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Everything posted by amandalovesryan

  1. Congrats! I was wondering about you when I saw that you haven't posted in several days! He is so cute!
  2. HI! This is where we are getting married in May! Check out the Jamaica thread for some reviews and pics. Also, I think someone should be posting a review any day now, Calia07, i think, is the one that just got married there last week. Congrats! And welcome! You will find tons and tons of info on here. Mowife just got married, check out her reviews and her pics!
  3. I come from a large family, 14 aunts and uncles and about 30 cousins and their spouses. My extended family is not well off, most of my cousins are rather poor. I invited just my aunts and uncles to the wedding, knowing that they probably could not go. My mom is trying to plan to the shower and she wanted me to ask this question of you ladies: Since my cousins were not invited to the wedding, should they be left out of the shower? We did not invite them to the wedding because we knew that there would be no way that they could have attended and most of them would probably have been insulted to recieve the invitation. Would they be insulted to recieve an invitation to the shower? Thanks for the help! Amanda
  4. the first dress is my favorite, you look so beautiful in it! let us know which you pick but i pick the first one
  5. also, they have a bunch of beachy scented lotions and stuff, even those room infuser things that my mom bought to give as shower gifts. it was such a great find!
  6. i went to Bath and Body the other day and got mango mandarin soaps for $1 each. They smell tropical. i also bought really cheap tahiti sweeti body lotion. that is as far as i got but i am excited to have started purchasing things
  7. Christa, it could be worse, you could be hearing sex noises! Hang in there! Been there, done that! I hated my apartment but it was cozy and easy to clean! think happy thoughts!
  8. That is the way I feel! I just got back in October and can't wait to go again! However, I feel like I need to go other places first!
  9. i got a bunch of great things but my favorite was a garmin GPS from my fiance and a gift card to barnes and noble from my parents. I love to read! oh and of course my coach bag
  10. crazy!!! Where my mom lives you cannot even get a pizza delivered! Alcohol to your door, great idea
  11. your book is such a good idea! I should own stock in shutterfly for the amount of those photo books that i buy! on a different note, I saw your pic of Mont St Michel, wasnt that a fun place? Did you try an apple tart there? YUMMY
  12. Wait a minute, did you say you can get alcohol delivered?!?!? WOW! I live in PA where we have to buy our alcohol at State Stores (aka alcohol stores) that until like the last couple of years were not open on Sunday. Sometimes you just want a nice glass of wine and too bad for you! oh, and we have to buy our beer at different stores, usually a beer barn or beer depot, sometimes a pizza joint or something like that. I have heard of the Buzz Aldren and wanted to try it, so i am happy to have the recipe!
  13. CONGRATS! That is a great story and your ring is beautiful!
  14. without a doubt, my fiance and i will be drinking chocolate martinis at Ruth's Chris, YUMMY
  15. This post rocks! I lost my awesome grandfather several years ago to a heart attack. I am in contact with the American Heart Association to try to come up with some favors for our welcome bags. I have looked into doing something with Susan G. Komen too. Maybe you could do something like this if it is appropriate.
  16. HI! Congrats! This will be the place to be for tons of advice! one bit of advice from me, don't wait to book your date, they fill up fast! Anyway, CONGRATS!
  17. okay, so i went back and read your other posts about how long you have been sick ( i really am not crazy and psycho, there is nothing on TV). I am new to the forum and did not know all of the earlier stuff. If i were you I would go to a good doc and get a very thorough exam. You have been sick for way too long. make sure that it is your adrenal glands. make sure that there is nothing else lurking there from your mouth issues. anyway, that is it. i think i am done talking about it tonight
  18. I don't know anything about snapfish but I LOVE shutterfly! It rocks and it is easy to share things! I don't know what happens when you share pics and people order but I love it lots! I am always buying stuff on their site, actually this is how i made our STDs and got lots of positive feedback!
  19. i don't know anything about the disco other than i am excited to go there! anyway, i just looked at your ticker! Your wedding is so SOON! Woo Hoo! So happy for you!
  20. i already tried to say this so if it shows up twice, sorry. anyway, i think it is not the quantity of H20 you drink but the speed in which you drink it, check out webmd or type in water intoxication on a search engine. also, i did not find anything about tendons and levaquin but i will ask the docs at work. feel better!
  21. I don't think there is a rule about how much water is too much, it depends on the person. The thing that i do know is that during the summer they are always telling people to drink gatorade to replenish their electrolytes. maybe you can look it up on webmd. Also, if you end up having to go through extra tests, a lot of hospitals will let you do a payment plan (been there, done that)! They just want their money so they will do anything to get it, when i was broke, they let me pay 20 a month on an er visit! I am a nurse, i will have to look into tendon issues for you, i will look for a drug book at work next time. oh, and you do not want to hear me sing but i do like that song!
  22. My fiance jams to Eye of the Tiger, but we live near philly so it is not as lame as it sounds
  23. That sucks that you are going through all of this! If you could find a dr that does a UA (urinalysis) right in the office, that would have saved you some money and the reaction to levaquin. I give that a lot at work and i do not usually have a problem. That is a strange reaction! I would make sure from now on when you get a RX you tell every dr that. Make sure with the H20 you are drinking, that you are not drinking too much, you could maybe alternate with some gatorade or something to keep your electrolytes in check. Hope you feel better soon and whatever it is goes away. I will say a little prayer for you!
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