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Everything posted by JoLo908

  1. JoLo908


    Welcome to the forum! They all sound great!
  2. Hahaha! I was scared you were going to say you got hurt! But that is a great story!!
  3. Hi and welcome to the forum!
  4. I wish I knew about Tammy earlier! I think the forum is great and will be sure to recommend you to people!!!
  5. Yeah, I actually like how the food tastes... It is just hard to not eat out... I am bad with that...
  6. OMG, I am going to have a sweaty wet back in the pics! LOLOL.... Same with Hank! ahahaha
  7. I am so excited for it to open!!! Get a few months of working out there before our wedding!
  8. Yeah, I do go out to eat a lot, and out in general which has made it tough... but it does teach you good portion control... and that is a big help!!!
  9. Okay, so I started Jenny Craig this summer... and I like the food a lot and the plan. I was just wondering if there are any other B2B's doing this as well... I am like the worst dieter, and this seems to work for me. Anyone else??
  10. They are building a Lifetime Fitness Club Onyx level about two towns over and we decided to join. It looks AMAZING! It has an indoor and outdoor pool, basketball courts, huge gym, free classes... Does anyone else belong? What do you think??
  11. I want to look in to these as well! Sometimes it is hard to get to the gym and having a workout at home would be perfect!
  12. Haha, my mom keeps joking that she is going to get me a gift certificate for this lol...
  13. My brother had to set four alarms to make sure he wakes up... I would say place a few alarms all over... so you have to get up and turn them ALL off...
  14. Plenty of people do not have kids at receptions... this is totally okay and not rude at all...
  15. My finance's aunt has been doing it for a few months, and she loves it. She said there are certain items you can stock up on, and some things you can even get for free... you also can not be a slave to name brands. If you are trying to save money, this is a great way to go. And in general, keep a coupon accordion folder ad cut the coupons each week... really not a bad way to save money.... Also, my fiance and I switched all of our lightbulbs for energy saving ones... they are more expensive, but they save you money in the long run, and they are really good for the environment... good luck with the grocery game! I heard there is also a site called "coupon mom" or something...
  16. Awww, April... I was thinking about you and hoping you were doing well with your wedding situation. I am so sorry to hear about your father... I think it would be beautiful to spread his ashes in Mexico, maybe you can even light a candle for him at your ceremony... just something to remind you too that life is precious, and you are so lucky to have found true love... I pray for you, your father, and your happiness...
  17. It is hard picking a TA... I had some stress too... I would say go to a few different ones (or call) and get rates/group rates. They should be able to help you out. Don't worry though... three weeks is way too long to not get back to you...
  18. OMG, Martha, here I am again... we are having our wedding June 27 with poolside reception. Are people going to melt from the heat? LOL... Or is it breezy at all in the evening? I don't want our guests to be fainting!
  19. I believe we are just doing the religious ceremony... actually, I am like 99.9% sure that's what we are doing (everything blends in to one!) Do you think they are included with the ceremony for ours? And where did you get them? I really like them... Poor Martha, I am bombarding you!
  20. Welcome! I don't know too many non AI's because it seems more affordable to stay at an AI. We went to St. Thomas and didn't do an All Inclusive and spent over $1000 on food for 6 days...But good luck! And I am sure at other locations it is more afforable than the VI! Especially Mexico!
  21. Yeah, I told my fiance we need to come up with a stupid million dollar idea... like FAST! haha that is too funny...
  22. Welcome Michelle and good luck planning!
  23. Congrats and good luck with the planning! Welcome to the forum!
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