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Everything posted by JoLo908

  1. If those people are so imporatant to you, which they should be, maybe you could have a small intimate ceremony at home. I know the destination wedding is wonderful, but having those you love and care about is as well. Best of luck, you are in my prayers. I have the student loans too... sucks...
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by harv0136 Are the extra tan tableclothes and chair ties included in the private receptions? I would assume that is something extra they brought? Does anyone know if they have the white chair covers for the reception? The cocktails are included if you go with the $46 theme dinner, correct? Do they charge you more for drinks if you have a dj after dinner outside? Thanks! Yes, I would also like to know about the chair covers if they are included with the dinner (I hope they are) but why would Jazmin show the picture of all of that with the setup with the extras like chair covers? If anyone knows anything about this, please let me know as well!
  3. I have used BE for a while, and no breakouts or bad skin... It looks great on you, and your face should be pailer than the rest of you... not by a million shades, but a little bit... they say you should test the foundation on the inside of your arm...The only thing about bare minerals is it can get shiny after a while because of some kind of mineral in it that makes it a bit shimmery. I switched to MAC's mineral foundation which lasts, does not make you shiny like BE, and is totally wonderful. Apply is after a generous application of moisturizer all over your face... it holds your makeup on, helps even it out. Alwayssss moisturize!! The MAC one is awesome, if you do not like the big pore/shinyness, try the MAC... (I am a makeup nut, I got to a lot of seminars for MAC and other cosmetics companies to learn the tricks and screts to making things look good and stay.)
  4. Oh man,,, hang in there! I know how you feel, but just focus on what you can do, and the rest will fall in to place. That is just a good way to put your mind at ease. PS. your sisters boyfriend sounds like a untactful flake! So be careful whatever you do! YOU are the smart one for being cautious! And I feel the same way... I asked best man for a picture of himself for our website about a month ago, repeatedly ask him... for a dumb pic!!! Still haven't gotten it.... you feel like saying, c'mon people, not asking for a kidney or anything!!!
  5. Congrats! You are so lucky, what a good move to make, good luck, and don't stress!!!!
  6. Congrats! You are so lucky, what a good move to make, good luck, and don't stress!!!!
  7. I just checked out your website! It is great, you worded everyhthing so well, I need to take a little advice from you!!!
  8. We are doing this as well to make things easier and not have to make the trip longer before hand...
  9. Are you leaving from Newark?? If you want a cruise, the cruise port in Bayonne NJ does trips during Jan. You wouldn't have to pay for flight... we thought about doing this as well...
  10. That is a funny one!!! Have to watch what you say to kids!
  11. Definitely do the U... then use the middle for any activity (?) you want to do, speech, announcement, thank you yada yada...
  12. Ha! Drag shows are the best!!! So much fun! What a great idea!!!
  13. Welcome! I am a Joanna also! Have so much fun planning and enjoy the forum!
  14. Wow, those look awesome... I wish I could have pulled that off, boarding passes would have looked cool... Mine would have been done w/ crayola crayons! lol
  15. Or have him get ready first, and then he can go grab a cocktail or something while you get ready... might be easy as that!
  16. That's so awesome!!! You will have such a good time!
  17. Oh Jenn, I said the same thing, in tears... but you have to ultimately do what makes you happy... you only live once, and you are lucky enough to find true love... follow your heart, at the end of it all, it is your day.... PS. This might not be the nicest thing, but I tell people, the only two people who need to be present are my fiance and I... even though I would like people to be there, the ones who are excited for us and to be there... don't worry! It will come together!!!
  18. We are using Claudia as well. I think they said you can use travelers checks or paypal, and if you use paypal there is a 4% service charge or something, I forget the exact amount...Please let me know if you find out anything!!!
  19. OMG... I hadn't head this and read your post... I can not believe it... It's so sad...
  20. It can seem like a bit much, but in the end it seems worth it, God forbid you should ever need it ya know?
  21. I am getting the impression that everyone has oner or more people objecting to their choice for a destination wedding. But at the end of the day, it is the choice of the two of you. You should take her out to dinner maybe, and have your fiance share his feelings as well. So you are ALL on the same page... Good luck girl, I am keeping you in my prayers! With all that is going on in your life, you don't need the extra stress!!!
  22. Have fun! This is going to sound crazy, but I never thought of having it Mexican themed, even though we are getting married in Mexico! LOL Have fun!
  23. It seems to be popular in New Jersey, or getting more popular... and it is totally affordable and precise.
  24. I guess we don't know if we can handle it (having a small family in a big home) until you have to! My fiance and his twin brother and sister had to share a bedroom growing up that was the size of most walk in closets! He says it made them much closer. I am sure the Goslins will be close as well!
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