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Everything posted by Bride010101

  1. OMG! That is crazy and I would probably be freak out as well. But try to take a deep breath and relax... I'm sure Mens Wearhouse should be able to figure it out for you.
  2. For those of you who haven't yet... you should add your name and date to: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t10622-16
  3. Both are cute! But I like your curls in the all up. Plus if its windy or really humid.. your hair might cooperate more.
  4. Not so helpful... but off the site Maggie website: What is the difference between White and Diamond White? Our Diamond White is a very light ivory. It has a beautiful softness that makes it very flattering on all skin tones. White is a true, pure white color that would give you that “wedding white” look. Our authorized retailers will be able to show you the differences between Diamond White and White with their fabric swatches.
  5. Nice job Morgan! I love how they turned out... your HBMs will love them
  6. Bride010101


    Welcome and Happy Planning
  7. And yes... making the resort decision was really hard. There are so many wonderful choices out there and EVERYONE has an opinion. I really wanted Jamaica and fell in love with the ROR.
  8. Yeah it was stressful waiting for our date to come in. If you look somewhere in the Jamaica thread ... there is one titled "Calling all 2009 ROR brides" or something .... which was the point we were all trying to make our reservations. My personal issue was on a Thursday in February they emailed me back telling me 2009 wedding booking wouldn't occur until March or April. Well 2 days later on Saturday they opened up the booking... which kinda pissed me off. But in the long run I got what I wanted and things worked out. You will get an email telling you whether the date you requested is available. If it is, you will get a number and you need to go to the RIU website and confirm the date/time. This requires a hotel reservation though... which most girls don't have yet. I believe if your TA does that portion for you, they can work something out? I beleive someone said they would hold your date for 2 months(?) I'm not sure exaclty how it works... my TA is taking care of that portion since we haven't booked yet and therefore don't have a reseravation number to confirm the date.
  9. I personally really like the 1st one! But if you are willing to be flexible I think it would be nice to let them choose. They are both pretty similar and very cute... so letting the girls choose which one they would be most comfortable in would be nice.
  10. Welcome and Happy Planning
  11. Hi! I know there are several of us Jan 2009 brides on here. My wedding is on Monday Jan 5th @ 4:00. We will be there Dec 31st - Jan 10th (tenatively). I am working w/ a TA but we have not booked anything yet. I have guests coming from different places for different lengths of time - so we aren't doing a group rate. I believe we will book in June-ish when all the rates come out so we will be sending out invites in like May. (We sent out STDs in January) I have been trying to book my date since last November... so was watching since then for them to open 2009 availability. I was lucky and got both the date and time that I wanted. How about you? When will you be there? Have you booked yet?
  12. Welcome from another Jan 09 ROR bride! When will you be there?? Happy Planning!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes Ok, I would officially like to thank twelve_piece for telling me about the Kohls sale today, and for having me spend $$$ out of my imaginary budget! FYI, I'm using you as a scapegoat when my FI sees all the stuff I bought from there today!!! lol Hehe... I know the feeling. I have bought 2 new swimsuits w/in the last week (not that I really needed any more) at my mom's encouraging of "well its your wedding week... you will want one for each day you are there." We are supposed to be saving money... so when the first one came in the mail I totally blamed it on my mom and told him to talk to her about it. hehe
  14. The tiki idea is fun! And that color sounds like it will go good with the brown chairs as is! I can't wait to see your pics. : )Are you thinking of doing any other decorations... flowers or what not? Also, I know people have mentioned the tulle backdrop so you wont see the purple hotel in your photos - is there a picture of this somewhere?
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr Thank you so much for this pic 12piece! I think the chaircovers would make it more formal, but honestly, I've never liked chair covers, so I probably won't use them. I have however already purchased my chair sashes......so that will have to do. Thanks for the pic! Ooh... chair sashes would look nice. What color are you going with?
  16. I was planning on purchasing folders when they are cheap during Back To School time... so that way everything is organized all in one.
  17. Congrats! It is such a relief to have a date! yay And I love your website... I went with the same one for mine. Happy Planning
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