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Everything posted by staceyandadam

  1. I would like to point out that after we made fun of diddy on here for saying bit##a&&ness he then made fun of him self in a mock commercial on the last episode! Too funny! I thought of all you guys when I saw him do that!
  2. Hey ladies.. Adam and I are leaving for a desperately needed vacation to Cozumel, Mexico on Monday morning!!!! Yeah!! We are taking a day trip to Playa del Carmen to meet with our wedding planner at the Royal! My question to all you guys is this: What should I be asking/looking for in our planner? Any specifics that I should be forwarned of from your experiences? Any advice you guys have for me that would be great! Can't wait to hear what you all say!!
  3. the oot bags are a current obsession for me as well! I need to stop myself and remind myself that I am no a millionaire! Ha! Soooo many great ideas and not enough time/money to make it all happen...
  4. Too funny! I thought I was the only one getting discouraged when I had to click through the big websites! Good to know I am not the only one!
  5. OPPS don't know why it posted one with the smilies and one without... weird!!! Well now you can all laugh x2!!
  6. Ok, ladies here is my BDW mishap! I was at work (i am a nurse) and I had my planner laying open at the nurses station writing in my hours and my charge nurse came up to me and said "stace, you may want to close that if there are personal things written in it... " I completely confused said "nope, nothing personal just my to-do list and schedule" She then in turn said "but you have check on STD's highlighted at the top of the page!!!!" AHHHHHH!!! I laughed and laughed! She was completely confused until I showed her my STD and explained what an STD was outside of the hospital! HAHAHAHAH!! Now if that is not an addiction to this site! I don't know what is! Just thought I would share!
  7. Ahhh!! LOL hahaha can you image your soon to be hubby telling you to get over your B****A**Ness!! Ahhh! That is hilarious....
  8. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this thread!! I am in the process of brainstorming ideas for centerpieces! I will post a pic when I come up with a few ideas! Great thread!
  9. Thanks ladies! I must say your compliments are great for the self esteem! Thank you!
  10. Great info ladies! I was wondering what time frame for a photographer as well! Thank you... I will have to show this thread to my FI
  11. Original! Very nice touch that it is his request! I say go for it, it will always be extra special to you two no matter what!
  12. I just watched my Tivo episode and let me tell you if diddy could say bi$$$A@@ness any more than he did in that minute or so I would be surprised... and just so you all know according to diddy bit@@a@@ness is spreadable, contagious! So watch out! Ha!!
  13. Ohhh.. good question! I will be looking up the answer in the search area too! I was thinking of shipping things to PDC for our wedding!
  14. Yeah for American Idol! It is also another show I can get my fiancee to watch with me! We Tivo it and watch in bed! Fan-freakin-tastic!!
  15. Great job! Lots of useful information for your guests! Thanks for posting it!
  16. Definately not a dress girl! Ahh the price was good too! I got it on sale... $600! A steal! I think the $89 came from an earlier post I replied to... small bit o confusion!
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