Quote: Originally Posted by lovely*bride Thanks girls for all of this initial info! And congrats to all of you! I can't believe the wedding is getting so close!
Becky N, that is awesome we will be done there at the same time, and not to mention, I see you are from MN, I'm from ND. We are both northern brides, ha! Thank goodness it will be over 80 degrees when we get married instead of "-who knows how cold it is"! That is funny... this past January all everyone could say is, man I wish it was next year and we were in Jamaica right now. : )
How long are you going to be there for? We will arrive on Friday the 2nd I think... with most of the guests arriving on Saturday (your wedding day). I'll have to take a peak at your wedding... do you have any of the details planned yet (wedding location, reception locatoin, etc?)