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Everything posted by Bride010101

  1. Lizz did a great job of answering most everything for you. I figured I would chime in w/ my reception plans since you asked for input. We are trying to keep the budget low so we are going to use the free semi-private dinner at Mammee Bay and then use the Seagrape (beach bar) for the dancing/partying part of our reception at $10/person + dj. I think the reception depends on what type of feel you want for it. If you are leaning towards the more traditional with different tables and private atmosphere.... the plantation or the beach for dinner is the way to go. If you really don't care about the meal portion setup then Mammee Bay is a less expensive (free) option but won't be your traditional wedding reception. Hope that makes sense. And as everyone said you have lots of time. Most things can be changed up to the wedding and a lot can be arranged once you get there. From what I've read the most important thing to figure out ahead of time is reception stuff... as there are only so many spots.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by sn2bski Almost ashamed to admit it but I've missed the Hill's girls! Oh the drama is soo good! Haha... I know the feeling. My FI makes fun of me for watching it. Out of all the 'stupid' shows I watch, its the one he says he just doesn't get.
  3. Looking back and realizing how productive spring break was (wedding-wise... not academic wise) This past week I: -Finally chose a BM dress... now just need to finalize the color -Picked out FI and GM attire... purchased all the shirts and started the process of having alll the guys get their pants -Convinced my dad to somewhat match the GM in his attire so he doesn't stick out ; ) -Confirmed my reception details! Mammee Bay and then off to the beach to dance! : ) (yay! especially considering that the WC emailed me back w/in a few days instead of the few weeks that others have had to wait) -Started my OOT bags
  4. I was amazed at how quickly she responded to me! I sent an email last Wednesday to reserve something for our reception and since we aren't getting married until Jan 2009 I figured it would take forever to hear back. I was so surpised when I got an email on Friday confirming my reservations! I then had a follow up question that I decided to go ahead and send right away... and she responded by Saturday afternoon!
  5. I AM!!!!! I am so excited... it seems like forever since the last new episode! : )
  6. My confession for the day: I am scared to death to finish school. We start rotations this May and graduate the May after. Don't get me wrong I am so excited to finish school... but the reality of real world is begining to freak me out. I sometimes feel like I havne't learned anything and am going to fail miserably. We just got our assignments for the next year and it made me almost sick to my stomach.
  7. Wlecome from another Ocho Rios bride! Happy Planning
  8. I have had issues finding anything outside of the knot as well. My current method is looking through the DW knot blogs ...
  9. We have a somewhat simialr situation... my family is in MN and my fiance is in Canada.... so hosting 'one' would be difficult. Plus I honestly don't really want one. We have decided on a compromise though... and will probably host some sort of bbq in MN for our family and closest friends that are unable to come. Then potentially something similair in Canada (however FI's brother is getting married that following summer so now we may be sort of off the hook).
  10. Congrats! So cute... love fun engagement stories!
  11. Congrats and Happy Planning
  12. I am going crazy as well. Ordered mine in January... and have to wait until June. The hardest part is to keep myself from looking at other dresses in the meantime... I know I love my dress... but there is so much out there!
  13. Congrats! Everything looks amazing! Now stop worrying about the minor details and have a wonderful time! Can't wait to see some pics when you get back.
  14. Also depends on if you are booking as a group or anything... so whether you TA needs them by a certain time to get a specific rate.
  15. Congrats and Happy Planning
  16. Congrats and Happy Planning
  17. Thanks for posting more pics! Everything looked so beautiful. I have been debating what color for BM dresses... and after seeing your pics I am defintely leaning towards the hot pink. I love how it pops in all your pics! Congrats
  18. Congrats and Happy Planning!
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