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Everything posted by JoLo908

  1. Wow, it looks great!!! And really comfortable!!! (For hot weather)... love it!
  2. I am like forcing (in a nice way) my mom, brother, and dad to take some of our stuff... I'm so nice, right? But I am sure they will be willing to help, and so will your friends!
  3. Slap her! Okay, maybe not... but, seriously... sit her down, and confront her on being so rude... she needs to be called out, but do it in a calm way...
  4. Why are we all addicted to this show!!! LOL
  5. Congrats and welcome! St. Thomas is awesome and beautiful!!
  6. OMG, what wackos!!! It's worse than naming the kid Dick Head Campbell... what nuts, you are setting your child up for a life of controversial... Obviously these people are very easily influenced... they just look silly!!
  7. OMG it's snowing so much here!!! And we had a potluck dinner last night so I have cookies, spinach pie, dip, and cocktail weenies.... and Jenny Craig.... LOL... so, I think we are set!!!
  8. We had the credit talk... he needs to tell his dad to put things in his own name... you guys can help him out, but it is inconsiderate to let things default/ go to collections... We went to buy a car together... my credit was perfect, and FI had gone down to a 504! WTF?! His credit was great, but he had cosigned on a loan for a car w/ his ex and the bitch let it go in to repossession!!! WTF?! So inconsiderate... Now his credit is better, but this is an important conversation... you guys are in a relationship and are financially a team!!!
  9. I love reading these and then listening to the ones I don't know!
  10. Okay, this may seem to be a really random question, but, I really would like to have my single bridesmaid, single groomsman, and me walk down the aisle to the song "The Luckiest" by Ben Folds. The song is over four minutes... is that too long? And is it weird to just have us all go walking down to the same song? I love the song so much, I am torn as to what to do. I remember someone saying the walk was long, so, can anyone tell me if this is a good idea or not?? Thank you!!!
  11. Fannie! They are awesome and you look so pretty! I am so glad everything went well, and that you had a great time!
  12. I always play!!! If I won a large amount, I would help out fam and friends, and then start my own charity... and travel some! But definitely start and operate a charity as my job... do some good for the world!
  13. Ugghhh I have been following this case since it broke, and praying that they would find her alive... the fact that Casey Anthony led them in so many different directions and had lied about so many things, shows she could have done something and lied about it... I really hope it is not her...
  14. Now this has me freaked out! THis is not near the resorts right?? My friend is from Jamaica and she said that there is a ton of crime in Jamaica (people get killed there a lot) but not if you are a tourist minding your own business. I just want to feel safe down there, but like someone said before, isn't most of this stuff in other places?
  15. I know! I love the videos! We weren't going to even get one until FI and I watched them and we were both like, OMG we need to get that too! I got their rates through Claudia, but if you e-mail them I am sure they will give you all the video rates and info... I think its totally worth it!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 Did anyone get the video of the ceremony from the resort videographer? We were not gonning to do it but now that it is getting closer I would like to have a video. For our rehersal we are going to do it in the buffet. We booked Mike Cantrell through Claudia Rodriquez for the videography... the prices are steep, but I think they are worth it (you can view previews of the videos online... the cheapest video is 30-40 min and is just the ceremony, and it costs $700. Cancun Wedding Videos | Mayan Riviera Wedding Videographer | Miguel Cantarell - Wedding Videos thats the preview of videos... sorry, I am bad at posting stuff, obviously... lol
  17. We get screwed as women... it's not fair... like, we have to plan pregnancy around our jobs... I bet if men could get pregnant, things would be a lot different. Such crap! I would talk to your employer and see what they say. Best of luck to you, but don't worry, things will work out, they always do!
  18. Haha, I agree! I keep going back and forth on whether to do it or not, and I think we should do it on the beach at the resort (save $400). I love everyone's TTD pics, and I think it will be something special to look back on... and this is sooo cheesy and corny of me, but I might ask for it as a graduation present from my family (since I graduate college a month before the wedding)... then maybe I won't feel as guilty (I always feel bad about spending lots of money!) I agree, I think they will look really pretty and will be such a nice memory!
  19. We are having Claudia Rodriguez as our photographer ( which we are very excited about) and I asked her how much it would be to do a TTD session the following day. She said we can definitely do it, and it will cost $850 on location at the resort, or $1200 if we go somewhere else. I have really been debating doing it, because I feel like if we don't do it, I might look back and wish that we had (you only do this once ya know?) So, what do you think? Should we do it? Worth the money?? Plus, this may sound silly, I am a plus size girl, will I look like a whale in the water?? LOL okay, that was a silly question...
  20. It's so sad that these people (Speidi) are famous four being good at... what? For accomplishing...what? Exactly...What dorks
  21. Haha, I like those, they are funny... I sang the stupid songs too
  22. The family I nanny for had a man room... it is a movie theatre with a stone fireplace, leather recliners, HUGE screen, and sport memorabilia lit up all around the walls... Hank calls it "heaven" LOL
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