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Everything posted by Bride010101

  1. Thanks ladies! : ) Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Happy Bday! have any exciting plans? Nothing too big. We went out with some close friends for dinner and drinks last night, which was fun. Today we are still packing the house and then will go out to "birthday dinner" with my family. Then possibly going out with some school friends tonight. But we have to get up early tomorrow morning, to drive to LaCrosse for my sister's graduation where we are doing a second joint birthday (for both me and my sister whose bday is tomorrow) and graduation (for my other sister) celebration. Unfortuantely I have been really excited to see what Sean is getting me for my birthday... as I can tell he has been really excited about it. But sadly, during packing this morning I accidnetly stumbled across my gift. Looking for suggestions on what to do: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...251#post384755
  2. I just found my birthday gift from Sean and now I don't know what to do. I'm sure he is planning on giving it to me at my family birthday dinner tonight.... so should I act surprised or admit to him ahead of time I found it? I feel so bad! I know he was really excited about it... but it was totally an accident. We are packing up the house to move on Sunday, but my sis' graduation is tomorrow, so we are trying to get everything done today. He is out running some last minute errands and I was continuing to pack up our room.... so I was just about finished with our room and starting packing his video game stuff (half is up in our room and half is done in the living room). Well to keep it all in one box, I went downstairs to the video game cabinet to finish and saw a target bag. My first thought was, so what game did he buy now... so I opened the bag... but instead of a game, there is the cute pink camera I have been wanting! So what do I do? I hate lying to him... but I hate ruining his surprise. He has the worse luck in trying to surprise me... for example: One of our mutual friends ruined my Christmas present (it was a spa day... but for x-mas i just got a card and it told me to reserve a day for a special treat... but before the day came the friend asked how I enjoyed my day at the spa). And my grandma almost spilled the beans on his proposal. (He went to ask her permission as we are really close... and was going to ask my parents the next day because my mom had always said she didn't want to know until the day of because she was afraid she would spill the beans. Well my gma misunderstood and called my mom asking if she was excited about the surprise... which my mom was clueless about. So once my gma realized she made a mistake she refused to tell my mom anything, and said sean would explain. Well I was at my parents house so my mom comes out and asks... so what is this suprise of yours and seans? I had no idea what she was talking about, but she didn't beleive me. Luckily I was completely oblivious and didn't put two-and-two together.) So anyways... what would you do? Tell him the truth before dinner tonight? Or play dumb, let him have his fun, and tell him sometime down the road?
  3. These are so cute! I love your colors and design! I borrowed your palm tree stamp idea myself... did you have issues with punching through the cardstock? or was mine just defective? I ended up adding the palm tree cut out to the envelope we are sending because I had all of them. I can't wait to finish everything and put it all together!
  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Big hugs and know that we are all here for you. I agree with everyone else's suggestions... take some time off to grieve and be with those you love. You have plenty of time for planning and we will all be here to help when your ready!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I have metal travel candles and I'm going to put a book of matches in each tin instead of taking a whole box of matchbooks. Thats a great idea! Thanks : )
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by deznchris2006 Hmmm...I didn't think of that....but if they are directed there right after taking the pics, they might just go over and do it. Maybe also making a list of everyone, and then once the person doing the pics is done (AKA - has no more baggies) he/she goes over to the filled baggies and checks that each one she gave out is back in there. Like checks the names off a list...then she'll know if she has to go track down Aunt Sue and Uncle Bob. Do you think that's a little overboard or asking too much of someone? I don't think it really is. And that way you'd know you have something from everyone. You definately need someone who's outgoing to do it. Naw I don't think its too much to ask. Plus my fam/friends know I'm a bit psycho w/ the planning... so they will know that they better comply. hehe But your right... as long as you pick a good person to take the photos and direct them what to do... it isn't too complicated. Plus the people are stuck there with me for the week... I can always track them down if I need to. hehe
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by deznchris2006 My other worry about having people actually sign the scrapbook (besides having to lug it there and back and the possibility of it getting lost) was what if people don't leave room for the pics. This way, we'll use funky sizzors to cut pieces of paper and then we put them on the pages where we want them. (I'm probably WAY overthinking this stuff...) Hehe... no I had that concern as well. In another bio where a bride did something simialr she actually had put pieces of cardstock where she wanted teh photo w/ "your photo will go here" so that guests wouldn't write in that space. But I defintely agree that doing it separately and putting it all together later would be easiest. My only concern is that people will get confused since its not the traditional guest book and not do it or something.
  8. My parents suggested I include candles in the OOT... they said they have always brought them on their trips to Mexico and Jamaica and have never had any problems. My only concern was transporting all the candles and matches through customs/airport security... does anyone know the official rules on that?
