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Everything posted by Bride010101

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl Haha, you might be lucky! A lot of us have had issues with their input, it doesn't exactly match up with what we want, etc. Hopefully you can get him to join in tho. I know with Doug, he doesn't have a lot to say about it all, so when he does have an opinion on something, I kinda have to give in to it even if it's not my idea of perfect. I have to completley agree.... my FI is pretty much giving me free reign to do what I want (which I'm not complaining about!). However, when he does have an opinion it's usually not exactly what I was going for... but I have to find some way to incorporate it because he finally said something.
  2. First off... I love your shirts! So cute. And I have to agree... I like the first one with darkening of the font to make it easier to read.
  3. Just want to point out that this wedding was in June 2006 and the resort opened in late 2005 (I believe). They now have had 2 more years to better prepare themselves for large groups/weddings. I was looking into having my 2009 wedding at Riu in Montego Bay (they are opening next fall) and was warned by just about everyone how risky it would be to a hold a wedding w/in the first 6 months of a resort opening. I think its safe to say they aren't perfect ... but I would bet a lot of these issues have been ironed out. With that said... I am getting a bit nervous w/ some of the things I've heard lately - particulary in realms of photography.
  4. I haven't seen any contracts or anything.... but if you're booking teh Free Wedding Package there is no mention of a photographer. Therefore, we shouldn't have any contract with him... right?
  5. Very fun! I love the 2nd one as well... I also have a few saved that are cute with the couple in the front smiling/posing and the bridal party in the background talking. I'll have to find them when I back on my home computer.
  6. Bride010101


    Congrats! Happy Planning
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa We are getting married in Hawaii so I don't need special postage but i believe you have to check in the country you will be mailing them from - you will have to buy stamps there or perhaps you can order them online or have your WC pick them up for you. Ahh good thinking... I'm sure the resort/WC could help with this. thanks... not sure why i didn't think of that
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa we are putting 1 regular size postcard and 1 jumbo postcard per OOT bag - we are stamping them all. Thats what I was thinking as well... does anyone know how that works with it being in another country (Jamaica). I don't mail things too often... will the post offices in the states have what I need or is that something we'll have to take care of down there?
  9. Very cute! I love the third one ... and the one that says perfect pair.
  10. For example her is one of my drafts when I was working on postcards/magents for my STDS: To make it look a little better (font wise) I ended up using powerpoint to design it so I had more font and shading options... and then uploaded it into VistaPrint.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by IslandLover I have a similar question...I have a picture that we had made in St. Maarten of our feet, and in the background is the ocean...we want to turn this into a STD with just the photo and info on the back....Im not sure of where I can do this at. Vista print seems to have the photos, but then extra printing beside the photo. Any ideas on how to just get the photo as the STD with wording on the back and maybe the date over the picture? Thanks If you use VistaPrint you can do the postcards (which you should be able to get like 100 free with a coupon code)... Then you either click upload your own design (which you can uploadyour photo) and words for the back. Or they way I like is to click use template. But then at the top of the template list is has the option to "start with a blank template". Then you can upload your photo on the first one and add a text box if you want with the date. Then on the back you can type up what you want.
  12. Congrats! You should find some great info here. Happy Planning.
  13. Congrats! You should be able to find a lot of great information here. The girls (and gusy) are all friendly and extremely helpful... and the site can be quite addicting! Happy Planning!
  14. Bride010101

    Hi all

    Congrats and Happy Planning! You should be able to find a ton of great info here... and the site is actually very addicting! I think you will find yourself participating and racking up the posts before you know it!
  15. Congrats! Good luck with all your finishing touches.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 My face gets super red when I drink. It looks like I have sunburn. Same thing happens when I get embarassed or work out. I hate it! Me too! I can have barely half a drink and I get super flushed. Same goes when I'm embarassed... there is no way to hide it! And i hate working out with lots of people because I barely get going and I'm beet red even if I'm not tired. I always have just blamed it on my fair complexion.
  17. Confirmed, confirmed? I am getting frustrated... Back in December when I contacted Riu they told me booking would be available Februaryish. So last week I had my TA try and request our date again... this is what I got back on last thursday (Feb 14th): Thank you for contacting Riu Weddings Sales Department. My name is Valeria Munguia and I am the Sales Wedding Coordinator for the Riu Hotels in Jamaica. I would kindly inform you that booking weddings for 2009 will be available approximately until March or April 2008. Please be informed that we book our weddings based on the Judges or Ministers availability which will also depend on the destination were it is request, every place has different Judges and Ministers. You are welcome to visit our web site that advertises our Wedding Packages 2008. Wedding Packages by Destination. Honeymoon Holidays. Weddings by Riu The probable dates in which the updated Wedding Packages 2009 will be at our website are March or April. Please notice that all the wedding requests for 2009 with a wedding package for 2008 are automatically canceled. I apologize for the inconvenience. ... okay so that makes me crabby. Anyways, I continue to stalk the Riu Wedding site and noticed this weekend that 2009 rates were up. I have re-submitted my date request and got the initial confirmatin email saying they got it and would get back to me. However, I have not gotten the actual confirmation of my wedding. K... sorry for the length of all that (needed to vent)... but my question is have you gotten actual wedding conformation? and if so, when did you submit your request?
  18. Haha... too funny. I love the groom in teh t.v.
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