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Everything posted by BandE2008

  1. I have been speaking to a girl on another forum I am on Weddingbells.ca who was married there last year ... She said her biggest fear was the photos , espc since she had heard not good things about their photographer, but she said he was great - REALLY KNEW the resort and lighting since he works there all the time, and she was over the top happy. That being said, i think he gets a lot of bad publicity, but isnt that bad. Also, I hear his website looks uch better then it used to.
  2. sorry no plus sized my mother in law is wearing this little number Sue Wong Ombre Silk Dress*-* Neiman Marcus
  3. No I was silly I went for structure over heat! Now I'm second guessing!!!!
  4. Also purchase it in she short length shouldnt cost extra i ordered mine in 1 inch extra length and it was at no extra charge. AND with Maggie - if it is a corset back, most are, it reduces need for overall alterations too. I am not expecting to pay a cent in alterations
  5. There is an awesome place IN CANADA you pay $25 shipping fee THATS ALL No duty I ordered my Maggie from there, as did my best friend. It is called TRINKLETS It is a girl, Andre's business. I have BBB'ed it and it all checked out and I have read several rave reviews from people in canada on the site weddingbells.ca I think you should contact her for a quote. Trinklets Creations - Affordable Vancouver Chair Cover Rentals ! My Maggie was quoted between $1400 and $1600 penidng on the store and I paid her $1000
  6. Anyone see these ones? I am wondering about the quality - did they look cheap? Thanks Chaps Taupe Suit Jacket apt. 9 Suit Separates -Taupe axcess Suit Coat Chaps Taupe Suit Jacket - Big & Tall Chaps Cotton Suit Separates
  7. I tried the Maggie on What I love about maggie is the tiw back - it means basically no alterations and its so smilling on the body. I loved the dress, but remember it is from the DW line, so it s a light material - beautiful material, you wontbe dissapointed, but light. I think there are pros to it in the heat of a DW, but some people might be looking for more "structure" like a traditional dress. So I wantedto mention it. Good luck!
  8. Most places you just get by glass or you can BUY a bottle. EDR has a decent wine list, but youll have a lot for a bottle. I might just bring a bottle - hahahaha. Email your wedding coordinator and ask for a wine list - then you can provide him with that.
  9. I was told for 40-50 guests my options were: Ceremony: Options are Gazebo 55, Gazebo Blanco and Faisanes and Reception: Also white gazebo, Tucanes, Salon Royale, Hmmmmm ............... Any photos of these? To the girls who go, can you take lots of pictures tee hee. I havent even hear of Gazebo Blanco
  10. I still havent We still have not decided on what they will wear! A tux might be HOT Im leaning more towards a suit As for the logistics I HAVE NO IDEA! hahahaa
  11. Its hard choosing when you cant see them! hahahaha I guess thats part of a DW And, I have read you can change them you get there (your ceremony cite) etc. I got the menus for Tuesday for El Coctal and Fluente (the two free package options) So Ill will look through those and decide which looks best. I guess for the location choice for my ceremony and reception will depend on space. I am estimating 40 people are coming .....
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by beyondsmitten You know Tammy this policy seems to be pretty common for most resorts, high end or not. Some either restrict outsiders or charge you a fee just to use them. You have to really weigh what you want and if the LOCATION is what matters to you more than PHOTOS then this is the place for you, if not keep searching until you find a place that meets your needs. I don't know what you hope to get out of a BOYCOTT? My location is beautiful, but provides a minimial level (virtually none) of communication before the wedding and charges $300 fees for EVERY outside vendor. I have to keep my fingers crossed that once I arrive things will go smoothly since I can't really talk to them beforehand AND I have to pay for my own uncle to officate my wedding, but that is the choice I made to have a lush, intimate property to myself and my guests for the weekend. I could have chosen something else but weighed my options. That is what you have to do too! I have to comment about this .... This post is NOT about charging for outside vendors Thats fine I agree many do, and that is just how it is ..... This post is specifc to EDR because they continue to change things, and charge extrodinary amounts etc. Outside (small) fees for vendors is common .... and its okay, AS LONG AS THEY ARE UPFRONT ABOUT IT AND THEY DONT CHANGE THEIR POLICIES WITH THE WIND!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan have your guests already booked? Will it be hard to switch? Sadly, yes they booked in Jan TA said it wont be hard to switch they wont lose their deposits just have to pay the difference in cost for the hotel (i.e., if ERC is $180 more, they pay that). Most of my guests agreed we should go elsewhere when given the $500 fee, so I know most will support my choice (35 guests booked to date).
  14. Thanks girls! I got prices for Royal Playa Del Carmen and it is $100 more per person and Royal Excellence Riviera which is $180 more per person He looked into these for me after they implemented the $500 fee ..... I am definitely going to do my research this time before choosing.
  15. PS Im sure so many of you are sick of hearing about this issue - I dont blame you - so thank you for listening!
  16. I let him know this time I am seriously changing - no more BS - this is just the icing. He agreed even before when they put int the $500 fee and now I think he knows I am serious My TA wrote me saying: I completely understand and that was why I was going to hold off from sending you that email as I knew you would be really upset about it. I have already expressed to them that they have already inconvenienced us by not waiving the USD500.00 fee and that you were EXTREMELY close to taking your group elsewhere and if they will not do anything about the 3 nights, then they will definitely lose your group booking (+$90,000) and future business from myself in any of their resorts. Please don’t stress about this as I will fight with them (if need be) to get it sorted out (I just need until tomorrow to hear back from Alejandra (who is my sales rep). I will pull out those emails and escalate this to Sabrina if need be to get this sorted out. Trust me , I’m as annoyed as you are as it definitely doesn’t make my job any easier when they keep dropping this stuff on us!! If they are going to be ignorant and not do anything for us with regards to the 3 nights requirement, then we’ll pull everything and book it elsewhere and tell them to “get lostâ€! I’ll let you know as soon as I hear back from them. Thanks……..Barry.
  17. This debate is still occurring i don't think anyone (even them) know!
  18. O.k. Now I am mad!!!! I paid my deposit in December 2007 so rules then should apply, no? Guess not Word today: TA WROTE: This bride is also going to be using her own photographer that lives in the area, so please make note of this as she will be bringing on an outside photographer for the entire day of her wedding (and she is aware that she has to pay the USD500.00 fee). Please verify for us that this is the only charge associated with bringing in an outside photographer specifically given that she booked this with you in December 2007. Monica replies: If the bride is coming with her own photographer a $500.00 US fee will apply PLUS 3 nights stay. You can confirm this information at this web site. THEN now I know this is small but its just the icing on the cake ..., (too many policies changing, too many "made up" ever changing prices) I wrote: is the wooden walkway open for my date to be rented (November 26th)? if so - I would like to reserve it for my wedding so please have it added to my spreadsheet of selections Monica replied: Yes, it is available the extra cost for this service is $150.00 US Hmmm For everyone else it is $100 I am seriously so sick of th BS with this place! I was pissed off with the $500 fee and felt duped (see reply Under boycott EDR link), but sucked it up as I was not told, but now had booked a photographer. I WILL NOT pay the 3 day fee too, especially since I booked BEFORE policy change. Looks like I am changing to Excellence or a different Adult Only. I feel badly moving my guests but those who know the situation support me, those who don't Ill pay the $100 difference in price - I just am that angry!
  19. We chose El Dorado why: adults only, 5 star, gorme food, rooms looked awesome cost: from Calgary Canada is it $2050 a person for one week in a double (taxes included in that)
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