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Everything posted by tlomlad

  1. this is great i think there is anothe post of this on here somewhere its tooo funny!
  2. im soooo sorry to hear this, it has happened to me in the past it is the worst and i still forget to backup my stuff as often as i should!! arrrrrrrrg technology
  3. this is a great question as we do not have pets but my fi mother does i will have to look into this for her?
  4. yari, i feel bad that you don't like them but i thinkt hey look great. I can see what your meant about the spacing but i think it makes it edgy... i would send those out in a heart beat if they were mine [honestly] i think they are great and your guests will love them! keep them!
  5. i think the romantic one looks a lot more sophisticated
  6. ooo my gosh... im so excitted for my shoot with kristie... can't wait !!!! p.s. not like you havent heard this already but you look good !
  7. hey danielle, welcome to the forum and congratulations on the engagement !
  8. i think that ott bags are a good wy to show your guests upon arrival that they will be taken care off on thier trip...
  9. thanks morgan for that link i did not know that was on here you are the best!
  10. welcome and we hope this forum will help take some of yourstress away!
  11. i say it prob does not matter cause if you love tattoos like my fi you are going to want to get one on the other arm at some point but either way congrats and i hope it turns out the way you want!
  12. welcome im a dc bride so if you have any questions just let me know!
  13. tlomlad


    congrats and welcome!!!!
  14. hey just wanted to know if they are still availble?
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