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Everything posted by tlomlad

  1. !st about the drinks again like i said they def dont skmip on drinks all mosr beers come in cans except in your room where they are 7 oz bottles and for the most part drinks come in 12 oz glases but if you get say a frozen or specialty drink it will come in a hurrican/martini/or margarita glass, i think we are going to use 20oz hibiscus flower sports bottles with lids.......... i think they wil be nice for the beach and we are not customizing them so it will save on cost, and with the lids it will not let sand in your drinks at the beach and it will provide a bigger cup so you can get more booze in one drink and not have to worry about another trip to the bar, even thought the serverers are so good there that they are always on top of it if you need another drink, these bottles are from Oriental Trading and i think are 14.95 a dozen so not to bad price wise they also have alot of other options if you wantedto make them more with your theme....hope this sheds some better light on the subject. 2nd i did not see any other color beside the red carpet at first we did not like it at all but as we look back at our pics it does look really nice and stand s out but it also will not work with our color scheme, as for the rose petals i think it will be a crap shoot there were def times when they would have stayed but for the most part they def would have blown away soif you can go a cheap route where you will not mind to much if they blow away i say go for it but if not then you might want to skip them but you will see when you do your site visit.
  2. thanks for the post this store is great but i always forget about it!!!!
  3. i love love love the two bird dress... its sexy and innovative, def post pics when you have the time! how exciting
  4. i def think they are cute, very creative but i would [like many of the other girlies said] check with customs first
  5. they look amazing, professional even, congratulations on the first of many diy projects
  6. they look great! i especially love th rsvp part... and i agree with you, when i was doing mine i regreted not just ordering them but the outcome is so much better when you are able to personalize every detail
  7. they are really cute... i am considering them, not sure if the "grounds" will be to hott for the bottom of my feet
  8. i agree with nikki... i def dont think that its rude... its your wedding you can do what you want... perhaps a casual bbq "reception" show those in texas the pictures from the wedding etc. i would def reccommend inviting them either way, let them decide if they cant make the long trip but at least they know that you had them in mind to share the most important day of your life with you
  9. our site visit wa last minute so we understood but maybe if you plan ahead of time you can set something up with claudia but we did ask when we were down there and she just directed us to what restaurants served what items we wanted to try.
  10. yeah thanks Jean i never would have thought of making a post like this till i saw yours but im sooo glad i did cause i owe everyone on her sooooooooo many thanks, oh and your on!!!!!!
  11. oh and i forgot to give a special thanks to all my Mods for keeping the place running so great luv ya girls!!!!
  12. I just want to say thank you to all the girls on here especially Tammy the Host and all who created this site. I really dont know where i would be without the BDW it is really a heaven sent! I really feel like i have made friends all over the world, and that i am part of a wonderful community where everyone looks out for each other, and no matter what is going on in my day or life good or bad i want to come on here and share with all my girls, heck even my FI is hooked as he is on here with me all the time or he ask hey what did the girls think about that idea.......its sooooo cute. Well that its for now just thanks too all who have helped me in the past and future thanks to all that will help me in the future and i hope that i can contribute as much to others out there is that has been given to me....God bless everyone on BDW!!!!!
  13. welcome to the forum im from DR so im a little bias go DR!!!!
  14. welcome good luck planning!
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