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Posts posted by Bride010101

  1. After almost 6 months of waiting... my dress is finally in!!! I got the call last Thursday and then made the roadtrip to pick it up on Sunday with my mom and grandma.


    Since it had been so long since ordering it, I was beginning to have second thoughts. I was also really nervous because I had never tried it on in the size I ordered. And I had ordered a petite and had no clue what the length would be like.


    But its absolutely perfect!!!! It just hits the floor so it wont need hemming and the corset top fits like a glove. I will just need to have a bustle put in and have it pressed (please ignore the wrinkles!)


    When we were there we also found the perfect veil! I was previously undecided if I wanted one... but knew my mom thought I should have one. The first few she put on me just weren't working... but then she found one that was just right. All 3 of us loved it! (unfortunately we somehow missed taking any pics with it). My granmda bought it as her gift to me. : )


    Anyways... here's my dress.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.

  2. I think he enjoys it... because once I get on, he knows he has a good chunk of time he can play video games without me buggin him. hehe


    But both he and my family like to make fun of me for it! I really need to learn to stop starting conversations with... "well I heard from my friend on the forum that..."

  3. We were going to keep it a secret. But I have a big mouth... so now pretty much everyone knows we are planning on getting married ahead of time. No one has said anything negative about it ... in fact most people who know the background thinks that it makes more sense. It in no way will change who chooses to come... nor will it change the fact that it will be our wedding.

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