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Everything posted by JoLo908

  1. I am on Prednisone (a steroid) and two other pills... they say they have no idea why it began... It is just so painful, and i have to try to put on a smile when I just wanna cry...
  2. Martha, I have been keeping you in my prayers and I hope you, hubby, and Noah are all okay! My family must think I am crazy, because we were talking about the hurricane and I keep on saying "I hope Martha is okay!"... I want to know if there is any relief effort, the news keep showing really bad damage and power outages...If anyone knows of anything we can do, please let us know!
  3. Ughhh, I feel like all I have been doing is venting lately... but this stinks, and I am REALLY trying to stay positive (I really am). I was in the hospital the other day because my muscles feel very bruised, different parts of my body are swelling, and my entire body itches all over 24/7... The doctor made me go to the hospital because my lips and throat began to swell... Well, I thought it was getting better, but I woke up this morning so itchy, my top lip makes Angelina Jolie's look really small, and I have hives all over my face... And I was outside for three minutes the other night (yes night 9pm) and a bee stung e on the boob... And my engagement party is in three hours... WTF?! I know this is not nearly the worst thing in the world,or even near it, so I do not mean to sound like a Debbie downer... I am blessed for everything and that My wonderful fiance and I have this wonderful family to throw us this party... but I feel so horrible... I am o itchy and swollen, I don't even want to leave my apartment, never mind go to a party in our honor...best part, they said this uncommon virus takes 3-6 weeks to go away... I just want to stop itching!
  4. I like it too... i was in the hospital this week and then stayed at my mom and dad's since fiance was at work, so I went off the ball... but I think it's great!
  5. Hello and welcome to the forum!!
  6. JoLo908


    Welcome to the forum!
  7. Haha, I went to read down further and you didn't post it yet... lol...
  8. Welcome to the forum! You can find a lot of great advice here for hair and make-up!
  9. One of my best friends is there right now at the memorial at ground zero for her father. Every year it is an upsetting day. I was in my senior year of highschool, and since most of the kids in our school had parents who worked in the city, they would not tell us anything. So, I cut school and went home to watch TV, and then returned to get my friends and tell them what was going on. It was so terrible, and still is.
  10. He HAS to understand why you are upset! What a slime ball dad! I think the rough part is going to be seeing his dad at the wedding... best of luck... but don't worry, if you love Stu and trust him, and it really sounds like he is the same if he told you the truth about this whole thing, then don't worry... but JEEZ!
  11. Okay... I am a singer, and I thought an awesome thing to do would be to record a song to walk down the aisle to. I figured I would go in to the studio for a few hours with a friend who composes and plays the piano (she is absolutely amazing) and lay down a song. I think my fiance would really like this since he loves when I sing. Now... I was debating on writing an original song for him, or covering a song. Pros and cons. With the original, he would like it, but I think he might be too caught up in the happenings to really listen to it and the lyrics... with the cover... he loves when I sing songs by Heart and Whitney Houston, but we always listen to the song "Love of a Lifetime" by firehouse. I thought it might be awesome to do a slow version of this song, just my voice, and the piano. The words are great, and the tune is really pretty. I just wanted to get some feedback and opinions from some of you ladies! Thank you so much in advance!!!
  12. JoLo908

    Newbie too

    Welcome to the forum!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan one man's tacky is another man's good time OMG, I want to get a T-shirt with this on it... just for fun...lol!
  14. I think things are just rougher everywhere... at my FI's job (auto industry) they had to cut a lot of commissions and overtime due to slowing sales. And we are renters right now... and it is so expensive! I agree it is difficult to save money. I just feel bad for all of the families who are tightening their budgets as much as possible, and work so hard, and still cannot get by... my heart goes out to them...
  15. Omg, I am totally laughing out loud right now! that cheered me up after a crazy day!
  16. I looked in to this resort! Congrats and I am so glad you had a great experience!
  17. Kim, I am so sorry to hear about your situation right now. Just know that you are allowed to be upset and grieve, and I am sure your aunt would want you to celebrate her life as well. There is nothing to make these times easy, but I am praying for you to be strong. If you ever need anything at all or just to talk to someone, PM me and I always have my phone on...
  18. What a wonderful accomplishment... be proud of yourself and all the women who devoted their time, energy, and funds... Kudos to you!
  19. We just went to visit friends in DC, and they live in Georgetown right off of M Street, ( like heart of shopping, bars, restaurants) and we LOVED it! The area has so much character, great to walk around too. I have also heard Adams Morgan is the place to be for bars and such, but Georgetown was awesome... best of luck!
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