Growing up I had always had 2 "dream" weddings... the first was in the garden's at Glensheen Mansion overlooking Lake Superior and the second being a DW on a beach somewhere beautiful.
After we got engaged FI and talked a lot about it... and ended up going with the later for the following reasons:
1. His family is in Canada and mine is in the States. DW made it so we didn't have to choose one country over the other... plus it allows our families a chance to actually get to know eachother by making it family vacation.
2. We wanted to get married before graduation (mostly I did for name purposes and because I didn't want a long engagement... would have gone nuts), but with our coming schedule of rotations and residency our dates were really limited. Our options were the first week of Jan '09 or waiting until after he completes his residency in May '10. We decied Jan 09 was what we wanted and DW was the way to go (Gardens of Glensheen in Duluth, MN in January doesn't really work)
3. Like some girls before me... I (and my FI) don't really like being the center of attention of a huge group of people. Our home wedding list would have probably grown to be quite large w/ extended family, all our classmates, family friends, etc. A DW let us keep the group smaller - with only our closest family and friends - who know and love us the way we are. Less pressure and way more fun.
After doing our research... and seeing all the pictures and ideas on this site, FI and I were both sold on a DW!