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Everything posted by Bride010101

  1. Congrats!! Very exciting. Happy Planning.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK yea definitely.. I already missed him like crazy and this madness made it worse. I told him he's not allowed to go into work Thursday hehe defintely... i think this calls for a day off for just the 2 of you!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jmill130 I live between a few Targets, each $ spot varies... however, if you see just a few of something ask for help. They have TONS of the stuff in the back... they'll go get it and sell it in the case if you want! Good luck! Wonderful tip! Thanks : )
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK he called me He said he freaked out when he logged onto AIM and he got about 20 IMs in a row asking if he was alive..so he went to the airport to leave but there are no flights out until tomorrow so he's staying until the end of his trip since it's only 1 more day. lord I dunno who panics more, me or him lol Well I'm glad he was okay and got in contact with you! And I think anyone would panic in that situation ... especially with the difficulties in getting in contact with eachother! But glad it all worked out and he's continuing out his trip... and then will be safely coming home to you!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by stefnicole I didn't think there was much to like about KU's curriculum until I read this. Hallelujah! We do not have to write papers! We just have to memorize structures and research information. KU tries to push us all into either research or residencies. I'm pretty sure I'm going with community practice, unless something during rotations changes my mind. Good luck on your paper. I'll be crossing my fingers! P.S. I've got only 2 community practice rotation, they limit us to 3 out of our 9 rotations. Hehe... yeah theres a lot I greatly dislike about our curriculum ... but this whole paper thing is more of a hatred. And in general a waste of time IMHO. hehe We also have our reserach guru's... and have way too many professors that suck at teaching and shouldn't be professors but are because they are big wig research peeps. They defintely push us into residencies though... I don't know how many speakers, classes, seminars its been brought up in. Yah, I think they are all good - and actually might be nice for someone like me who isn't completley ready on their own.... but the schools need to realize that residencies a) aren't for everyone and are in limited supply -so even if we all wanted one, the system can't support it. Sorry to vent - just drives me nuts a bit - I'm ASHP liasison for the past 2 years on our campus so get to deal w/ the residency stuff a lot. I doubt I will do one. But more because my FI probably will, so I would like to at least start earning us some money. Plus the chances of us getting residencies in the same location are extremely slim... and I don't want to live apart any more than we have to (we will be apart for both the fall and spring rotations this coming year... so yep, we get married in jan... go back to school for our paper presentatins... then he goes to brainerd and i go to mora for acute care and then move back in w/ my parents for my last rotation... haha) As for rotations... when we picked our hubs (not sure how your system works - but our general geographical locations) they overbooked Duluth over the summer. So when my first few blocks got messed up and they needed to find me something else in Duluth... they had to be flexible with what they gave me. So I have the general community rotation... then community based ones that count as electives because they specialize more in management, patient care/diabetes clinic, and a psych thingy. Sorry for the hijack everyone
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by stefnicole Hold the phone. PharmD papers? Do you mean summarizing an article (journal club)? My last hijack...I promise! No the U of M requires you to write basically a thesis paper on a topic related to pharmacy for graduation. I forget that not all schools have it - but it is part of our curriculum. We had a semester of a paper writing class in the fall of our P3 year to get us thinking about it... and the final draft is due during the fall of our P4 year. Supposed to be around 20 pages + based on a pharmacy topic and evaluating current literatue (can also be based on research if you participate in it) - we have two different advisors who are supposed to help us and eventually pass/fail us on it. Then after Christmas of our P4 year before we start rotations again, we have several days where we have to present them to classmates and faculty. Defintely not one of my favorite parts of the curriculum. I lost interest (well had issues with research info) during the P3 paper class, so this summer I am pretty much starting from scratch. Yuck... not looking forward to it.
  7. Scary... I can only imagine your panic. Glad to hear he is fine and was able to sleep through it. Hopefully he just needed to get out of the hotel and clear his head.... try not to panic.. I'm sure he will get back in contact with you!
  8. Beautiful! Nice job Sarah. I wish I wouldn't have already bought all my stuff and started my own... your work is amazing!
  9. I beleive the Vow Renewal is in the same category as the Symbolic ceremony when you sign up for it on the Riu site. Originally I was going to also say you can do the free package... which is $165 for 2008 and $265 for 2009. But now that I think about it, it says something about needing to book 5 or more rooms. I wonder if this is a strict requirement? Also, do you have a specific date in mind? I know the ROR books up fast - so that would be my other concern for you.