  9. Beautiful! They look great. I love the one you posted w/ him kissing your forehead... those are always my favoite.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by deznchris2006 Haha, thanks I should check out some people's planning Bio's, but I think FI would kill me if I come back with more things I want to do. My sister (MOH) and I have been going back and forth about a guest book. We were thinking Poloriod, but now they aren't really making them, and with digital cameras, I don't know if it's worth it. So, what I think we're going to do is ask my cousin to be in charge of taking everyones pic. (she's into that stuff). Give her a stack of small ziplock baggies and each one will be personalzed with this on a printed label: Aunt Yolonda & Uncle Chuck Please write your Well wishes, Place them in this bag and put in the basket on the table. When we return home we will compile a Scrapbook/Guestbook which you will be able to see at our at home reception on March XXXX When she takes someone's pic, she gives them the bag and directs them towards the table (when she has no more bags, she'll know she got everyone). On the table will have the poem BeckyN posted in a large frame and in a smaller frame: Please use only one side of the paper, as we want to put them in a scrapbook. Feel free to use several pices of paper and colors and have one basket with Aqua, Feusia and Silver paper and another basket for the baggies filled with wishes. I dont' want to lug a scrapbook there and home...and this way we decorate it how we want and add extra pics if we want to I think that sounds great... and probably what I will do as well! I contemplated making the scrapbook ahead of time... but figured it would be a pain to lug down, plus difficult for people to write in. I love the poloroid ideas - but agree that with digital cameras it seems easier to have someone I trust just take them and send them to me. I also liked the idea of giving everyone postcards in the OOT bag and asking them to send one back to us. I was maybe thinking of asking them to share their favorite memory of the trip on it... and then encorporating that into the scrapbook as well. But not sure if that will become too much...
  11. Well I finished finals on Tuesday and Sean is taking his last final right now. Since we will be moving all around the state this next year, we decided to give up the house we are renting to save some money. Now we have the daunting task of going through all our stuff - and decide what to toss, what can go in storage for the year and what we need to take with us. To make it more fun, everything we decide that we *need* over the next year... needs to be crammed into the tiny room I was demoted to (when I originally moved out) at my parents house... as we will both be moving in with my parents (and 3 siblings) over the summer. Needless to say, that will be an adventure in itself. I tried to be good and get most of my clothes, toiletries, books out of the house and moved back to my parents the last few days as Sean studied. Once we left for his final today, I started going through our joint stuff and paper stuff in our room and have created a gigantic mess. Most of the stuff HAS to go into storage. I was thinking of number each box/tote and then writing down what goes into each box. Is that me being overly organized... or will it be useful? I figure, it might be nice in case we decide we need something come January or whenever. Any tips on packing or previous experiences you would like to share?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by deznchris2006 Do you mind if I steal this? I stole/borrowed this myself! I either found it here or in the Knot Bios - so I'm sure its free for the taking. I think the wording is cute! If it belongs to anyone - please let us so know, so we can give you credit! : ) When I started saving pics I didn't do such a great job of noting who it was from because I never thought I would make a bio or what not.
  13. I'm still debating what I want to do for my guestbook... If I do a photomat or plate I will probably just assign someone to be in charge of it. If I go for the photobook type thing - where w/ the help of my ex-MOH I am going to make it a scrapbook with the photos of each group and their wish/advice written to us on squares of cardstock or something - I would probably set up a sign like the one below to explain what I want.
  14. I am still working on what I'm going to get them. So far I have gotten them fuschia cover ups to wear when we are all getting ready and the to enjoy for the rest of their trip. If budget allows I would like to get them a nicer tote bag with their name embroidered. Then who knows what else I'll find... Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK Swarovski Starfish necklace - SWAROVSKI #6721 STARFISH PENDANT "CRYSTAL AB" 40MM (1) - eBay (item 280226046323 end time May-17-08 23:42:40 PDT) Have you got these yet? Do you have a picture of it in person / on someone? I really want to do starfish necklaces for the girls - but can't find one I like. TIA!
  15. Very pretty and so perfect that it matches your colors!
  16. OMG! I truly am sitting here lol as I picture it in my head! Keep us updated... can't wait to hear how the drama unfolds.
  17. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us. : )
  18. I just finished the last final of my college career!!! Now just a paper, a year of rotations, the boards and the MPGE... and I can enter the real world where I can have a life outside of school (and start paying off some of this debt I've accumulated and have.)
  19. My aunt and cousin were both married on Friday the 13th. I think it would be a cool date... but agree that with guests/photog leaving Saturday it might not be ideal. I know for Jamaica that if you are married ahead of time in the states... you can have a symbolic ceremony which doesn't require you to be there a certain amount of time early. Plus its usually cheaper! (and if I'm thinking right... in Mexico you would also need a blood test for the legal ceremony... ) We will still count our Jamaica wedding as our real wedding though.
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