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Everything posted by Bride010101

  1. So beautiful! It looked like you had a perfect day. And I love the TTD pictures.... Yay! Congrats
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by nylalany I'm going to print separate rectangle placecards and tie them to the sand dollars with a ribbon. My handwriting sucks , and I like the separate but tied look better. Ok 100 it is! That sounds really cute! I have to agree... I hate my handwriting so anything that can be printed in cute font is a plus. Can't wait to see pics of how they turn out.
  3. Thanks for the warning! I would have never thought of that either... I love the idea of bright colored envelopes. But knowing some of my family/friends... I could have the saem problem.
  4. Wow... I'm sorry. Hope your dad gets it all straightened out... As for me, I am so sick of school. I really need this semester to be over and get out of the classroom already. I know they buffer our last semester with easy classes because they know we have hit our "slide"... but honestly it makes it so much worse. There is no motivation to care or show up when it doesn't seem to help me professionally. I 'accidently' overslept this morning so I missed class today. Now I will have to rewatch the lectures I missed... but oh well. I was in need of a personal day. Thank goodness its spring break next week... and then only 5 more weeks until the semester is done and rotations begin.
  5. I was looking at this earlier from your blog... and I love them! There are so many precious ones in there... her parents will treasure them forever! I love seeing all their different expressions of the parents... and all the baby feet!
  6. Very cute! I love the simplicity of it... it gets the important points across w/o being really long. Makes me want to do one.
  7. Growing up I had always had 2 "dream" weddings... the first was in the garden's at Glensheen Mansion overlooking Lake Superior and the second being a DW on a beach somewhere beautiful. After we got engaged FI and talked a lot about it... and ended up going with the later for the following reasons: 1. His family is in Canada and mine is in the States. DW made it so we didn't have to choose one country over the other... plus it allows our families a chance to actually get to know eachother by making it family vacation. 2. We wanted to get married before graduation (mostly I did for name purposes and because I didn't want a long engagement... would have gone nuts), but with our coming schedule of rotations and residency our dates were really limited. Our options were the first week of Jan '09 or waiting until after he completes his residency in May '10. We decied Jan 09 was what we wanted and DW was the way to go (Gardens of Glensheen in Duluth, MN in January doesn't really work) 3. Like some girls before me... I (and my FI) don't really like being the center of attention of a huge group of people. Our home wedding list would have probably grown to be quite large w/ extended family, all our classmates, family friends, etc. A DW let us keep the group smaller - with only our closest family and friends - who know and love us the way we are. Less pressure and way more fun. After doing our research... and seeing all the pictures and ideas on this site, FI and I were both sold on a DW!
  8. That is so sweet that he wanted to choose the song! And it's a great choice.
  9. It's beautiful! And getting 2 proposals is fun... its great he was able to suprise you again!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by trisha0612 2 1/2 before we got engaged, but we just had our 3 year anniversary..although, we always overlook them. I usually say..awww...3 years ago (2 yrs, 1 yr) we had our first date....and he says...HONEY and resumes his Call of Duty 4 Hehe... gotta love boys! I write ours on the calender and my FI is so proud when he "remembers" and says it first.
  11. Sounds like a good plan! Unfortunatley we also asked our group (4 per side) before we really thought about it and now I'm wishing we could downsize for simplicity reasons. I'm already waiting the $ comments once they start having to start paying.
  12. We dated for 2 years before we got enaged... and it will be 3 years + a couple months when we get married
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by heidi&alex The colored canvas totes are 15 x 16...there's not really a depth to speak of... it's more like a pillow case if that makes sense that sounds bad, but they're actually really cute IMO... hope that helps! Thanks! That is what I was thinking based on the pictures from their website but just wanted to check.
  14. Congrats! Can't wait to see your pics. How did it all go I'm still debating on whether I want to do them...
  15. I like them all! You look beautiful. My top 2 would have to be dress 3 and dress 5. Good luck choosing!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Alipires1 The picture is not very good. I can't find my charger for my cmaera so this was from my camera phone, but to the right of the bag is a 12 inch ruler so you can judge the size. Thanks for posting a pic! Just wondering how wide(?) these bags are though? I am debating between the colored canvas totes like yours (15 x 16) and the gusset non-woven totes (12 x 15 x 6). I like the colors and look of the canvas totes ... but love that the gusset totes are 6 deep. The canvas ones look more narrow but I can't tell.
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