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Everything posted by Bride010101

  1. So exciting and what a great suprise! : ) Looks like everyone had a great time.
  2. So I mailed my FBIL his wedding attire last sunday... and UPS confirmed it arrived last thursday. Inside the box I had put my "will you be my BM" card for my FSIL and a letter explaining why I would be honored for her to be part of the bridal party. Well my FSIl is normally really on top of things, but has some family stuff going on, so we haven't been emailing/chatting as frequently latley. Still, I figured this was a pretty big deal and either way (whether she accpeted or declined) she would let me know relatively soon. Well needless to say when I hadn't heard anything by Saturday night I was starting to get concerned. (as it had been deliverd to her office thursday). My FI wanted to call his brother or his parents and see if they had heard anything. But I really didn't want to add the pressure and have other people know until she decided. So I waited, and waited, and waited. Well today I couldn't take it anymore. I saw 2 possibilities... either 1 it had gotten lost in the package and she didn't see it. Or 2, she was declining but didn't know how to tell me. So I had FI call his brother and make sure they had gotten the box and "see how the wedding attire fit." Long story short, yes they had gotten it. But FBIL had been to lazy to try on the clothes and everything was still in the box. Sean had FBIL take out the card to FSIL and leave it on the counter. And now I have another BM!!! She just called and said she would be honored to be my BM and apologized for not finding the card sooner. : ) hehe! Needles to say, I am very happy and excited to have her.
  3. I was debating this as well. But I think we will do one per single, even if they are sharing a room.
  4. CONGRATS and welcome back!!! Can't wait to hear/see more!
  5. Yay another Jan '09 bride! Do you have a specific date yet? Welcome and Happy Planning!
  6. Congrats and Happy Planning!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Allaballa My mom was so overwhelmed by me getting married that she didn't notice it. Hehe... my favorite part of the story : )
  8. Hehe... thanks for sharing! I'm not addicted to reading all the previous entries
  9. Haha! Oh dear. I can only imagine what the guests were thinking as they were watching the ceremony!
  10. so cute! love the scroll idea... my FSIL is thinking something simialr - mind sharing where they are from?
  11. Everything looks great!!! Your dress is so pretty and the OOT bags look aweosme! Congrats... can't wait to see how it all comes together. Have a wonderfu time.
  12. Welcome and Happy Planning!
  13. Welcome and Happy Planning!
  14. Welcome and Happy Planning!
  15. Welcome and Happy Planning!
  16. Welcome! Like the girls before me said... take a deep breath, relax and have fun! There is lots of great info here to get you started. I would also strongly encourage getting in touch with a travel agent. Not only can a TA help coordinate all your guests... but may help you get in contact with the resorts you are looking at. Also, sadly as a word of caution... destination wedding resort coordinators can be notorious for being very slow to get back to you (as they are dealing with so many brides). Happy Planning! Let us know if you need any help. : )
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