....I think he just feels that it is all going to get done what is the rush. Sorry to vent but feel like I have no one else to turn to at this point.
  8. Stephanie: I think that is it thank you. Jones: I will have to look, i have seen the large martini glasses there but I will have to see if they have the champagne ones. Thank you.
  9. I found a photo thanks to DestinBrideJen on the knot. Image of Large Glasses. - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  10. So I have seen several pictures of peoples weddings with large (huge) champagne glasses. I was trying to find a picture so I could add it but I didnt remember where I saw it now. Hopefully someone knows what I am talking about, if so do you know where you can get them. I think that they are totally great. Thanks in advance.
  11. Thank you for all the information. I am really glad that there are people that can answer all these questions that I have....Now I have to find someone to take the video.
  12. Here is my wedding dress. I love it so much and can not wait to wear it in 7 months. MaggieSottero.com - Dress Detail - Sonya
  13. Yes we did look at some of the pictures on the website and I do like what I saw. We are having our engagement pictures soon so I guess we will get to look at those and hopefully they will turn out fine. Thank you for your reply.
  14. I am very concerned because my photographer is somewhat new to doing photography and I am concerned that some of the ideal pictures that I want might not get taken. Do you think that it is rude or improper to send pictures to my photographer on pictures that I want her to take? Also does anyone know roughly how much a videographer would be just for approx 3 hours? I am debating on if I need one or not. Thank you in advance everyonbe.
  15. I am starting WW in Jan it is so hard to do it during the holidays. I would like to lose roughly 50 pounds. I am going to start going to the gym 3 times a week at first and doing ww fully. I am hoping that this will work for me. I have done it in the past and lost weight.
  16. Yes. It was at the SeaVenture. Great hotel we had a room over looking the water and with hot tub. It was wonderful.
  17. Heres how my dream proposal happened: Ted and I went to Pismo Beach for our anniversary. When we got to Pismo I thought that we were going to just wing it for our hotel accommodation's. I was wrong Ted surprised me with a gorgeous hotel room with a spa on the deck over looking the beach. The thing that was so sweet about this is that when I was a child I stayed there with my grandmother. I was so excited and happy but that was not all. We went for a walk on the beach that night and while walking Ted stopped and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him and I of course said YES! I couldn't have asked for anything better. I am so lucky to be marrying this man.
  18. dgsjsu

    Hello All...

    Thank you everyone...I have been checking out the invites part and have gotten great ideas.
  19. The STD's are amazing I was just playing around on the template that you put on there....how did you change the clip art? I am not very good at this but I thought I would give it a shot.
  20. dgsjsu

    Hello All...

    Hello my name is Amanda and I am getting married on 8/2/2008 in Monterey, CA. My fiance and I are both very excited for our upcoming wedding. If you have any good invitation ideas that is where we are stuck right now. Thank You and congrats to all of you too.
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