Hank and I talked on the phone for almost three to four hours every night for three weeks before we officially met... (We met on eharmony)... We finally met on a Sunday, and ended up hanging out every night after he got off of work that week until Saturday, because he had to go to Boston for work. It was so weird not spending our time together after spending all of our free time together for a week... When he came back, he came over to give me the "presents" he had bought me. He got me a shot glass because he remembered I told him I collect them, perfume because he knew I had a crazy thing for all different perfumes, and a Boston piggy bank because I had told him I had been bad with my finances and was trying to get better... I was really touched that he did all this, and we discussed how we missed each other the two days he was away!! I jokingly said "You looooooove me" and He said "Yes I do. I love you." It was really weird, because we did not know each other long at all, but it was not weird at all at the same time. It felt right. We knew from the start that this was something special....
A few days before we met in person, Hank told me "I think this is a good start to a really great thing"... boy was he right!