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Everything posted by amandalovesryan

  1. COngrats! You will find lots of ideas here!
  2. good luck! it is so much fun! even though i picked a dress, i told my mom that we should go and look more because it was so much fun! did you make an appointment at david's? it rocked!
  3. i tried on the 2nd one and loved it. it was pretty and made me feel like marilyn monroe but it was not my fav. (i got something else). anyway, i think the first is so pretty. that is what i choose. good luck!
  4. i love my canon powershot. not sure the model # but it is the one that the tennis player uses in the commercial. love it! i get so many compliments on my pics. the whole back of the camera is a screen which works well because you do not have to squint to see your pics.
  5. i am so excited but i am also kinda worried....anybody know when the finale will be? My parents are such huge fans, they might skip Jamaica
  6. This totally does not answer your question but that is what we are doing tomorrow. Same place and everything! Maybe we will run into you! Good luck!
  7. look under the thread that says about weather in Ocho Rios, maureen talks about the rain when she was there and the plan b- amanda
  8. i went to la romana, the southern end of DR, last summer and it was not a problem. we plugged in cell phones and cameras and stuff with no issues. (be careful using your cell phone, muy expensive:) I also checked on their website for you and found this: Electricity Electricity in the Dominican Republic operates at 110 Volts/60 Hertz as it does in the United States. Therefore, converters are not necessary. However, because voltage irregularities are common in the country - sometimes providing less voltage, sometimes surging - it is important that any appliances or computers you intend to use have surge protection
  9. I got a dress today. I am soooooooooo excited but I am not sure if I will do this right, bear with me, oh and the pic sucks cause it came from a phone hold on... wait for it, i will figure it out
  10. they are both so pretty! show us pics when you can of you in them!
  11. HIGH CLASS [x] You have gone tanning. [x] You own an iPod/mp3 player. [x] You like Starbucks. [x] You have been called a brat. [x] You have tons of shoes. [ ] You hate buying things that are on sale. [x] You have a laptop. [ ] You love shopping. GOTHIC [ ] Black is one of your favorite colors. [ ] You wear chains. [ ] You like heavy metal. [ ] You've shopped at hot topic [ ] You have worn black lipstick. [x] You have/had/or wanted piercings. [ ] You own a pair of Tripp pants (big baggy pants) [ ] You have at least one unnaturally colored haired friend. PUNK [ ] You can skateboard. [ ] You like plaid. [ ] You have Converse. [ ] You hate mtv. [ ] You have/had/wanted blue, orange, pink, red, purple, or green hair. [ ] You love mohawks [ ] You like Music. [x] Hate people who pretend to be something they are not EMO [x] You have been/are depressed a lot. [ ] You have dark colored thick-rimmed glasses. [x] Sometimes you cry easily. [ ] You like emo music [x] You've kept a journal/diary. [x] You have written a sad poem. [ ] You have dyed your hair [ ] You're sad when you're drunk sometimes GHETTO [ ] You love the Jerry Springer Show [ ] You have said "Fo Sho, Fo Shizzle, Fo Sheezy, etc." [ ] You have worn/wanted a grill. [ ] You have participated in or been present at a free styling contest. [ ] You have worn your shoes with the tongue flipped out. [ ] You work outside on a corner [ ] You know most of the lines from Boyz N Da Hood [ ] You own a huge gold chain with a giant gold pendant HARDCORE [x] You like loud music. [x]You love/like the Ninja Turtles. [x] You have slip-on shoes. [ ] You like Norma Jean. [ ] People have called you a freak [ ] You know how to "hardcore" dance or mosh [ ] Your hair has been dyed more than one color. [x] You wear jeans a lot. PREP [ ] You LOVE Laguna beach/ The hills. . [ ] You had/have/want a tiny/small sized dog. [ ] Your usual outfits consist of pink. [x] You like buying shoes.. [ ] You've shopped at Hollister.AE,and/or Abercrombie [ ] Getting your nails done is a fun thing. [ ] You have big sunglasses. [ ] You can't go anywhere without your hair perfect. ATHLETIC [x] You watch/have watched the Superbowl. [ ] You own track shoes or cleats other sports related shoes. [ ] You collect jerseys. [ ] You have/had a special shelf for trophies and awards. (HAD!) [ ] Your garage/shed consists of sports equipment. [x] You belong/belonged to a team. [ ] You have a specific number preferred for your jersey. (3 or 13) [x] You have played/are playing a real sport . [ ] Judge people by the sports they play. REDNECK [ ] Gone four wheeling. [x] Shot a gun. [ ] Owned a four/three-wheeler or like, etc [x] Like to go fishing. [x] Eat beef jerky sometimes [x] Ever said GIT-R-DONE. [x] Listened to the song Redneck Woman. [x] You have rode at least 1 thing(horse, bull, dirt bike... is it possible to be a high-class redneck, hmmmm? who knew?
  12. my job just gave us back our internet access and i am kinda bummed about it. I work with immature idiots that get on youtube and watch videos of people having diarrhea in a hot tub. morons. this is the reason we lost our surfing privileges to begin with! or, then there are the people who look at sex toy websites. so very professional, if you are in that line of business, not so much if you are a nurse.
  13. Thanks for trying chicas but I am still bummed, (could also be because i am low on sleep)
  14. i think that the color is great and the design is great. it is pretty small but hopefully they will give you a discount. good luck!
  15. yeah, i think that maybe plain would even be better than all those branches. it is too much, imo. i think tulle would be okay but then you have to worry about getting it done and it would be one more stress.
  16. those shell flowers rock! aren't you afraid that they will break? Are you getting one for your BMs and yourself or just you?
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