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Everything posted by JoLo908

  1. Definitely be completely comfortable with you Doctor.... and don't be afraid to say" Hey I am not leaving, I have questions and concerned, and as far as I know, I am paying a lot of money to be here right now." Let them know you are concerned... you have every right to know what is going on with your body.... Another thing a Dr. friend of mine said.... it is YOUR body... when a Dr. tells you something is "minor surgery", it may be minor to him/her, but it is major to you because it is happening to your body... I had to switch my Doctor because I can't even use a good word to describe the guy I had, I felt the same way... He and his father ran the "business", and were not only OBGYNs, but also ran a cosmetic surgery center out of the same place. So, you have to wait forever to get an appt... well, I finally got in there, got an appt. a month after I called (I was having pain, and got nervous, I am not a freaking Doctor, get me an appointment!) So, I am in the waiting room for an hour and a half, and have class in like 45 min... and they start calling all these people who got there after me! I went up to the desk and they were like, "oh, you have an appt.? (even though I had checked in at the desk). THEN, when I said I had been waiting forever and had to leave, they offered to give me another appointment over a month away! WTF?! I flipped out... Some Doctors just plain suck... like the one i went to... Call them, or walk in there, and be like, okay, here are a list of things I need to be addressed... and go for it... Martha, doesn't it stink that to get normal answers you almost have to be pushy about it Things should not be this way! Frustrating!
  2. I love your pics! I am so happy that you are doing well!
  3. We did! We met on e-harmony... and it is true!!! Everything they say! Everyone always sings us the theme song... This will be an everlasting love lol.... I recommend it to all single friends that are looking to meet someone... if you never try, you never know!!!
  4. Isn't that great when people hold things over your head? Like I helped you out, well, if it were such a burden and you are going to bring it up all the time to make us feel guilty(Grandma), then don't do it! As for the DJ, have fun with the people who are coming! You could have 5 people and have a great time! Don't worry, you guys will be getting married and be happy... things will work out!
  5. What beautiful pictures! You look gorgeous and your dress was so flattering! Congrats!
  6. Hahaha... I know... I get delerious on here avoiding working on my schoolwork... I totally feel you, pass me a glass lol
  7. Welcome to the forum!!!
  8. Hey Tammy, I had posted before a good way to get disounts... if you are ordering from the internet, a lot of times you can get promo codes... go to google and type in "promotion code" or coupon code/ pottery barn" and things should come up... try them... I am going to check it out right now and see if it works...yup it does! try to find the best ones, or ones that work, make a list... this works for manyyy stores... I have saved a lot of money doing this! Let me know how it goes!
  9. Why don't you do a dance with him, and a dance with your mom... my friend did that, and it was a reallly nice touch...it is your wedding, you can do whatever makes you happy!
  10. Girl they are gorgeous and you look so beautiful! What nice pictures!
  11. OMG you look so good in that dress, like it is made for you!!!
  12. Wow, they actually have cute stuff, not like my grandma-esque bras! LOL
  13. It's so good to hear you are doing well! We are all rooting for you and a good, healthy recovery!
  14. I know, poor Alanis... I guess it will give her some good material to work with to write songs, but I am happy for the couple!
  15. I am sorry to hear what happened... Sometimes when people are in these crummy relationships with not so good people, they do not realize what they are doing, they are caught up in their own stuff... I would tell your sister privately how you feel and that you were hurt... that if it were the other way around you would have never pulled a move like that...
  16. Hi Jamie and welcome to the forum!
  17. Haha, I can't even imagine right now. I have my mom, dad, brother, and his girlfriend on the same flight as FI and I, and I am thinking that maybe if we have extra stuff we can make one of them take an extra bag on board (and of corse we would pay for it)... I am bad at packing normally, but for my wedding! Good luck girl!
  18. I am assuming we can do plain white tablecloths as well? I like the colors though, they are pretty!
  19. I am for El Dorado Royal Honeymoon casitas!!! That is where we are staying!!!
  20. I am so happy for you! Best of luck and have fun!
  21. Welcome and congrats! They all sound amazing... check out Sandals St. Lucia...
  22. Be thankful! My boobs are huge, I need support! LOL... I think small chests look nice too, you are lucky you can wear a lot of things big boob monsters like myself can not get away with! Hold your head high!!!lol
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