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Everything posted by Pazoop

  1. Nathaniel, they are amazing! So excited for January, and now it's just around the corner...
  2. So I am getting very nervous about traveling with my wedding dress. I've had my first fitting and although I love the raw silf taffeta fabric of my dress, it gets crinkled very easily...I don't think that just hanging it after traveling is going to get the creases out especially if I have to stick it in the overhead compartment on the airplane! Does anyone know of a place in PV where I can get my wedding dress professionally (and safely) steamed? Would the Dreams hotel offer this?
  3. I had the same problem -- I think I spent a million hours looking for wedding invitations online and another million hours looking in stores in person...I drove myself crazy. Then I finally Kenzie Kate. My camera is broken so I can't post pictures of my invites but they look pretty similar to the two below... She was really great to work with and super flexible! Also, FYI...she has a blog that she updates daily that I've become obsessed with -- great wedding related info -- you should check it out if you can! Something Old, Something New
  4. Hello everyone! I'm starting to put together my DIY pre-travel booklet and welcome letters and in the process have been searching for clip art...Well I stumbled across this website that has the most amazing clipart! It's almost overhwelming how much is there! Clipart ETC Site Map Good luck with your DIY projects, and I hope maybe this helps!
  5. Love it!!! Congratulations again! It looks like so much fun and it makes me so excited to think that mine is less than 3 months from now (OMG!). Thanks so much for sharing! I'm looking forward to reading your review and seeing the rest of the photos on Snapfish!
  6. Cattie -- it sounds like your doctor was just telling you to continue what you've been doing since it has already been working for you, but all medications that fall into the category of SSRI, SNRI, or MAOI (basically all the anti-depressants that also have anti-anxiety effects like Effexor, Zoloft, Cymbalta, Paxil, etc.) require you to maintain a therapuetic level of medication in your system -- i.e., you have to take it everday. That's part of the reason why they can take up to 4 week to fully work. I have been on Effexor in the past and also Cymbalta (another SNRI) and I would NEVER recommend that anyone start talking them for anxiety alone unless they had already tried to take the "As Needed" medications. The withdrawal from these medications is NASTY! Doctors will tell you that they are non-habit forming and while that might be technically correct, there are serious withdrawal symptoms that even tapering does not take care of. Dizziness, fogginess, lethargy, depersonalization, cold and flu-like symptoms, and the list goes on...it took me almost 6 weeks to feel "normal" again. Give my circumstances I have no regrets, but I would definitely use caution and have all the information BEFORE taking anything.
  7. Hey Tara -- Just wanted to add two things: 1. There are a lot of different types of anti-anxiety medications. Some are fast acting but have a short half-life which means they don't last as long, while others don't give you that instant "hit" of relaxation but last 8-12 hours. Klonopin (aka, clonazepam) is one that's longer acting/slow start whereas Xanax is fast acting/doesn't last as long. If you think you'll be relaxed once the ceremony is over, then maybe you'll just want the shorter acting one just to get you through the morning? 2. Everybody I know has had a different reaction to these medications so I would not suggest that you try it for the first time the day of or before your wedding. Try it ahead of time to see what happens. Sometimes even the lowest does of something like Ativan (0.5mg) is enough to knock a person out for a few hours. I know someone who splits their 0.5 mg pill into fourths because they're so sensitive to the effects of the medication. Do a trial run and then try to go about regular activities -- see how much it impacts your energy level so that you know in advance.
  8. So I just finally got my BM gifts which was one of the things that was weighing very heavily on me because up until today I had no clue what I was going to get them. I wanted to get everyone the same thing but with 6 people in my wedding party ranging from 13 (my niece) to 29 years old that was going to be a tall order....I got them all these Helen Ficalora charm necklaces with their initials on them. Here's a link to photos of them... Helen Ficalora J Charm - shopbop.com So slowly, slowly I will shrink this list over the next two weeks...I need to get cracking on welcome letters and the like though...but progress is progress, right?
  9. Thanks for posting the link to you blog photos! I was so excited to get to see Yari's pictures! I've been thinking about her and her wedding and looking forward to when she gets back from her honeymoon and lets everyone know how things went. From the looks of your fabulous photos (where she looks so beautiful and happy!!!) it looks like things went wonderfully!
  10. Tara, I love your planning thread! I will be on pins and needles to see photos of your bouquet -- I was thinking of doing circus roses and green cymbidiums but I love the variety and color of the flowers you've chosen! Everything else looks amazing! So excited for you! Thanks for sharing!
