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Everything posted by amandalovesryan

  1. i sorta think that the zebra shoes would look great! but make sure you get more opinions, my family always wants to send me on what not to wear!
  2. we went to the Falls on the day of the wedding! i highly recommend this! it was a great stress-reliever and it was so much fun! none of us went golfing or shopping so i cannot be too much help there, sorry.
  3. i am sorry that you are upset! i wanted to tell you something to cheer you up, we had 25 people at our wedding and we had a DJ. It was the best night of my life. We had so much fun! Of those people, 12 of them were younger, but even the older ones danced. don't worry, it will be fun, if you make it fun. just make sure to have the DJ play "party-starting" songs. I see that you are also a Philly girl. Our DJ played "living on a prayer" and that got our whole crowd singing and dancing. (I think that it is a requirement to sing BOn Jovi at the top of your lungs if you are from this area.)
  4. glad to hear from you! i was just thinking about you last night! hope you continue to get better and go home soon!
  5. Good luck! I will pray for you. Don't be afraid to take pain medicine if it is offered. They say pain is the fifth vital sign. Our thoughts are with you.
  6. wow, just saw this on FOX. i hope that he is okay. critical condition and burn unit makes me worry.
  7. another thing i thought of: we call it the "center consoul" of the car, yet I hear on TV people saying "center council" i thought we were right but now i don't know!
  8. i am sooooo glad that we had the bonfire, it was awesome! I would totally do this again. there was not a smokey smell at all that i noticed.
  9. i love this show! it really makes them see that not everything is the way they live.
  10. okay here are some more. I grew up near the coal region of PA and here are some things I picked up there. People sometimes say that they are going to "ret up" after dinner instead of clear the table. A lot of us have grandmothers that are Mimi (pronounced Mim me) or Mam Mam. And finally, we call farts "boofers" not sure about the spelling but that is it. I went to elementary school and someone said, "who farted," i had no idea what that meant, i thought that was a curse word!!!
  11. i feel for you and your family. i wil pray for you! does your dad have a peg tube? if not, how is he getting nutrition? I feel for him, those chest tubes must be painful. Please let us know how he is!
  12. i was a may bride, had my reception on the beach. no bugs, no problems. best decision i made! was awesome!
  13. Casey, i want you to know that i am mad for you! I am gritting my teeth at the thought of this a-hole.
  14. I VOTE COFFIN IN A BOX. DO YOU HAVE A SAM'S CLUB NEAR YOU? they have great animated halloween things.
  15. i am not a fan of the amount of rain we are supposed to get. we really need rain but not so much in such a short period of time.
  16. that is so cool. i wonder how big they are?
  17. some of my family members say "tall" for towel and they swear that "apast" is a word. as is "go down apast the red light and turn left." where i am orginally from, central PA, we also say rumm and blumm for room and bloom. i never knew that it was wrong until i went to college. oh, and i say toasted cheese for grilled cheese and everyone makes fun of me.
  18. call me old-fashioned but i pretty much only use pads. i will have to talk to my friends and see if any of them have heard of this.
  19. oh, it has been so long since I have been there. I love the super-duper-looper. that was fun! that is about all i remember! sorry
  20. That is such a great story. I looked at your pics and it makes me miss Paris. It is so amazing there. You are so lucky! Congrats!
  21. i had one of those once and it was scary because i thought i was going blind.
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