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Everything posted by Bride010101

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 they look beautiful! Great job. I have so much respect for you. I tried to do my own BUT I ended up having Sarah make them. I can't believe what a great job you did!! Thanks. After seeing yours from Sarah, I was really disappointed I had already bought my supplies and had somewhat started them. Yours turned out so beautiful! I was actually so upset that mine would look horrible - that Sean told me to just go ahead and order them from her. But since we had already spent the money on supplies and really have no extra room in the budget ... I just decided to follow through with mine. They are no where near Sarah's... but I was pretty impressed with myself (totally not a DIY - type person). Quote: Originally Posted by Jenleopard Those turned out Great! How did you make your pocket? I just used a regular size piece of carstock and folded it into threes. I used a ruler to make the edges nice - but that was a total pain. I believe there is something you can buy from Michael's that makes creases easier... but was already half-way through when I learned that. Then I just cut off a corner of the paper so that the invite would be visible... and then used double stick tape along the opposite edge to make the pocket. (originally i lined the top of the pocket w/ double stick tape but it made it difficult to get the invite in/out). Then I used the corner cutter on all the edges to make them similar to the BPs. Lastly, I used a large palm tree punch I found at Michael's. Not sure if mine was just defective or if the cardstock was too thick - but this part was a major pain. It required you to press down really hard - I could barely do it - so Sean did most of it. But I liked how it looked in the end and then didn't feel the need to print anything on the pocketfold. Hope that sorta makes sense.
  2. Congrats!!! You look so beautiful! Glad to hear everything went well... it all looks amazing. Thanks for a wonderful review! Just curious if there is anything -looking back - that you wish you would not have done?
  3. After taking a break from wedding planning due to finals and moving and what not... we jumped back into it this weekend and completed our boarding pass invites! A special thanks to all the wonderful ladies who have shared their ideas and templates. : ) I have taken bits and pieces from so many people and could never have done it on my own. They aren't as "professional" as some... but I like the, they fit the budget, and it is a great feeling to be able to say I did them. Anyways... just thought I would share. : ) Everything pre-assembly (4 pages, pocket folder, envelope) Pocket folder and Envelopes 4 pages tied together with ribbon How they look inside the pocket folder (love the palm tree punch idea... thanks to whoever that was borrowed from!) I have also attached our template. Fonts I used include: scriptina, Californian FB, hibiscus, wmtrees1 (all from dafont.com) BDW Draft.doc
  4. Wow Morgan... everything looks absolutely amazing!
  5. Congrats!!! What a wonderful review.... sounds like everything was perfect. Can't wait to see more pics!
  6. Welcome back! can't wait to hear more about it.
  7. Welcome back : ) Can't wait to hear more.
  8. FI is also a student - whose in even greater than I am since he pays out of state tuition. When we graduate I will probably make more because he is looking into doing a residency - so his stipend will be substantially less. But once he's done... he will have more opportunities and will probably make more.
  9. I'm so sorry you had so many bumps on your wedding day. You looked absolutely beautiful though and sound like you handled it well! Congrats and can't wait to see more pics!
  10. I'm a student (in my last year - yah!). Our last year of curriculum has us doing rotations or externships... so basically I work 40+ hours a week for the next year and PAY around$40,000 to do so.
  11. Yay! Thanks for the review... I have been waiting to hear how everything went. Congrats... everything sounded amazing. : ) Now I just can't wait to see some pics!
  12. Congrats! She is absolutely beautiful. : ) Happy to hear everyone is doing well.
  13. I'm so sorry! My MoH pretty much bailed on me as well... via text message. Some people. Big hugs your way!
  14. I know some other ROR brides have had the same problem... check out this thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t8501
  15. Welcome from another Jan '09 ROR bride!
  16. Beautiful... they look amazing. The sequence of him seeing you is so sweet. And I love your BM flowers. yay! can't wait to see the rest.
  17. Hmm... trying to search but everything I can find is expensive. Each letter isn't bad... but they will add up quickly (especially depending on the length of your new last name) Rhinestone Monogram Stickers (set of 12) *oops... sorr just realzied those were for a set of 12... let me keep looking
  18. Thanks for the advice everyone! I was leaning towards the little fib as well... now I just need to maintain my composure. I am horrible at lying to him... whether big or small. I tend to get this goofy grin that I can't suppress and then start laughing. Hopefully my true excitement about the gift will mask it though. : ) Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY! WHen is your actual bday, today? Mine is tomorrow = ) May 17th. Yep mine is today! My younger sister's birthday is tomorrow on the 17th. I still maintain that I got jipped when I turned 4 and they said another baby sister was my presesnt. Happy early birthday!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Ellipse22 I have a pic I used for my invites...it's the gazebo on the beach w/palm tree...if you are interested you can email me ;-) [email protected] Thanks I've been looking for one as well... I just emailed you.
  20. Cute idea! Do they sell individual rhinestone letters that would make it easier?
  21. Hope you have a beautiful day! Can't wait to hear all about it!
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