  11. Another January bride who hasn't checked-in in a while...I hadn't even thought of it in terms of days until reading this thread!!! Yikes! I was consoling myself thinking it was still 3 months and 4 days but now that the days are in the 90s...OMG!!! Here's where I'm at in terms of my to do list: -veil -lingerie for under wedding dress -matching ties for groomsmen -need BM/MOH gifts -welcome letters and week itinerary -welcome bag assembly (not doing typical "OOT bags" but having personalized travel candles, mints, and playing cards in each room along with local map) -order all of the above for welcome bags -play list for DJ -order fans, sparklers, maracas -favor tags -table cards and place cards -guestbook -programs -fing dress and shoes for rehearsal dinner -write vows -book hair and makeup trials All that and I still need to finalize details with my wedding coordinator. Luckily I'm not at all worried about the details when it comes to that because she's really easy to get in touch with and is totally on top of things but the rest of the list feels endless and is really stressing me out. I keep feeling like I'm forgetting a million things to boot! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who put things off for a little while but I still feel like I am especially far behind!
  12. Three days late now but it was Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend so I was away! Congratulations Yari -- I can't wait to see the pictures and hear all the details! Enjoy the honeymoon!
  13. I'm throwing my hat in the ring here with the rest of the orange brides! My colors are a orange (a deep/reddish orange) and yellow. We use lime green in some things to break it up a little since those colors make for such an intense palatte. Amarillis -- I love the aisle photo you posted with the birds of paradise!! I've wanted to do something with them but haven't been able to figure out what and i love the way that looks! Would it be posible to email me that photo? Also, anyone have an leads on where to get good "orange" color scheme ties for groomsmen? Now that summer has passed I'm afraid I missed the boat! Thanks!
  14. Yari, your wedding is so close! I would love to see pictures from Vista Grill after your rehearsal dinner! I have found them so great to coordinate with so far (super fast responses and really accomodating). Looking forward to pics from upcoming weddings!
  15. Hello LC Brides! It's been months (literally) since I've said hello -- a job change, being MOH in another wedding, a total computer crash, and many, many other things have contributed to that -- but I want to pop up and say hello! I've really not progressed as much as I wanted to on a lot of things for my own wedding which is now less than 4 months away (yikes!!!). I'm in the process of putting together a big email to Kelley to try and get a lot of my stuff in order. I have arranged to have a welcome dinner at the Dreams Hotel, a rehearsal dinner at Vista Grill, and we currently have 64 guests attending the wedding just based on the STDs we sent out. I still am sending out "official" invitations in another few weeks. That's all! Lots of things to read through and catch up on...and lots to do...hope everyone is well and that planning is going well too!
  16. We're going to stay with our guests at the Dreams PV for one extra night past our wedding night so that they don't feel abandoned (a lot of them are flying down from TO and will be staying for a full week) before taking off for 3 nights to Casa de Mita. It's an 8 room boutique style hotel that's between Nuevo Vallarta and Sayulita -- supposed to be fantastic. I haven't been in touch with them but my FI has and he says they've been amazing.
  17. Rebecca!!! I have been away for 6 weeks since a computer crash destroyed my home computer and all my wedding planning files along with it, and my work computer blocks BDW now but the first thing I did when I got on a friends computer today was try to find your wedding phoos and OMG OMG OMG OMG beautiful!!! I love them! You look gorgeous and the wedding looks incredible! Nathaniel, they are fantastic!!
  18. Oh, you all rock so much!!! Thank you! For making me feel better, and for all the great alternative suggestions! Especially sending them out before hand. I'm thinking it would be really nice to be send out a beach bag with the iron on (like Rebecca suggested - thanks Becks!), luggage tags, and a little Puerto Vallarta welcome book with information about the area and possible daytime activities, suggested packing list, etc. Then I can also have a welcome letter waiting for people in the rooms when they get there (and maybe some type of special treat/mini-gift - we're getting in two days ahead of everyone else so if we have time we can go last minute scouting!) My FI also suggested that maybe we get iron-ons for t-shirts and make everyone a matching T-Shirt once we got down there since there's a Walmart in PV where we could go purchase the T-Shirts themselves. I haven't tried it yet so I don't know how long it would take and if I'd go nuts! For those who've done it - is this realistic??
  19. It's come time for me to think about putting together OOT bags and I just can't seem to get started. I was trying to figure out why the other day when it dawned on me that I just don't really want to do them at all....ever! It's just that the idea of lugging over 25 sets of welcome bags filled with stuff (on top of everything else) down to Mexico with us is a horrifying prospect as far as logistics go and but paying the hotel to provide welcome bags is out of the question since their prices are just ridiculous for what they'll provide for our guests. So I'm wondering what people think -- with almost 60 people now booked to come to the wedding (and more still on the way) do I have to put together OOT bags? I've already had a few people tell me that it's my wedding and shoud do what I want but I am looking for some honest feedback. I do think it's important to have something in the guests' rooms for when they arrive but is it enough just to have a "welcome letter" and a single welcome gift? Like say a scented candle for the room? Or a koozie? Any other alternative suggestions?
