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Everything posted by JoLo908

  1. JoLo908


    Welcome and good luck planning!!
  2. Awww!!! He is so freaking cute!!! Congrats!!
  3. GET A MAC!!! I had never used one until I got mine, and it is THE BEST!!! So easy to use... I love it!!!
  4. It is difficult not to think about the financial strain... but my friend, who is becoming a florist, said, people are always going to be getting married, and always have funerals, and always have Bar Mitzvah's, etc... so, don't feel too guilty... you still want to enjoy your day and your life.... it does make it difficult though when every time you turn on the TV they are talking about the stock market plummeting again...
  5. Something to write in the baby book as a "crazy memory"! Good luck with everything!!
  6. I love how I saw this thread listed and I was more excited to look at it than any others... LOL So sad, and funny too
  7. I bought this too! I love it!, gives you an airbrushed look, but I need to return it and get a shade darker...
  8. Girl, I feel you...I am so sorry to hear your situation. if I were you, this may sound harsh, but your very good friends who said they were coming, tell them straight up that you thought it wasn't "kosher" for them to tell you they were coming, so excited, and then break the news in an RSVP... and the whole sending a check via RSVP is a little tacky. But you know what? You and your fiance are the important ones, the ones who HAVE to be there. And I understand the whole thing too, one of my best friends is a florist and has over $40k in student loans (thought she wanted to be a teacher but did what made her happy) and she cried to me about how she is doing everything in her power to make it, which I love her and appreciate her telling me all this... but then on the other hand, certain nameless important guests who have lots of money, and who we never ask anything of, gave us lots of greif... Bottom line... it's okay to feel bad, but know that some of them, I am sure, really did try to make it... the others with the lame excuses (I have 3 other vacations planned), don't let it worry you... At the end of the day, the two people who matter will be there, and will have a lovely wedding!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 Does anyone have the basement picts in case it rains and we are not able to get the disco for our reception? Hey... it is not going to rain.... keep saying it... and thinking it!!! But I would like to see the pics too!
  10. This is so sad.. They don't seem to be giving much in details... but what a terrible tragedy to deal with... My heart goes out to her!
  11. Yeah, I didn't even think about if it rains... I think it would suck! But I don't know what their backup plan is!
  12. Martha is going to have her baby Noah very soon, so, I thought it would be nice for us to wish her good luck! Good luck Martha! My prayers are with you, and everything will be fine!!!
  13. Hey Martha... I have never been pregnant or have had a C-section (duh) but my mom told me something I always remembered, she had two of them. She said the biggest difference for her from the first on to the second, was with the first one she was in pain after and didn't move a lot... She said with the second one she was up and moving very shortly after, which made the healing easier... good luck with everything!!!
  14. Hi this happened to me at David's too! I am no skinny minny, and my dress was hanging open in the back, while there were size 2 girls floating around... Don't worry though, go to a different Davids or try on a different size... My MOH and I went and were kinda silly putting on fur throws and funny things, dancing... you don't have to be a tiny girl! It is frustrating though that in the larger sizes there were only a few decent styles available.
  15. JoLo908


    Congrats and welcome!
  16. I want to use the song "Daddy's Little Girl" because when I was little, every night before bed my dad would sing it, and if he wasn't there to sing it, I would cry!!! The song still makes me cry!
  17. Okay, this may seem random,,, or maybe not... is there a place at GBP Tulum, or do they steam your wedding gown? I bought mine the other day, and this thought came in to my head while watching the infomercial for my little steamer (while procrastnating not getting a paper done!) So... they must have somewhere right? Does anyone know the answer to this? And do the plastic garment bags help avoid wrinkles?? AND one more question... We are flying continental... Anyone know if they will let me put the dress in the first class closet?? I just started thinking about all of these things...
  18. I obviously have not experiences this, because we are not married yet, but I try to think this way in terms of a lot of things... There are always things to look forward to. Your life together, if you plan to have kids, travel somewhere, buy a house, a lot of different things. Plus, you are a newlywed! Don't worry, you will be okay!!
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