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Posts posted by Bride010101

  1. After seeing everyone's wonderful BP invites... I decided to jump on the trend and make our own. I am totally not a DIY type person, so am really happy with how they turned out.


    Thanks to everyone who shared their templates, experiences and tips! You made this a really easy and fun project.


    And here are our BP invites:










    Although they did take some time to cute out and assemble... in general they were really easy to do! And also very budget friendly!


    We printed the passes at home on white cardstock bought in bulk at Office Max ($8.99 for like 200...still plenty left over). I printed enough for 50 invites at 4 pages each and didn't even use one full ink cartridge.


    We then used a paper cutter ($9.99) to cut the lines straight and a corner cutter ($2.99) to give the nice rounded look. Then we used little hair cutting scissors to cut out the small 'v'. This whole process was a bit of a pain... but recruit a bunch of people, sit in front of the t.v. and pour some drinks and it really isn't that bad.


    Then we used a basic hole punch ($1.99) and used ribbon to attach the 4 boarding passes together.


    The pocketfolders were made using colored cardstock from a local scrapbook store ($.39/sheet). I folded it into 3's on my own using a rule (huge PIA) and now have learned you can purchase a tool at Michaels to make the creases nice. I also used the corner punches on all of the corners and then the palm tree punch I purchased at Michael's ($11.99). I slit off one of the corners with the paper cutter so the pass would be visible and then used double stick tape on the opposite edge so they wouldn't slide out.


    I had issues finding a colored envelope I liked and didn't feel like waiting and ordering online. We ended up finding these at Office Max for pretty cheap and then printed addresses using our home printer because my handwriting is horrible. We then attached the palm tree punch out from the pocketfold to the envelope with spray adhesive to add some color and tropical feel.


    We are so very happy to announce that they are now all finished and in the mail!!! What a great feeling. When FI went to the post office the first time, the man said it would cost an extra $0.20 due to the knot in the ribbon and sadly there was no pretty stamps in that price. When I went back a few days later to just buy the regular stamps the guy said I didn't need to pay anything extra! Just the regular $0.42 which was awesome.


    One of our classmates already emailed me and said she got in the mail. She is helping her sister plan a DW wedding and asked where I ordered them from because she might want to "borrow" the idea. Her and her husband couldn't believe it when I told them we made them ourselves. : )


  2. I like Morgan's idea of wedding announcement!


    We did a STD that was more of a Save-the-Week. We knew what week we wanted to travel and had an idea of our top 2 days for the actual wedding.... but were not abel to confirm anything at the time. We knew we wanted Jamaica... and were pretty sure about ROR... but weren't 100% sure. We wanted to give our guests at least a years notice.... so here is the magnet we sent:

    Click the image to open in full size.

    We also included a letter that explained the situation a bit more that included our hopeful wedding dates and that we were leaning towards Ocho Rios and ROR. We gave them our wedding website which we updated as things progressed. I think most of our guests liked the way we did it.

  3. I would send them to anyone who you WANT to come even if you know or think they won't be be able to. I have several aunts/uncles/grandparents/friends that won't be able to attend... but we did want to get the offer out there so no one was left out. Plus the family all wanted actual invites for the formality of it. I would NOT invite people you don't want, even if you think they well decline... because people will surprise you and it would stink to have someone you didn't want there!

  4. I agree... its your day and you should not need to change your plans! I would sit down and have a heart-to-heart with her. Explain that this is what you and FI want for your day and that you gave lots of consideration in picking the resort. Thank her for looking at other options, but this is what you want. Explain that you would really like her to be there with you, but understand if she is unable to attend.

  5. Welcome!!! Your photos are amazing. : )


    I am a future ROR bride and was wondering if you could share how much your arch/table set up cost? Right now I'm doing the great debate of what ceremony site I want... and how I want it set-up.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by time4d View Post
    Awesome idea!!

    They look great.

    So how much did this end up costing??

    I haven't added up the grand total... but probably ~$100.00.

    I already had some of the supplies (paper cutter, corner cutter) and it includes a huge pack of white cardstock (with lots left over). Made 50 easily... so not to bad in comparison to some you can order. The price also includes a new color cartridge - but I didn't even use a full one.

    Originally Posted by aimeeyonke View Post
    They are fantastic! Where did you buy your pink cardstock? I'm trying to find a place to buy some in bulk at a reasonable price.
    I got it at a local scrapbook store because they sold individual sheets in a variety of colors. I had no luck finding paper/color I liked at Michaels or Office Max. I would suggest looking online though, it would probably be cheaper. I just wasn't patient - once the idea was in my head, I wanted to start.

    Originally Posted by henrychucvb01 View Post
    Wow, they look really great. if must have taking you a long time to create that.
    They actually weren't that bad. I looked at a lot of the templates online and slightly changed the one I liked the most to add some specifics/details I liked. The most consuming part was cutting everything out... but just stuck me and FI in front of the t.v. as we did it and it wasn't too bad.
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