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Everything posted by tlomlad

  1. great idea did you use real candles or the battery op ones
  2. i wouldnt get the mini ones they are def to hard to play with and if you go to the dollar stoe atleast all of them around here have the big ones for a dollar and each guest does not really need thier own pack maybe say one pack per room or even do somethinf where everyone knows you have them and to just ask you if they need them and onlt buy say 15 packs hope this helps!
  3. wow morgan that is a great idea i just got turned onto kriste today an i think she is going to do my wedding i just have to book her im soooooooo excited!
  4. mine sometimes takes about a week but i know its s she is sooo busy when we went for our site visit thats all she does the closer to your date the faster replys you will get!
  5. have not seen that anywhere around here but it sure looks like fun!
  6. wow kat81 Kristie's website is great i love her style and so does my fi he loves that she takes alot of pics with tats cause he has alot! well here i go agai ngetting my hope up but she will prob not be free for our date but cross those fingers for me!
  7. hey jodey we are def using the videographer that comes wth the package we are still up in the air about photographer the fi had a friend back here that was going to come down and do it for us only for the cost of his trip but he cant now so we are kinda back to square 1. Photos are really important to us but we just dont have a hugh budget for them. Claudia showed us alot of pics from jaun navaro wh is the guy that comes with the package and they are really not bad, but they are def not DEL SOL which is who we really want i think we might try and swing their associate vincent but still not sure cause if we did it would end up costing us more than the wedding itself arrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!
  8. wow no idea these big names were not getting it done!
  9. thats insane she better have spent all night working it out for you!
  10. Tammy my fi is has a buddy a work that get the good copy of dvd's b4 the come out wink wink!!!! But ithink that would have made it even sadder for me and the fi he is a big baby he cried too lol!
  11. thx for the link.....love the vase!
  12. after just seeing the movie the bucket list i got to thinking... what would i do before i died if money or danger were no object [other than charitable contributions or setting your family up, they are givens] ... i would live on a deserted island with my FI for a year and leave the world behind [picture of the island, lol] WHAT WOULD YOU DO [pics please!]
  13. no way any of "my girls" could ever be a problem glad to know someone will be down there & kat81 we would love to have you too!!! you could both come joing he festivites cause we will be going all night lol!
  14. if yo want to wait till july ill be there from the 17th till the 24th wedding sunday the 20th!
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