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Everything posted by amandalovesryan

  1. you are supposed to "buddy tape" it to the next toe. i just broke before the wedding. it was painful for about 2 weeks. i ended up losing a toenail. i have broken my toes multiple times and my feet three times. i am an expert! Unfortunately!
  2. this thread rocks, i will try to think of something!
  3. thanks, ladies! he is so funny! he always made us smile in school!
  4. One of the guys that I went to nursing school with is trying to win Most Eligible Bachelor, please vote for him! He is so funny! If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you can read about him! Thanks a bunch! His name is tarik Khan. Who is your favorite guy among this year's Sexy Singles? | Philly | 07/31/2008
  5. Rachel, you are so popular! I am a huge fan of Abbie, Jackie, and Carly.
  6. how is that possible? there should be enough room at the plantation. also, why don't you wait until you see how many people rsvp? then you could see what to do.
  7. check out this thread, we are all addicts http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t15414
  8. i saw it last night! it rocked! i can't wait to see it again! i am not a huge fan of movies and i loved it!
  9. That is so cute! At our wedding, our whole party went into the ocean, it was sorta impromtu so the pics stink but it was so much fun! Everyone needs to get into water in "good" clothes once in their life!
  10. Abbie, i logged on to see your pro pics and it will only show me one probably to many BDW ladies trying to look! ANyway, the one pic that i did see, you look beautiful! Glad you are back! Congrats!
  11. i really want to see it. maybe my mom and i will go this week. DH will not go!
  12. great idea! i wish i would have done this! my veil was driving me crazy!
  13. So, right down the road a little bit is the Colonial Theater. THis is where the famous scene of everyone running out of the theater away from the "blob" was filmed. Every year there is a Blob festival. Stores fill there windows with red blob-type stuff. it is kinda neat. then downtown has little festivals. they reenact the running scene and have a Blob Ball where everyone goes dressed up! kinda interesting. my actual neighborhood, i live in a huge development where idiots let their children play in the road. not 5 or 6 year olds, no 2ish year olds. grrrr. one time the one little guy was standing on our stoop in his little diaper with not a parent around.
  14. pretty creepy but man, is she an awesome artist. they are so lifelike!
  15. you can do it! i did after 10ish years! just don't drink while you are trying to quit. you can do it! you can do it!
  16. yeah, that is where i work. different department though. one of my bff's works in mother/baby there.
  17. did you ever hear one? it is the freakiest noise ever! When Ry lived at home, there was one that used to yell, it sounded like a hurt kid or something. freaky!
  18. That is awesome! Congrats! Where will you be delivering? I think Lankenau is near you, hint, hint!
  19. i got mine last week. actually it was that day that it stormed really badly. the pizza guy found the registered letter thing in our mulch. thank goodness we ordered pizza that night!
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