Ughhh, I feel like all I have been doing is venting lately... but this stinks, and I am REALLY trying to stay positive (I really am). I was in the hospital the other day because my muscles feel very bruised, different parts of my body are swelling, and my entire body itches all over 24/7... The doctor made me go to the hospital because my lips and throat began to swell... Well, I thought it was getting better, but I woke up this morning so itchy, my top lip makes Angelina Jolie's look really small, and I have hives all over my face...
And I was outside for three minutes the other night (yes night 9pm) and a bee stung e on the boob...
And my engagement party is in three hours...
I know this is not nearly the worst thing in the world,or even near it, so I do not mean to sound like a Debbie downer... I am blessed for everything and that My wonderful fiance and I have this wonderful family to throw us this party... but I feel so horrible... I am o itchy and swollen, I don't even want to leave my apartment, never mind go to a party in our part, they said this uncommon virus takes 3-6 weeks to go away... I just want to stop itching!