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Everything posted by Bride010101

  1. Congrats... such a wonderful accomplishment!
  2. Welcome! Never too early to start planning!
  3. She looked so pretty! I love her dress. and I totally noticed the cake my first time through the pics too. : )
  4. Thats a tough one. I agree neighbor friendly would be after 10... but after taking into consideration weather and peoples schedueles I would say overall antyime after 8.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Mandy Becky, I'm a Physician Assistant, and our entire 2nd year of school was rotations, after a year of classroom stuff. I was terrified to start my rotations as well, but it was tons easier than I thought. If all else fails, just fall back on the "I'm just a student" excuse. No one expects you to know everything, and sometimes they expect you to know nothing and are surprised with anything you might have retained. Your rotations are designed to give you real-life scenarios under direct supervision so that first you can learn stuff in a new way to pass boards and second so you have training to fall back on when you're on your own. Good luck! You can make it! Tanks : ) I keep trying to tell myself that... so it is great to hear from someone else. I love the "I'm just a student excuse" ; ) I just got in contact with my first preceptor and she seems awesome - so that has provided a major sense of relief.
  6. Thanks everyone! Morgan - your ramblings do make sense. : ) I think that is what upsets me the most - the fact she wont just be honest about her reasons for not going and her method of communication (text message). I know that it is a big financial commitment and in chosing a DW we realized not everyone could come. But I would have hoped that our relationship over the years (and her personality normally) would have allowed her to upfront with everything. We'll see what she says later this week...
  7. I"m sorry ... that sucks! Who knows what people are thinking sometimes. Have you been able to talk to them to get them to reschedule the big one?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Is she also the type of person that freaks out about stuff then later calms down and rationalizes? I have a few friends that do the "I can't afford it" stuff too when some type of money crisis comes up, but later they are able to see that it wasn't as horrendous to their budget as they first thought. Also, since her parents pay for everything, she might not be very good at the budget concept. I will tell you that at 22 my parents paid for a LOT. I didn't learn the lesson of financial responsibility until many years later. Yeah that would be her. She likes to freak out. But its just weird because money is never an issue. She has no concept of budget and is honestly a spoiled brat. I guess, I figured if she couldn't come up with the money her parents would pay for the trip and call it a vacation for x-mas or something. I don't think they would ever cut her off or anything... they are still paying for her older sister as well. So I'm kind of at a loss. We will have to sit down (in person) later in the week and talk it out. But right now, I think we would both (well mostly me) be too emotional about it. ... plus I really need to focus on finals the next few days. Its nice to be able to vent here though and gain some different perspectives before hand : )
  9. Bride010101


    Welcome and good luck planning! I know there is a gardens in Ocho Rios that does weddings. But can't remember which one or know how you can set it up. I'll see if I can find somehting... if not hopefully someone hear can help.
  10. No I haven't talked to her in person yet. I was too upset/frustrated when it first happened ... plus I was in the middle of studying for finals so not really my top priority. I told her I would call towards the end of the week once finals were over and I could focus on the situation. In my response I asked if anythign was wrong or if something had happened. And she said no, just finanically she didn't think she could do it. That she has to pay for testing supplies (for her CPA or something - trying to become an accountant). Which yes are expensive, but is something she has known about for the past year. Plus I believe, once she passes the place she is going to work for will reimburse her for them, and more than likely her parents will pay for them up front. So I don't know. Maybe there is more to the story that she isn't telling me. But it would be weird for her not to be upfront about it - normally she is such a blunt/open person. She had no issues on the day of BM dress ordering showing off her new coach purse and talk about how she was already saving for a more expensive one. So I really didn't think finanically it would be a problem.
  11. OMG she is so cute!!! I love when puppies like to cuddle up.
  12. Congrats on booking! Such a big thing to be able to check off your list! I think my parents might have stayed there previously... I will have to ask them. But hopefully some brides here will be able to help ya out!
  13. #1: #2: I would like to strangly my friends (high school ones). Seriously grow up already! Stop wasting your life away at the bars. Get a real job, learn to budget, get a life and start thinking of someone other than yourself for once. #3: I am absolutely terrified to start rotations. Despite my overwhelming excitement to be out of the classroom... I'm not sure if I'm quite ready. I sometimes feel like I have learned nothing and worry I am going to fail in this profession.
  14. I'm beginning to realize my high school friends suck. My best friend through high school, my college roommate for 2 years, my number 1 confident, and my MoH... just texted me saying - we need to talk... I don't think I am going to be able to come to your wedding. Seriously WTF? She cites finanical reasons... which normally I am willing to accept, as my group of friends is young and just getting started in life. I knew from the beginning that most would not be able to come. But her! First off, she has had this spot "called" for the past 7 years. Second off, from the moment we announced the engagement I told her the expected cost and that I understood if she wouldn't be able to come. She said, not a problem, she wouldn't miss it for the world. (Not to mention she still lives with mommy and daddy who have paid for all her schooling and last I knew still paid for her credit cards... and now that she has a real job one would think she could budget this in over the year since her other living expenses are practically nil). Third, when my other "best friend" from highschool bailed on being a BM not even a month ago she was in disbelief and didn't understand why sucky ex-BM couldn't budget accordingly and would accept the position only to cancel. AHHHHHH.... I just don't get it! On the bright side its still 8 months away from the wedding and their is no trip deposits down or anything. But still don't get why it took 6 months to come to this conclusion, especially when just 3 weeks ago she was gung ho and had no issues paying in full for her BM dress. Sorry vent over : )
  15. Here's a few I found.... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t16164 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t13055 Plus this thread has some older/other information on Michael ... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t5770
  16. If you look through some of the most current ROR reviews ... I know a couple of the brides used the photoshop. Not Michael, but his new assistant whose work I actually really like. Let me see if I can find them...
  17. Congrats on your engagement! Happy Planning
  18. Completely agree! They seem to have lots of abbreviations. Mosthly thought, I hate trying to search for anything! Not sure what I'm doing wrong... but I can never seem to find what I'm looking for. For me, everything here is much more user friendly... not to mention the members here are much more friendly and helpful!
  19. Hmm... I have emailed Chandlyn several times now and she has always answered and been very friendly. It usually takes about 2 weeks, which from what I heard on hear was pretty normal. I tried to keep them short and sweet ... mostly just asking to reserve my dinner reception and getting her verification of different prices. I haven't heard back from my most recent question to her (about a week ago) so maybe they are changing their email policy... or maybe since my wedding is a few months before yours they are being more lenient?
  20. I'm so sorry! I hope you find it or that the photog still has the proofs!
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