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Everything posted by Bride010101

  1. I like # 2 its fun and beachy. Where is it from?
  2. I heard back from Valeria and Riu ... she said that they have at max 3 weddings a day. With at least an hour break in between them. Therefore, since my wedding is at 4 the next closest would be at 2. So I think your guests should have plenty of time inbetween!
  3. For those of you had a group of 35-50... did you have a seating arrangement/place cards set up. Or did you just let your guests choose for themselves?
  4. Did you have a seating chart or place cards set up at dinner... or did you just let your guests sit where they wanted?
  5. For your dinner did you set up seating ahead of time and use place cards... or did you just let your guests figure it out?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by crawford2B Thank you for updating the list. I feel official now. I can't believe how many of us are getting married at ROR! Yep I hope I didn't miss anyone. I think its just easier to see who is going to be there and when if its all in one list. (And for future brides it is easy to do... just copy the most current list... click on advanced reply at the bottom of the page... paste the list and add yourself in!)
  7. I voted #3! ( and it is what I plan on doing for myself as well) Unless flowers are a complete must... I think we can all think of many better ways to spend $1000! Get the beautiful ones you want for yourself and some bright/fun parasols for your girls. I actually polled my own BMs with this question... and they all voted for parasols!
  8. Riu Ocho Rios Brides January 2008 Brides Cherie: wedding January 17th, there January 12th-26th Becky: wedding January 23; there 1/19 - 1/26 Becky (bex1975): wedding Jan 26; there 1/23-2/1 Ktownbride - wedding Jan 31; there 1/27 - 2/10 February 2008 Brides Natasha (pouchie) wedding Feb 7th JamaicaBride08: wedding Feb 8th, there 2/3-2/10 Janelle (Jmhein): wedding February 12, there 2/9 - 2/16, then off to Sandals Royal Caribbean until 2/23 Therese (chicago88 ): wedding Feb 15th, there 2/12 - 2/20 Mopher: wedding Feb 20th Flowerchic2323: wedding Feb 26 March 2008 Brides nancylou7: wedding on March 3 Crawford2B: Wedding on March 13, there 3/10-3/17 Anna: Wedding on 14th March, there from 6th March - 21st March Octavia: March 15, dates there 3/12-3/19 Becky(Olivia): Wedding March 21, there 3/17 - 3/27 Kimmykatbride: March 26, 2008-there from 22-29, then in Negril for 1 week April 2008 Brides Heidi: wedding on April 4; there from 4/1-4/8 Ange: wedding on April 8; there from 4/5 -4/12 Jen (J&M): wedding on April 9 Marlon(Ilandking): wedding on April 10' there from 4/7-4/14 Jocelyn: wedding on April 10; there from 4/5-4/12 yboone98: wedding on April 11; there 4/9-1/13 Mandie (pook2b) wedding on April 11; there from 4/8 - 4/22 Jenn (jenanmag) Wedding on 4/12 there from 4/9 to 4/15 Twelve Piece: wedding on April 12; there from 4/9-4/19 Amanda: wedding on April 17; there from 4/12-4/19 Ochoriobride: wedding on April 22nd May 2008 Brides Alexandra (geology_rocks): wedding day May 5, there May 2-9 md_ocr: wedding on May 10 Albrosious: wedding day on May 12th amandatheo: wedding on 13th May leslie: wedding day on May 14th; there May 10th-24th Lizz: wedding on May 16; there from May 10-19 AlmostMrsForbes: wedding on May 19th; there from May 14th-20th (then off to Couples)! Jenn08: wedding on May 23, there from 19-26 2BMOSLEY: Wedding on May 31. Arrive: May 28. Davina: wedding on May 29; there from May 26-June 1 June 2008 Brides Sara (cantwattobemrs): wedding June 10, there June 6-14 FutureMrsButler08: wedding on June 14 JuneBride2B: wedding on June 14 Bobbi-Francis: wedding June 28; there 6/25-7/3 July 2008 Brides Juanslake: Wedding on July 3; there 6/30 - 7/6 Brittney: Wedding on July 12; there from July 9-14 MrsInTraining: wedding on July 19; there from July 16-23 RiuBride2B: wedding on July 26; there from July 23-28 August 2008 Melissa (Shenmaat): wedding Aug 8th, there Aug 4th - 10th October 2008 Brides Kishalee: wedding Oct 4th, there Oct 1-8 Msklee: wedding Oct 25, there Oct 23-27 November 2008 Brides Dara: wedding on November 1st: there from October 27 to November 3 Kater: wedding on November 7th GeminiLibra: wedding on November 15 January 2009 Brides Becky (naga0066): wedding on Jan 5th, there Dec 31-Jan10 Christene: wedding Jan 22nd May 2009 Brides drbrainfreeze: wedding on may 9th September 2009 Brides: KHarrod: wedding on Sept 12th
