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Everything posted by Bride010101

  1. So much fun! Thanks for sharing. : ) It is funny to look at all the different dress and hairstyles of even just the last 20 years.
  2. One per couple to save some money and since a lot of the stuff will work with 1/room. Each person will get their own mugh though!
  3. Congrats and good luck w/ you move!
  4. Bride010101


    Welcome and Happy Planning
  5. Everything looks great! Your guests will love the OOT bags! Did you get the mugs from discountmugs?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece another pic i found of the pond gazebo, IMO if you go with the pond you really need the chair covers. I think the plain chairs look fine on the beach but not elegant enough for the pond/garden Ooh thanks for the pic and I completely agree! I actually prefer the look of the brown chairs on the beach... the white chair covers seem to fancy for my liking. But for the pond gazebo on the grass I would use them! Hmm... might be another reason that pushes me to go with the beach! More $ I can save.
  7. Thanks again! And yep its already starting to go back to normal... just panicked me when it first happened and bugged me because I couldn't narrow it down. And yep I changed my username... previously naga0066... I meant to post that I did it but must have forgot. I like when I know people's acutal name, so I decided to follow the trend. When I originally signed up for the site I never guessed how addicted I would become and just used my generic username.
  8. I love the straw bag... it is super cute. But I voted for the canvas... because I think the girls may use it more.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I don't think so. Click on the link that says read post from the last 24 hours and it will bring a few pages back. Thanks! Hadn't tried that link after the first incidence. Teaches me for playing around with stuff I don't know. Hopefully it will go back to normal eventually.
  10. Very cute! I love them both. Makes me excited to start working on my BP STDs. Where are the invites from?
  11. Hi! In the past I have always stuck to just reading/responding to different threads. Today I started putzing around with other aspects of the forum. But tonight I must have clicked on something and can't figure out how to change it back. Normally, when I would click on # Unread Posts, there would be a long list of posts I haven't read. (With the new ones from my previous log in first... then the list of the ones I didn't read during my previous visit... so I would have like 8 pages of threads to go through) Well now when I go to # Unread Posts it only has like the 4 new ones and thats it. All the previous undread ones have completely dissapeared. I hope that makes sense...so: What did I hit? Possibly something in the Quick Links or UserCP options? And is there anyway to fix it? Thanks!
  12. Congrats on your upcoming engagement. Happy Planning
  13. I would just have them RSVP by another means such as phone, email or your website. Save the money... especially w/ all the brides on here who have sent RSVP stuff and then say a lot of people don't bother returning them. I asked for a preliminary RSVP and I kept getting comments of "I don't really need to do it do I... you know I'm coming."
  14. Congrats! That is very exciting. And as Jen said... have a happy and healthy pregnancy
  15. Wow! You look great... he is going to love them! I love that you did some in the shower... the last one is my favorite! I always thought if I did a BD that a shower or bubble bath of some sort would be cool.
  16. 14... I must not pay very good attention.
  17. Beautiful! It will look great w/ your dress... can't wait to see pics of them together.
  18. Thanks everyone Now I'm just anxiously awaiting June when my dress comes in... so I can see what it will really look like in my size! Also need to get on ordering BM dresses so we can figure out some shoes for them. Any ideas of what might look nice?
  19. Here are the STDs we sent out to our guests. We knew almost right after we got engaged that we wanted to have a destination wedding in Jamaica. With our school schedule (and my desire to be married before graduation)... January 2009 (the 1st-10th) was our option. With guests from different countries and at very different points in life... we wanted to get out the notice ASAP so that they could work into their schedules and budget. By January 2008 we had pretty much decided we wanted to be married at ROR on January 5th 2009. However, for those of you familair with ROR know... reserving weddings at the start of a New Year takes forever. So unlike most peoples our STDs were a bit nonspecific.... with a week instead of a day and a maybe for the resort. I am very glad we went this route though... because it was defintely necessary so our friends could start saving and people could get off work! Here are the postcards we sent to everyone we were inviting http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j2...20Date/STD.jpg http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j2...te/STDback.jpg And here are the magnets we sent only to close friends and family who might actually want us on their fridge. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j2...0Date/STD3.jpg We also included a letter explaining the situation outlined above. I got some of the wording from someone on here (thanks!) and tweaked it to my needing. I think the guests appreciated it. Who knows though. It saved from getting a lot of questions... with forwarding everyone to our website we are able to keep them updated on our new plans.
  20. My DIY attempt at monograms. When I initially sent out my STDs I still was unsure of the date - which may explain the different dates or lack of dates. Here is the one we are currently using... http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j2...eddingLogo.jpg Here are some others I worked on... am still working on. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j2...Logos/palm.jpg http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j2...s/Monogram.png http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j2...logobottom.jpg Not so exciting... but for an uncreative person I was pretty impressed with myself. Thanks to everyone who posted templates and how to's! Here is my file in case anyone needs help starting...
  21. Congrats! Great review... can't wait to see some pics!
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