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Everything posted by JoLo908

  1. If we have a boy ( in the farrr future) we have to name him after FI because he is the fifth... that means that our sons name would be followed by the sixth. Although I would love to pick a name for a son, I believe it is very important to FI and his family to carry on this name if we can. Oh well!!
  2. We are having Claudia do our wedding, and I wanted TTD pics too, but I didn't even see anything mentioned about it on her website or anything... I still really want them, but I am guessing we will not be able to because it would cost a lot the following day... I guess we would have to see how things go...
  3. I was under the impression that if you wanted music during dinner, that you would have to pay the DJ... from what her e-mails said.
  4. I am definitely going to have to check it out. The more and more we talk now, esp. with the job situation, we think it is the smart thing to start a life somewhere different, that we both really like.
  5. Ahhh! Was it not the best thing ever! We loved it, such a throw back!!!
  6. Okay, this is completely random as well, but a friend of mine said Charleston SC is awesome... I have never been there... but when we were talking about NC she mentioned checking out Charleston...any opinions?
  7. Thanks everyone about FI and his job... not the worst that can happen, but still definitely sucks... and Debra, I really would like to go down and visit, I think that is a good idea...
  8. Does anyone know if it is nice in Charlotte NC? And what the job market is like? I am curious, after doing some research...
  9. JoLo908


    Hey! Welcome officially to the forum!!!
  10. Niceee! I will keep my fingers crossed! What a sweet looking house!
  11. $90 for adults... I forget what it is for kids... we were told you pay the same thing for dinners as the other guests...
  12. Okay, not only do they do the old songs, they do the old dance moves! ( For all the other dorks like me who saw them in concert back in the day, and had the tour videos!lol)
  13. They did almost all of their old popular songs... so good! I would try e-bay to get a shirt. You are going to have so much fun!!!
  14. Just got back from the New Kids concert, and for any of you who are going to go (I saw posts about it) it was amazing! They were just as good, if not better, than they were when I went 19 years ago. They did a lot of great new songs, and did all the old favorites. And Jordan can still hit ALL those high notes perfectly. It was just such a great time, and all of my friends had an amazing time as well!
  15. One of my friends is a hairdresser/makeup artist for weddings, so I told her I would pay her airfare if she would do all the hair and makeup for our wedding, and she was allll about it! So, that will work out well!
  16. I am finishing my degree now, and am going to become a teacher. So, I am not working as one yet. But this really makes me want to move now. Once I am done, we are going to start getting ready to gather a big down payment, and then move further south. This whole thing has really made us realize why can't we? We totally can. I guess you have to see things as opportunity.
  17. Okay... so, a few minutes after I wrote my last post, FI told me I needed to sit down cause he needed to tell me something... he got laid off today, and we are moving to a new freaking apartment in one week! This is so untimely, I am in school full time and work part time, and he got royally screwed by his job (they are in for a rude awakening tomorrow when they realize he was picking up ALL of the slack for the manager above him who does not know how to do the basic things like invoices... ROYALLY screwed)... I cried, and was upset and a little frightened... but I made him put on his jeans and go out for a drink... to celebrate new opportunities... this sucks, don't get me wrong. The next few months are going to be rough, but we have eachother, and that is the important thing. So... this has been a crazy day...
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Tara I've always liked Gage for a little boy, but Fi hates it for 2 reasons... 1) Gage is the little boy in pet cemetery who murdered his mother (morbid, but I liked the name before I read the book) 2) Gage is also apparently the name of a female porn star. I also love Lola for a little girl and Fi always bursts into "was a showgirl!" Various other name that I've liked he has hated so when we do have kids, I can only imagine the name drama. Maybe we'll just pull one out of a hat. HAHA! As soon as I read Gage, I thought of the kid from pet cemetery! How random! Then I read on to see you wrote that... why do we just associate that name with that movie? I don't think we all think of say, The Shining, when you hear the name Johnny lol...
  19. My brother and I fight and argue a lot, but he gave me really great advice once, and I believe it is good to take... you need to meet your partner (girlfriend,boyfriend, friend) half way. When you meet half way on situations, it means both of you are putting in the same amount of effort, you want for the same things. I wish you luck, long distance relationships can totally be done, I had one of my friends from college last four years... so, be strong! Meet half way!
  20. Yeah, the more we think about it, the more enticing it seems. I even spoke to my parents about it and they said they would be excited to come visit a lot (that's how they are, which is a good thing.) I have an attachment to Jersey too, but I think my mom put it best... FI and I have to build our own life together and make it what we want, not what we feel like is the thing to continue doing... if that made any sense! I just think there would be many benefits to moving somewhere different... and I don't mean any of this in a "the grass is always greener" way... I just think the grass is different in different places!
  21. Hi Sarah! Welcome to the forum!
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