  9. Welcome! There are lots of great ideas here to choose from... Good Luck & Happy Planning
  10. Congrats! I'm glad everything went well for you. Thanks for an amazing review and hte pics!
  11. So cute! I love that he was so excited that he couldn't wait any longer. I was talking to one of my guy friends and he told me that he's been warned not to have the ring in his possession until its the right time for exactly that reason.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Michelle&Steve its not hard to change.. my problem comes in as far as when i apply for residency.. between transcripts, papers, rotation recommendations, and just docs getting to know me as one name, i worry that if my application comes in under a difference last name, they wont recognize it.. i have to find out more about this before i make a decision I was concerned this as well. I am in the middle of my program (doctorate or pharmacy) and was worried the complications/confusions that might arise if we got married the summer after graduation while I was in the process of taking my boards, applying for residencies or jobs, etc. I know it sounds weird... but that ended up being a part of the reason we are getting married when we are (5 months before graduation). This way not only can I have my new name on all my professional stuff.... but since FI and I are graduating in the same class I will get to sit by him and walk across the stage near him at graduation. (cheesy I know...) Plus although my current last name is unique most people say or pronounce it wrong... and I really don't have any other sentimental attachment to it.
  13. Haha... fun story. Its awesome that you get to drive by the spot and remember it
  14. My FI will be in a suit and the GM in matching khakis and short sleeve shirts. We had talked about shorts but my FI was actually the one most against it... he worried it would too informal in pics ... plus he doesn't like his skinny legs! lol
  15. Welcome and Happy Planning! Our fingers are crossed for you!
  16. From what other people have mentioned I think there is at least an hour or so for rum/punch and photo time. I actually just asked the WCthat question and am waiting a respsone. But maybe a previous ROR bride can help!
  17. Aww... I think that is really cute. Congrats! I think it is rare that the proposal ever comes in the form we dreamed about. lol
  18. So far I think I am going to do what was mentioned above... order bags online for cheap and then have them screenprinted locally. The local place wouldn't come down on their bag price. If you find a place that does it all in one for a good place let me know!
  19. So cute! They are simple but elegant. Love the sand dollar.
  20. I love the eyelet look of the first one! I really like it with the pink sash! Would you be adding the colored sash?
  21. I actually like dress #1 as well. I love the assymetric line... and slight v in the back. If it's really heavy though - that could be a concern... although from what previous brides has said we are going to be hot no matter what. I say see how you feel after your 2nd fitting. If your still feeling iffy and your heart tells you to go with the second than go with it. You can always try and sell the one you don't go with.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBrideToBe Did they book your rooms for you? I'm not able to finish my confirmation because the room rates are not released past Dec 31st. What did she email you this morning?? I only got the first confirmation email, Friday night same as you. Are you working with a TA? My TA is taking care of booking everything for me. I emailed her immediately (in a slight panic) with the concern of reserving a room and whether I need to have money available right now to do so. She told me not to worry and I just gave her the confirmation number they gave me and the rest of the info and she said she would take care of it. Something about switching the request to be "under a TA". Sorry I know that's not extremely helpful... but if you have a TA maybe they can help? I also emailed Valeria back in my initial panic asking about the whole room reservation thing and how long our wedding time would be "held" before it was given away. I havne't heard back from her yet but will let you know when I do.
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