  10. Does your restaurant have a date they need to know by... or is it they need to know ASAP. I know lots of girls have used their website for RSVP. I attempted to when I sent out my STDs... but got a really poor response. When asking people (mostly fam) about it... they always say "well you know we are coming." But I think other people have had better luck! My family can just be a bit lazy Do you have everyone's email address so you can email the group or are you sending out invites soon so that the guests know they need to RSVP?
  11. My main question would be whether you were doing any group rate. If so, I think that may help dictate it. Other than that, I'm not sure. We are having our guests book individually and decided not to do an RSVP date. Its a bit unconventional... but with a DW and knowing my family, I figured it would be useless. The majority will book come July when charters become available and we ask everyone to start contacting the TA... but we are bound to have a few stragglers the last few months, whether we set and RSVP or not. Plus we invited only family and close friends - so I should be able to get a good idea simply by word of mouth.
  12. I think Morgan said it perfectly. First off, the guy maybe should not be driving anymore... and this may save him from having another (and potentially more serious) accident. Second, as a person whose car was victim to a hit-and-run as a HS student I would have really appreciated the help of a witness.
  13. I believe the max is 3 adults -including kids >12 yrs- per room for all the room types.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by msasfraz how do we upload photos guys... need a little help If you have them saved in photobucket... just copy and paste the IMG code and they should turn up.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by stefnicole I'm at the University of Kansas, you? My first rotation is nuclear pharmacy and I know nothing about it. I'm hoping they go easy on me, since it's the first one. My law exam isn't until friday (only 80 questions). We asked our professor and she said that the MPJE was full of type k questions (A, A & B, A & C, etc..). So, hooray? My exam today was in biostatistics, what a waste of my time, learning statistics and how to interpret them in articles. Thanks KU! So, 1 final down, 3 to go! I'm at the University of Minnesota - Duluth campus. My summer rotations got messed up originally... so now its highly focused on community pharmacy. Which is okay with me, since realistically that is probably what I want to do. Originally I had a nuclear pharmacy rotation -but I ended up getting out of it. I think it would be really interesting - but I don't think I could do the whole 3 a.m. thing for 5 weeks. I would be interested in hearing how it goes though! The nuclear pharmacist in town worked part-time at the community pharmacy I interned at and he always talked really highly of it. And yuck... I hate biostats. We had that last year and agree, total waste of time. This year when we started writing our PharmD papers I realized I learned absoltuely nothing from biostats because I still don't understand all the numbers and what not. Good luck on law!
  16. I believe the cost of the disco covers the bar at no additional cost. Hopefully another bride can jump in. If you do Seagrape beach bar it is $10 a person to open the bar.
  17. Welcome and Congrats!! We will be getting married at Riu Ocho Rios on January 5th - traveling Jan 3-10th! Happy Planning!
  18. I think that is a really cute idea... and aperfect way to announce your wedding and invite people to an AHR. : )
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by stefnicole I just want to chime in and say I'm also graduating next May from pharmacy school and there is no way I'm ready. I can't even answer simple questions, how can I respond to doctors during rounds?? Right now, my most used saying - "I'm just a student, let me go ask the pharmacist." As an added bonus, I have a final in 2 hours and I've barely studied. I have no inclination to study and as you can see, I've been hanging around here instead. AHHH! Exciting.. I graduate next May as well. What school are you in? During my internship I have defintely used the, "let me go check with the pharmacist." I get so paranoid that I am going to give the wrong advice, that even when I KNOW the answer I become so unsure of myself I have to ask. I think that is my biggest issue - getting over my own fear and having faith in myself. My first rotation should be relatively easy and stress-free which will be a nice start. My second is with one of my professors and I secretly hope he really pushes me past my comfort zone so that I can gain teh confidence I need. Good luck on your final! I just finished my law final an hour ago. 90 question mutliple choice. exam.. with A, A and B, B and C, A and C, or A B and C. Ahhh!!! Made my head want to explode. Now I just have nutrition tomorrow... which I have no motivation to study for... but then no more school exams for me! (not counting the board/MPJE). : )
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