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Everything posted by JoLo908

  1. I feel you... FI got laid off three weeks ago, and some people are trying to not spend a lot and attending a destination wedding is just not in their budget... Bad timing right?
  2. I saw this at David's Bridal... The consultant told me they only show the back in magazines because the front is pretty low cut, which it is... I mean, I guess if someone has a small chest it would look ok, but it is still very low cute for a wedding dress.... Sucks, because it is so pretty, especially the lace up back! Good luck, but make sure you get to try this on before buying...
  3. Okay, I sent the e-mails, and I think the one to Carrie failed twice, I don't know why. JKCZ0702, I will send the e-mail to you as well... FYI, a lot of the pics of people with bouquets are like super early 90s... My friend said, what the heck?!?! Kinda funny though...
  4. So I received the pics of the bouquets and arches (thanks ladies!)... Does anyone know if it would be possible to get the arch flowers to match the bouquet, etc.? I am assuming this would be okay, but I wanted to make sure.
  5. I actually received this book from the woman I babysit for when Hank and I got engaged. She and her husband, had both been divorced, said that they thought this book was so valuable to anyone getting ready to get married. She made me promise to read it before our wedding day which I will ( I am in college, all I do is read). They give it as a gift to any of their friends that are getting married. For them to feel so strongly about it, and they are great people, it must be a great book.
  6. Hank and I talked on the phone for almost three to four hours every night for three weeks before we officially met... (We met on eharmony)... We finally met on a Sunday, and ended up hanging out every night after he got off of work that week until Saturday, because he had to go to Boston for work. It was so weird not spending our time together after spending all of our free time together for a week... When he came back, he came over to give me the "presents" he had bought me. He got me a shot glass because he remembered I told him I collect them, perfume because he knew I had a crazy thing for all different perfumes, and a Boston piggy bank because I had told him I had been bad with my finances and was trying to get better... I was really touched that he did all this, and we discussed how we missed each other the two days he was away!! I jokingly said "You looooooove me" and He said "Yes I do. I love you." It was really weird, because we did not know each other long at all, but it was not weird at all at the same time. It felt right. We knew from the start that this was something special.... A few days before we met in person, Hank told me "I think this is a good start to a really great thing"... boy was he right!
  7. I don't know too much about Depo, but I think that you will be okay.. If if were really bad for you, then there wouldn't be so many women on it. I have also heard from friends that it takes a while to get your period after you go off of it. I think if you are wanting to try to get pregnant within the next year, maybe you shouldn't get the shot again? Let your body adjust to not having the birth control... better yet... sit down with your doc and have a lonnng talk and tell them your concerns, and all of your questions!!! That is the best way right?? Good luck!! You will be fine!
  8. Haha, you guys are so right... I don't want to totally stress and have a fit if I can't get in to it... and I guess if they can take it in two sizes, that would be awesome, but it would be a miracle of God if I got lower than that... SO I think this is a good idea as well... can we say fickle? lol
  9. Well, I went with my MOH today to try on the dress... it fit perfectly right now... They said maybe I should order a size down because they could always take it in, or let it out an inch on each side... So, I am thinking that is a good idea... I am just afraid if I get the one that fits perfect now, if I lose 20-25 pounds (which is very possible), they might not be able to take it in a lot and I will have to get another dress... They said if I get a size down, that they can let it out one size, or take it in up to two sizes, so... I am thinking go with the one a size too small...
  10. Okay, I want to purchase my dress from David's Birdal, and I want to lose weight. They said, and everyone else I talk to, to order the dress ASAP. My wedding is Jun 27. If I were to lose 30 pounds (that would be awesome), could they alter it to make it that much smaller? Or should I buy the dress smaller?? I really do not know what to do... Any advice??
  11. Haha, gotta love that SPANX hole in the crotch... it can be a life saver!
  12. Okay, this sucks... and this may sound crazy... tell the WC that you want security, or a security gard to be present at the ceremony or whatnot, and that this is occuring... maybe they can keep this crazy girl out... Plus, I am sure that your fam/friends know who she is and will keep her from being crazy... If she attempts ANYTHING she will be making an ass out of herself in front of all of these people!
  13. 1kpaine that's really good to know... I am going to have to ask about that. I would rather have an arch than the table, so we will see what happens!
  14. Welcome!!! Same wedding date as us!!!
  15. It's your day lady! Tell them that they should take their advice, nd not have a DW when they have to choose, if they do... but you guys chose this and last time you checked, you two are the ones tying the knot... not Aunt Sally...the best one I heard was "Well, I can't even count on my hands how many tropical storms there are down there" lol.... DO YOUR THING!!! Be happy!
  16. I am so sorry you are going through this... It sucks so bad... bottom line is no matter how hard you work, many companies just feel that people are disposable... like, you are gone, we will replace you and pay that person less... It doesn't mean we shouldn't work hard to achieve goals, but it just stinks that this is the way it feels... You will be okay though, I promise... going through a similar situation, I know that in some way, things will find a way of working themselves out. My prayers and hopes are with you. You sound like a hard worker, you will find another job, don't worry.
  17. Yay Yari! Have a fabulous timeee!
  18. So sorry to hear what is happening to you... this is a hard time for everyone. FI just got laid off and I am a full time student that works part time... no severence, no warning, just today was your last day after seven years.... WTF?! Good luck, be positive, and you will find another job. Don't worry!!! We keep saying, things can always be worse, try to find the good in these crazy situations!
  19. Royfa, did you order real touch flowers? I didn't see the pictures of the flowers from the resort, so I am wondering if I should get real touch flowers as well. Does anyone have the flower pics from Jazmin
  20. Haha, the whole foot thing is stressful! Just make sure he rests up and does what the doctor says!! I am sure it will get better sooner than later... I had a virus and they told me it would take 3-6 weeks to go away, and it only took a little over a week... positive attitude equals positive recovery! And don't worry, the wedding will go smoothly... Sounds like everyone has a hard time getting in touch with Jazmin!!
  21. Sooo, Royfa and RyanAmanda's weddings are coming up really soon!!! Are you guys all ready? Getting some last minute things together?? Must be fun!
  22. I am so sorry for your loss. It is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel in a situation like this but you will b strong... My prayers are with you and your family, and you have the thoughts and prayers of everyone here. Please be strong.
  23. Totally stand up for yourself and your baby... Noah is your baby, not the Doc's, so he is not taking it as seriously as you are... Don't worry, things will be okay, but they should listen to your concerns...
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