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Everything posted by LNGT1008

  1. Aw... I don't have enough points to open this, but I would be really interested to see it. Would you mind to e-mail it to me? The address is [email protected]. Thank you!!!
  2. I almost bought a Maggie dress at a local dress shop and it was $1500.00. I've tried just searching on the web to get an average price on her dresses and that seems to be around $900.00 or so. There are a few sites that have some Maggie "knock-offs" but they usually zip up in the back instead of having the corset back if that is important to you (which it was to me). Good luck... I know how you feel... I keep falling in love with all of the dresses that are WAY out of my price range!
  3. I was just beginning to think about decorations and wondered if anyone knew if open flames were allowed at any of the Dreams resorts...(I am trying to decide between Los Cabos and Cancun). I found some great candle holders that hold tapers, but I wondered if they have to be enclosed (I know the wind will more that likely blow them out anyway...but it was a thought). Thanks!
  4. I'm no help but I just wanted to let you know I am looking at both of those resorts as well and can't decide. I think I might be leaning toward the Dreams a little more though. I plan to go to a travel agency tomorrow. If I find anything of significance between the two, I will let you know. If we do go with dreams, I think we are just doing the package that includes the hors d'oeuvres and then try to all be seated at a restaurant together (but I'm only having about 20-25 people there). As far as cost, I think we will price the resort as well as surrounding others + the day pass for guests so they can have choices. I haven't spoken with anyone at either resort to see exactly what the reception options would be other than what is listed on the website. Maybe your best bet would be to contact one of them if you haven't already to get a general idea of prices. Good luck!
  5. LNGT1008

    Hello All!

    Hi girls! I am planning to get married 10/4/08 or somewhere around that time. I have not narrowed down a destination yet... and any ideas will be welcome. We are on a fairly tight budget, so I guess I am looking to get the best deal for my money (aren't we all)! What do you all think about the carribean vs. cancun/riveiera? Some locations in the US would be great as well so more family would be likely to come, but I am having trouble finding the "all-inclusive" packages here. Any thoughts?
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