Okay, ladies (and Jason and Jean-Marcus), I need help! I am a nurse and I am getting so burnout! I love my job and I love my patients but some of my coworkers are working my nerves! I have one in particular that I work with most frequently that I cannot handle. She is my tech which is basically a nurse's aide. Her job is to get vital signs and help me with things like bedpans, incontinent patients, bathing patients, and drawing blood, that sort of thing. She thinks her job is to play solitaire and bad-mouth everyone!
She does not want to do her job. When I ask her to help me clean an incontinent pt, she'll say, we just cleaned her, we can do it later. This is not acceptable, would you want your mother laying in urine or poop? When I ask her to help me reposition people, I get attitude.
When she answers call bells and she thinks that the pt has their bell on too much, she will tell the pt to stop ringing their bell. I have even heard her yell at pts. SHe will talk about work related things and bitch about things while cleaning a pt. I even heard her tell a pt (pt was very combative, but still with it) that if he did not stop hitting at her, she was going to take him up to the third floor with the rest of the bodies. (I was in the hall, so I did not directly hear this).
Now, I realize that this kind of behavior is not acceptable and I am going out of my mind! Please help me! My problem is further increased by this fact, if I go to my boss, she will proceed to say something to this person and say, "Amanda says". THis person is someone I have to work with almost every shift and she is the kind of person who can rally people to support her and stop talking to, i.e. helping out, people she thinks are out to get her. I could also talk to her about it but I am such a wimp and I know that she will get aggitated and start being aggressive. And then, there will be the shunning where she stops helping you and ignores your requests. I could be a real sissy and write an anynomous letter to my boss but that does not seem credible then, does it?
I need this girl's help to do an efficient job, but i don't need her to be yelling at the pts! I do not need to go home with a knot in my stomach because I can't handle her attitude! Please give me advice! Thanks!