  20. First - Congratulations! Second - The photos look amazing so far and I'm so glad to hear you all had such a great time! I am very excited to be having Nathaniel join us in Puerto Vallarta in January. I have been checking the blog almost daily to see if the rest of the photos are up so I'm looking forward to seeing more! You look happy and radiant and beautiful!
  21. Thank you so much for your feedback everyone! It's been a hectic last week or so because I am also in the throws of preparing for my best friend's wedding on August 9 (i'm her MOH) so as you can imagine, there's lots to do! I did manage to find time to go try on the Melissa Sweet dresses in person myself though, along with one of my bridesmaids and we loved them! All of them love! My sister was totally right, they look totally different in person! I sent the girls an email and told them that so long as the dress was made of the same satin crinkle-chiffon material and came in "sunshine" yellow than they were welcome to pick the style/cut they felt most comfortable in and they are all stoked! I think that gives them about 6 o 7 different options to chose from and i also don't mind if more than one person picks the same cut. I'm so excited! I'll post pictures of the dresses once the girls pick them! Thanks again!
  22. I LOVE SPANX! They have been a lifesaver for me under certain dresses that are clingy fabric (and with jeans and tighter shirts where you don't want any bulges over top!). They can definitely get hot so I'm thinking that if i need to wear them at all for the wedding it will be for pictures and the ceremony and then off they come! Some Spanx have a line down the middle that in very sheer fabrics (like certain wedding dresses) you'll be able to see and other more expensive pairs are totally seemless...just keep an eye out for what you're buying and what you need. Also, I find I am true to size based on the charts so go figure?!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by roo66 They are all pretty but i do prefer the blue one,you are right the back of the red one is fab.I think the cut of these will work with all body shapes.Its a tuff one.Which do you favor.If someone was giving them to you and you had only 2 seconds to decide,OR you could not have them which one would you go for. REMEMBER ONLY 2 SECONDS.WHICH ONE POPPED INTO YOUR HEAD? The thing is, that as BM dresses...the Coren Moore options are the first to pop into my head...but as for the dresses that are think I would rather be asked to wear if i wear the BM ...then the Melissa Sweet dresses are definitely the number 1 contender.... I like hearing the different opinions though and peoples reasons so please keep sharing...gives me more to weight.
  24. My sister -- aka maid of honor and fashionasta -- has been fabulous and has run around NYC trying on bridesmaid dresses this week. After reporting that almost everything looked "horrendous" and deciding that the wedding world was just flat out evil to BMs, she found two fabulous but decidely different options for BM dresses. I have 6 bridesmaids altogether but one is my 13 year old neice (who I just can't call a "junior" bridesmaid for fear of offending her for life). The rest of the girls are being amazing and while they've given me their opinions they've all said they are totally happy with whatever I choice...of course, their opinions all vary so it comes down to me and i just don't know!!! I'm letting them choice their style either way, so the choices are between the Coren Moore or the Melissa Sweet dresses (so either one of the two Coren Moore dresses or one of the three Melissa Sweet dresses all in matching color/fabrics). The things is that Coren Moore dresses are classic - very cute, sweet - would totally work and be gorgeous. But they are a little more formal. The Melissa Sweet dresses, according to my sister, look totally different on, and the chiffon is very pretty and flowy -- perfect for the beach. It's harder to envision it because the photos show them in all different colors (and one dress is even shown in two-tone when she tried it one as all one color). Option #1 is Coren Moore dresses (all in the yellow color shown first). The girls would be able to pick which of these two cuts they wanted, and all the dresses would come in Lemon tissue taffeta. I've added the link to the website cause the photos aren't very good. Strapless Sweetheart Dress in shantung or taffeta - Coren Moore Bridesmaids - Cocktail - Nolan Option #2 is Melissa Sweet. Again the girls will be able to pick which of these two cuts they want, and all the dresses would come in Sunshine yellow chiffon. This dress would be worn w/o the sash (and the back of it is fabulous) And this is the two-toned one I referred to -- my sister tried it on as all one color and said it looked fabulous. So what are the thoughts and opinions because I'm really torn and would love to hear pros/cons either way? My wedding party rocks but they are being very p.c. about sharing their feelings!
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