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Everything posted by tlomlad

  1. lala is right there is no such thing as too formal you look beautiful!
  2. nice i can get off on a sunday and i say def maggianos philly!!!!!
  3. good luck and happy planning!
  4. welcome, joining this forum is the best place you could have started!
  5. welcome glad to have another dc girl on here!
  6. his work is really great to bad hes all booked up for 2008!
  7. love the idea i talked to my fi whos is a bar manager/bartender and he said that another thing you could do is to add a little flavor liquor say something re or whatever your colors maragarita so it would match your theme and colors and instead of a salt rim use a sugar rim since it will be sweeter hope this helps!
  8. we invited everyone even the ones that we knew that could not come but we are also doing a at home reception so the info about thats was in there so not sure if that helps or not but we wanted them to know that they were special to us even if we knew they couldnt come!
  9. i have a couple of questions... 1. what kind of dinner plan did you have for the reception... we are doing the ultimate package and they made us pick a set menu for everyone. I wanted my quests to have a choice. Hence the sit down dinner 2. did you pay for your rehearsal dinner, and how much per person 3. would you reccommend the spa? what was the bar set up like there?
  10. hey welcome to the forum you will be able to really help your son this site rocks!
  11. tlomlad


    hey sherry, welcome and happy planning!
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