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Everything posted by JoLo908

  1. Awww! that is so nice! Animals remember!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Oh another thing she did was when we did something bad she would call the "Police Dept" and tell them to come over with the Lie Detector test. So, we would fess up because we didn't want the cops there.. One day around 12 I pressed redial when she left the room and lo and behold my Grandma answered LOL Haha! That is too funny! All of the mom's (about 6 of them) told my whole neighborhood growing up that if you were bad that a bus of nuns would come take you to the "parental home" where all of the bad kids went... they said it was a building across town, which we later learned was the Catholic girls High School!!! The kids on my street, who are now in their twenties, still give the moms a hard time about this!!!
  3. Okay, I have posted this so many times, but I think this is the most beautiful song... maybe not for father daughter dance, but DEFINITELY play it for your dad... Kendall Payne "Daddy"... so great
  4. Tammy I would want to bleach my whole house! But when you think about it, these are natural things, and they will be okay! (your animal children!) : )
  5. Haha! I did the same with my aunt! I didn't know my aunt, and her partner (my other aunt, they had the civil union ceremony, and I consider her just as much my aunt) were a couple! My parents told me they were best friends. And I always would tell my friends that it was so cool, they were best friends and they lived together and did everything together!! HAHA! I guess it is hard to explain things to kids, so you have to come up with something!
  6. Thanks Meagan... Yeah, I don't even know the whole name change process, all I know is one of my friends said it took a while because you have to change everything over ( I am a full time student too, and as most know, even having the same name is a nightmare! lol) But thank you so much for the info. We will have to set a legal date!
  7. This info is so helpful! We would like to do the legal day in NJ before and do the symbolic ceremony in Mexico, but... does it make a difference for your passport or traveling, airline tickets, customs, etc.... (If this is a stupid question please forgive me. But I didn't know if doing it beforehand would have any effect on this, or my credit card/passport/yada yada whatnot)
  8. JoLo908


    Good Luck and Welcome!!!
  9. We told our guests (finace's dad and stepmother) that if they stay off the resort they have to pay a guest pass fee. His brother and sister who would have stayed with them might get upset, because I am sure they are going to want to hang out with everyone at our resort, something to consider telling them... that if they wish to come another day, it is another pass.... stinks I know
  10. shot glasses! So easy to get, and great memories of places! Sometimes we take sand in a little glass bottle from places too...
  11. So sorry to hear that! Be positive, take a trip, have fun, and know you WILL be okay.
  12. JoLo908


    Welcome! You will love it here! Everyone is so helpful!
  13. Welcome to the forum! Great Resort!
  14. You will love the forum! It helps so much with everything! Happy planning!
  15. I thought 4pm too, leave time for pictures, dinner, party...
  16. MAC really does carry great products, and the primers are great to use before makeup, especially if you like to use mineral makeup (like myself)...My makeup artist/hairdresser is flying down to MExico with us, but she said the same thing about MAC... AND... two great eye shadows to purchase for a more natural look (browns) are naked lunch and cork. Cork for the lid and naked lunch for the highlighter... check it out when you are at the store!
  17. Okay, I can not listen to Ben Folds "The Luckiest" without crying... it describes how my fiance and I feel about each other... what a great song!
  18. Martha, I went away to DC for the weekend, came back and checked my e-mail, and was so excited to see the pictures!!! Haha, everyone is harassing you I know! But we are excited!
  19. We are debating having the honeymoon at Secrets Capri as well... It is on the list of places... great things on trip advisor, not that I should follow that, people complain a lot about random things...
  20. OMG, I didn't even think about having an MC... I guess we would do it our selves if we had to... I am quite animated lol... maybe I can be the bride AND direct people to do electric slide! I believe you have to be in Mexico four days previous to the wedding and have the blood test. We are going to legally get married at home as well because we want my finace's younger sister to be present and she can not come to Mexico... his mother might not be able to make it either, but we are being positive and hoping she will!
  21. OMG, I didn't even think about having an MC... I guess we would do it our selves if we had to... I am quite animated lol... maybe I can be the bride AND direct people to do electric slide! I believe you have to be in Mexico four days previous to the wedding and have the blood test. We are going to legally get married at home as well because we want my finace's younger sister to be present and she can not come to Mexico... his mother might not be able to make it either, but we are being positive and hoping she will!
  22. Yeah it's such a good idea...why not save money if you can!
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