I'm beginning to realize my high school friends suck.
My best friend through high school, my college roommate for 2 years, my number 1 confident, and my MoH... just texted me saying - we need to talk... I don't think I am going to be able to come to your wedding.
Seriously WTF?
She cites finanical reasons... which normally I am willing to accept, as my group of friends is young and just getting started in life. I knew from the beginning that most would not be able to come. But her!
First off, she has had this spot "called" for the past 7 years. Second off, from the moment we announced the engagement I told her the expected cost and that I understood if she wouldn't be able to come. She said, not a problem, she wouldn't miss it for the world. (Not to mention she still lives with mommy and daddy who have paid for all her schooling and last I knew still paid for her credit cards... and now that she has a real job one would think she could budget this in over the year since her other living expenses are practically nil). Third, when my other "best friend" from highschool bailed on being a BM not even a month ago she was in disbelief and didn't understand why sucky ex-BM couldn't budget accordingly and would accept the position only to cancel.
AHHHHHH.... I just don't get it! On the bright side its still 8 months away from the wedding and their is no trip deposits down or anything. But still don't get why it took 6 months to come to this conclusion, especially when just 3 weeks ago she was gung ho and had no issues paying in full for her BM dress.
Sorry vent over : )