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Everything posted by tlomlad

  1. welcome to the forum!!!
  2. tlomlad


    welcome to the forum!
  3. tlomlad


    welcome to the forum!!!!
  4. tlomlad


    welcome to the forum hope it happens soon for you!!!
  5. We were out to dinner last night and went to a local upscale authentic mexican restuarant and had an amazing meal, but to top it off we found our signiture wedding cocktail. Now at first we were not really going to have one but after tasting this we knew it was perfect. OH opps i guess you want to know what it is.....ITs a CHAMPAGNE MARGARITA, which consist of Champagne, splash of chambord, Tequila, and a blend of freah lime and simple syrup it was sooooo goood and we figred the best of both worlds with the "marriage" of the signiture weddding and signiture mexican cocktails and i think our guest will love it!
  6. i say go for it but it might get a little excersise
  7. you look great... but i really love the back of that dress
  8. congratulations guys! ... it looks amazing
  9. i htink that the blue would stick out and look really cute... but either one really
  10. hey welcome you are a great mom for helping out!!!
  11. congrats on the new place good luck with the move!
  12. have a great time and of course lots of pics!!!!
  13. welcome i am a dreams cancun bride and i loved it there on my site visit so def check it out there!
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