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Everything posted by amandalovesryan

  1. i agree with cali, there was no beach party when i was there. make sure you check!
  2. oh, and my siggy pic is from the dock at the property.
  3. i stayed at casa del mar. we flew into punta cana and it was a long drive. the resort was nice. very pretty. awesome snorkeling! don't remember the wedding gazebo. the price was great. the food just okay. i will see what pics i have.
  4. we took a bucket for my niece and it packed just fine. it was cute having her with a bucket at the beach.
  5. Everything looks awesome! Good luck! Have a great time!
  6. Stacey, that stinks! I am so sorry! BTW- I love to travel, if you need a new MOH, sign me up!
  7. i love my moisturizer, it is called stila, you can get it at sephora.
  8. okay, several things. First, you look amazing! I tried to catch you when you went into to the disco but I was too late. your wedding looked great! Second thing, I think the nude woman was situated near my grandmother on the beach, she told me about seeing too much of one lady! LOL Third, your security drama was seen by my sis-in-law and her boyfriend. They came out to the pool and said you are never going to believe what we just saw. That is some crazy stuff! I am glad that you had a great wedding! Thanks for the pics, i need to get mine up!
  9. just got married, when i filled out the online form, i listed my parents as witnesses. when I had to sign the certificate after the ceremony, they had both of our fathers as witnesses. hope this helps!
  10. i will be working, too, Sarah! i love the night before holidays. it would be nice of staffing to call and say I am not needed tonight but then that would defeat the purpose of time-and-half.
  11. we had 2 hours with michael, he did 1 and half hour on the beach. loved every pic he took. then we went to our rooms and freshened up, dinner was at 6:30, then we had the Dj from 9-11. worked out perfectly. i really think everything went so smoothly. it will be okay!
  12. no pics yet, waiting for all of them to get to me. dinner is included in your package at one of the restaurants. we had it at the plantation with the steakhouse menu. it was great! no backup location. just took a chance and keep getting rave reviews about it!
  13. i am so glad that the rain stopped for you!
  14. I got married at 4 and did not really notice anything. There were about 3 ladies sitting somewhat close watching but it was no big deal. i say go for the beach if that is what you want. you only get married once.
  15. we just did a beach reception, not a BBQ, had a DJ, bartender and bonfire. the bonfire was 150, and the dj was 150 an hour, the bartenders were, i think, 10/hr/person.
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