Dear people I work with,
DO YOUR JOB! It is unacceptable to leave someone laying in pee because you would rather play solitaire! I realize that we just changed that person but guess what, she peed again and that means we get to do it again. No, this does not mean that I am being a bitch or being bossy. How would you like it if your G-ma is the person in that room? By the way, your title is Patient Care Technician. I think that this probably means you are, i don't know, maybe involved in patient care! GRRRRR!
Also, please do not tell me about how much sex you have or what positions you like to have it in! I DO NOT CARE!
Keep it up and I will go to the manager!
Dear Manager,
When I tell you things like this, please do not go to the person and say, "Amanda says ......" WHy can't complaints be annonymous?