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Posts posted by Bride010101

  1. We are currently working on our wedding party and I'm having some difficulty with my BM...


    My finance is having his brother as his best man and then two of his good friends and my brother as groomsman, for a total of 4 guys.


    I am having my best friend as MOH (she called the position years ago :) ) and my 2 sisters as bridesmaid. I know the numbers don't need to be equal, but when I told my fiance this he thinks it is weird for them not to be. He is giving me pretty much free reign on the wedding details so I don't really want to blow off his opinion on this. I had 2 girls who I was thinking about for my 3rd BM from the beginging (I like the idea of having equal numbers), however don't feel comfortable asking either right now....


    The first has been very non-commital with everything. First she was talking about possibly becoming pregnant (which I understood) but now is giving some other excuse (a ski trip that same week... don't even get me started on that) that is putting her in the "maybe" category. I love her but don't think I could really depend on her.


    The second is another close friend who has stated she is for sure going. However, I honestly don't know if its possible... everytime we hang out she complains about her money problems and student loans and house payments. She has been talking about this trip to Florida in March forever and just recently cancelled it due to money. I don't want to ask her to be a BM and pressure her into coming if she can't handle it finanically.


    Anyways... today one of my best friends from high school called to congratulate me. (She just got my STD). I havne't seen/talked to her since my 21st bday a year and a half ago. We didn't have a falling out or anything... just live a few hours away from eachother and drifted apart with our different schedules. I sent her a STD because she had been such a major part of my life and thought it would be fun if she came (but had no clue if she would). When she called today we ended up talking on the phone for over 2 hours catching up and discussing the wedding... and have planned to meet up in two weeks to see eachother. She even offered to help with my invites or whatever I needed (shes a graphic designer) ... but was clear that only if I wanted/need it.


    So I guess here's my question... would it be strange to ask someone to be my BM who I haven't really seen/talked to in 2 years? I don't want to have a 4th girl just for the fact of having equal sides... and in our planning I had never thought of asking this girl (although back in high school I always assumed she would be)... but she was such an important part of my past and when we talked today I swear it was like going back 2 years when we were still best friends. (I can also say I know that she didn't call me today for this reason.) Lastly, if you were her... would it be strange to be asked to be a BM after the rest of the wedding party? (Today when we were on the phone we talked about this whole BM issue).


    Sorry about the ramble it took to get here... I think I needed to write out what was in my head to figure out what I was thinking... and vent a bit about the first 2 girls! I think I have my answer... but would still be interseted in peoples thoughts/opinions on my two questions (in pink).

  2. Not sure if you saw MoBrides ceremony pictures.... but I believe she didn't use any chair covers. Comparing her with people who had chair covers... I actually kind of like them without. I think the brown on the beach looks nice and simple. Personal preference I guess. But you could always fancy it up with ribbons or flowers of somesort on the aisle chairs.

  3. I have to agree with Morgan... I am using weddingannouncer.com and love it. At first I was thinking about spending money for my own site... but wedding announcer has some great features. It is easy to use and fairly customizable. Plus its free! None of my guests have had any difficulties looking at it... all my classmates were quite impressed (a group of the girls had it pulled up today and were showing it around). I would suggest taking a look at some of the free sites to see if they have what you need before you spend the money.

  4. Thanks everyone... especially Morgan! That was just the thread I was looking for...


    I swear I used the advanced search last night using parasols in title only and that one wasn't there. Argh... must have spelled it wrong or something.


    Anywho... love the pics! I think I might use them instead of flowers for my BMs. They seem so pretty and will save some money/stress dealing with lots of flowers. Thanks everyone!

  5. Hi everyone. The other day I know I came across a couple of pictures/slideshows where the BMs have parasols. Of course I didn't save them... and now that I want to show my BMs can't seem to find them.


    If someone could direct me to someone who used them... or if you could just post different pictures with either the bride or BMs holding parasols that would be great.

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