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Everything posted by amandalovesryan

  1. So, where are you cruising too? that is awesome! Have fun!
  2. we are thinking about taking the wedding party for excursions. I can't wait, it should be so much fun! Danielle- don't tell my party what you are getting your party or they will be jealous
  3. i not only have dark circles, I also have a lovely blue vein on my left cheek. Love it! I want to get it zapped but my mom gets mad when I bring it up! I just usually use bronzer and it helps me a lot!
  4. where are you getting married in the Bahamas? one of my coworkers just got back and loved it! she was married there but I have to remember where. We stayed on Paradise Island and really liked it!
  5. That is a great idea! We went to the Dominican Republic last summer and could really have used one of those. I speak a little Spanish but a book really would have been helpful!
  6. Are they outta their minds!?!?! How many people pay that much for a table cloth? Hell, you could buy them all and ship them down overnight and it would probably be cheaper. idiots!
  7. any word from your FI's conversation with them? Let us know! I hope it is going well!
  8. carly, i know nothing about computers but I hope that you can get it fixed! good luck!
  9. I am so sorry for your loss! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Be careful driving!
  10. Dear Cable company, Please come fix our cable! I hate not having tv. i need to know the weather and the news. I realize that i can check these things on the internet but it is not the same. please come when you said you were going to so that my day was not wasted waiting for you. i realize that the weather sucks but try to get here. please have it fixed so FI can watch the superbowl. P.S. Please don't charge us to fix it!
  11. wow, you really have to jump through hoops to be a married Catholic! I have enough trouble finding my birth certificate, I don't even know where to begin to look for a confirmation certificate! Thank goodness I am a Methodist or we would be out of luck!
  12. that is just so sweet! oh, and Martha Stewart, you lucky girl?!?! That is so nice that is on their website. What a great guy!
  13. i was just thinking what becks said, if the newbies were required to read this, they would not make the same mistakes we did when we were new.
  14. Jaime, how did today's appointment go? Did you get any sense of relief or diagnosis? I hope so! Lucy, when I read your story, it brought tears to my eyes! I will say a prayer for both of you!
  15. Dear people I work with, DO YOUR JOB! It is unacceptable to leave someone laying in pee because you would rather play solitaire! I realize that we just changed that person but guess what, she peed again and that means we get to do it again. No, this does not mean that I am being a bitch or being bossy. How would you like it if your G-ma is the person in that room? By the way, your title is Patient Care Technician. I think that this probably means you are, i don't know, maybe involved in patient care! GRRRRR! Also, please do not tell me about how much sex you have or what positions you like to have it in! I DO NOT CARE! Keep it up and I will go to the manager! Dear Manager, When I tell you things like this, please do not go to the person and say, "Amanda says ......" WHy can't complaints be annonymous?
  16. good point! that is the way that it should be but i am sure people will complain about that too!
  17. Welcome! Congrats! What do you do in Nuc Med? I am a tele RN!
  18. i would call the TA again and see what's up. She should be calling you back by now. I would call her and see what's up. My TA is with Liberty and they deal with the Riu a lot so maybe you want to try them. GOod luck, let us know!
  19. I get so annoyed when people act like your wedding doesn't matter because it is not a "real" wedding. Drives me crazy! My wedding is just as important as anyone else's. I am just going away to get married because 1). I/We don't want a big wedding 2). I don't want a big hassle, seating arrangements, centerpieces, etc. 3). I/We love to travel and love the tropics! SO take your idea and stuff it!
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