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Everything posted by amandalovesryan

  1. it is so pretty! it makes you look so curvy and beautiful! carriern- want some of my boobs, i have more than enough to spare! They are not all they are cracked up to be
  2. i love las vegas! the venetian is so pretty! i have not been there in a year and am going through withdrawal!
  3. i thought you were going to tell us it passed. good luck!
  4. oh good luck tonight! I am nervous for you!
  5. Good to know, my fiance's name is Lande and goes by Ryan. He does not want to have to say Lande at our wedding, some people do not even know that is his name!!!
  6. she looked so beautiful! i am glad everything went well!
  7. it is nice but i think it might be a pain to get through customs, or don't they care about sand? I forget. i know snails are a bad thing but i cannot remember about sand.
  8. i feel your pain! I hate passive-agressive people that make it seem like you are the idiot! Stick up for yourself! And tell him to stick up for you! Oh, and i agree with everyone else, don't send her anything else! Who cares what she thinks! it is our opinion that matters... he he Good Luck!
  9. i love lemons and always get them. now i might cry
  10. that wife needs to grow up. kids will be kids but she needs to set an example.
  11. i agree, go with early in the morning. Then you guys could have the whole day free!
  12. yeah, try to do photobucket at home, that was easiest for me and i am sorta a moron when it comes to uploading and downloading stuff oh, did you see how to change your username color? go under vbplaza main, then scroll down to find what you are looking for.
  13. That stinks! You totally should have been given a warning call by DF. Men don't think at all some times! Good luck! At least now you can think about what you are going to say when you talk to her again! So much for a peaceful evening!
  14. is that the same thing as a bachelorette party? anyway, i think that i would tell those that are asking that you don't know if there is going to be one and that you wish that there was. my friends would totally take me out if they knew that no one else had planned it. by the way, i think that is crappy of your friend. how hard is it to send an email to people and say this is when it is and this is where we will meet? just my opinion though! i have a friend like that right now and i want to scream!
  15. also, i have a brochure here Lunch: Mammee Bay, Plantation, Piccola Italia, St. Ann Dinner: Sir Richard-gourmet, Tushima- Japanese, Mandalay- Asian buffet, Piccola Italia- Italian buffet, Plantation-grill steakhouse, a la carte, Mamee Bay-grill steakhouse, a la carte
  16. I don't think so I copied this from their website Restaurants and Bars: Saint Ann buffet restaurant with non-smoking area and terrace Tushima Japanese restaurant (exclusive to the Deluxe room category guests) Sir Richard a la carte Gourmet restaurant Piccola Italia Italian restaurant Mandalay Asian restaurant Mammee Bay beach restaurant and Grill Steakhouse Plantation beach restaurant Blue Mountain bar salon Sports bar Dunn’s River Plaza bar Seagrape beach bar Reggae pool bar Rastafari swim up bar View our sample menus.
  17. i would ask her. i think, anyway. if it was an alcohol induced falling out, than that is different from a normal falling out, you know? I am only having my sis, his sis, and my sis-in-law in my wedding but i have 2 friends that i would love to ask but i want to keep it small. since you are having the other 2 girls that you used to run with than i think you should invite her.
  18. Have a great time! Can't wait to hear all about it!
  19. there are a bunch of restaurants outside in like a little shopping center that is sorta attached. we stayed next door but went to the atlantis to check things out. Johnny Rockets outside was not bad. Doesn't the atlantis do all-inclusive? Maybe your company will let you upgrade to that with you paying for that?
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