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Everything posted by amandalovesryan

  1. I totally feel your pain! I cannot stand when cards come to the house addressed to one of us and not both of us. His GM even sends us each our own card! Hurts my feelings and makes me mad! I empathize with ya!
  2. Your pics look awesome! You are crafty! Congrats! Can't wait to see your pics!
  3. Welcome Laura! This is the place to be for all kinds of help and great info!
  4. Hi! I was just at Target and saw them in the candle aisle and remembered this thread! I am sorry I did not check the price. I see you are a philly girl, it was at the target in Oaks, off of 422, on the way to the fun, new outlets!
  5. HI! We went to St. Thomas several years ago and loved it! We wanted to get married there but our TA discouraged it because of the AI situation. We have already stayed at the Marriot. When we stayed there, we did not go the AI route. I personally don't think that you should do that. The food was just ok, there were not many options on the menu. That being said, I loved ST thomas and ST john. Especially St. JOhn! When I go back, I would defintely go back to st john! We loved it, it was awesome! On St. Thomas, I would recommend eating at Couzins in town. It rocks! When we were there, it was not really the height of cruise ship season so things were really closed except when the ships came in, the stores and everything. Plus, it was hard to find a ferry to St. John, just something to keep in mind. But it was beautiful and we want to go back and like I said, I would love to get married there! Good luck!
  6. I was also just thinking that I am a brat and would whine if Ry went without me. But then again, I think that I would just grab the diaper bag and everything else and go. She may end up marrying your bro some day and she shoudl think about not starting her relationship with you off on the wrong foot! I hope he comes around!
  7. thanks! did you happen to notice any dasani or aquafina? thats what she was really looking for.
  8. it actually came out kinda small but it looks good from what i can see! can you try to make it bigger or maybe it is just my computer
  9. Congrats! That is great! I am so happy for you! I bet you can try to ask for more time off! I was also thinking about something else, if your company is closed on holidays, that is a plus too. I have never had a job (except Dairy Queen) that was closed for holidays so I know that it makes a big difference, especially if the holiday is a monday or friday.
  10. Hi! Can anyone tell me what brand of bottled water is at the ROR? My nephew is drinking powdered formula and his mommy (my sis in law) was wondering. I know that it is trivial but I thought maybe someone would know. Thanks! Amanda
  11. Ryan's sis lives on the beach so she wrote our names in sand and took pics. She sent them to us and we uploaded them on shutterfly.com. We used them for the front of our STDs. Everyone is calling us and telling us how cute they are. The website there is so easy to use and moderately cheap! Good luck!
  12. lizz, hope your mouth feels better!
  13. so i just listened to that version online and i love it! i think that is what you should use!
  14. absolutely somewhere over the rainbow (how about the judy garland version ha ha)! so, you just give the music to chandlyn or what? i cannot wait to hear how it goes! i am so excited for you! can't wait to hear about it!
  15. Dear teachers, Thank you for taking care of those rotten little brats! It is the parents butts that need kicking! My mom and dad would have killed me for acting like that! Dear LadyP, Honey, you and I are in the same boat, we should motivate each other, only you have until October and I only have until May! YIKES! Good luck! TOo many Christmas cookies every place I turn too!
  16. hello! We are getting married at ROR in may and like you i was nervous after reading the whiners on TA. The things that made me relax were things like reading the comments from mo who just got back from her wedding there and having my travel agent give me the email address of someone who also just got back. That bride, the one i met through my TA, LOVED IT! she had no complaints. oh, and another thing, some of the people i work with are from Ocho rios. I know that doesn't mean that the resort is good but they love the area. My FMIL said it best when she said that you will never know until you try it and if something goes wrong, it will make a funny story to tell in the future! Good luck and try to relax! Amanda
  17. Good luck on your finals! Try not to stress yourself too much!
  18. I am having the same issue with my coworkers. What I have been doing is saying that I only invited several of my closest friends from work. I started out by saying that the wedding will be small, this way when people find out they are invited, they are surprised. I know that some people will be offended but what can you do. P.S. my stds went out yesterday! so excited
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