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Everything posted by BandE2008

  1. Perhaps in letting your guests know you could have a page on your website that says something about: We very much prefer our guests to stay with us at EDR. This will allow us to spend more time with one another during the week doing fun things that are not necessarily wedding related. We all know how weddings are, they come and go so fast, and sometimes you do not have time to visit with all of your guests. However, some people may choose the option to stay at a nearby resort for a variety of reasons. I would like to point out that in choosing this option, please explore the options heavily first. While it may look better financially, there will be the cost of travel between your hotel and the EDR both ways. As well, to be on the grounds of any All Incusive hotel, all guests entering a hotel they are not staying at are required to pay for a day pass. That also applies to EDR. So for each day you choose to visit with us at EDR, there is a day pass fee of ____$. If you are consideing choseing an alternate hotel, please speak to myself or ____ so we can help you weigh out your options. I do believe all guests who would stay at EDR will love it. In researching the different hotels in the Mayan, we felt confident that the rooms, reagrless of class, are all amazing and well appointed. We felt that there were many daily acaitivies to allow you to create the vacation you want , and we felt the abundance of restaruant and bar choices would suit everyones needs! Something like that ........................
  2. HAHAHA SOOOO TRUE! I was thinking that about a week ago I was like I can afford cas, you just do it you make it work and then I was like HOW MY salary has not increased!
  3. From what I have read The Royal Playa Del Carmen and Excellence Riviera are not super private. I was going to change hotels, but those were the two top runners. I decided to stay with El Dorado - it is adults only and not sure if you want that - but they have like 7 or more options for ceremony and most are very very private I feel strongly like you that I DO NOT want it with people lounging next to the wedding - NOT WHAT I ENVISION at all!
  4. Coming home, Having an At Home Reception then heading to Hawaii!!!!! Im so excited I could pee! I havent ever been before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I think you cant feel ripped off EVERYTHING goes up yearly the resorts costs, etc. it is sort of par for the course that the photographers costs will go up also. I know it feels like a lot, but when I started planning EDR's walkway was $50 now I am paying $250 ..... for a piece of wood. Sucks but you kinda have to expect it. If it is something important to you, you just have to pay for it. IMO Claudias prices, even at the new raised price are still VERY reasonable compared to other photos such as Del Sol etc.
  6. I have decided to go with El Cocotal I just love how classy it looks and that Ill need minimal decorations for it since its so pretty with the water wall etc. So, In terms of El Cocotal For dessert ... can anyone weigh in? •Profiterols “Doraro†with vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce and pepper foam (what is that?) Im decising between that, or the apple pie or creme brulee •Crème brûlée enhanced with jasmine accompanied with grapefruit and almond croquant or •French style apple pie “Tarte Tatin†served warm with cinnamon parfait We are also undecided for the mains. You get to choose two. Any tried and true? Especialidades del Chef Chef Specials •Quiche Lorraine de queso de cabra con espinaca y case de tomate a la salvia •Goat cheese Quiche Lorraine with garden fresh spinach and tomatoes enhanced with salvia. •Gazpacho de melón valenciano y camarones confitados al te de limón •Chilled cantaloupe soup with shrimp and lemon grass •Lenguado con verduras salteadas al vino blanco e hinojo •Sole with glazed vegetables in white wine and fennel •Prime rib de cerdo horneado con papas al romero, yogurt y salsa de hierbas de Provenza •Slow roasted pork prime rib with sliced “Romero†style potatoes, yogurt and provençale sauce •Tagliatelle con salsa de queso de cabra , fresas y aceitunas negras •Homemade tagliatelle with goat cheese sauce, strawberries and black olives. Aves y Carnes Meat & Poultry •Pechuga de pollo caramelizada a la naranja y tomillo en salsa de champiñones y menta acompañado con plátanos rostizados •Caramelized chicken breast with orange and thyme, mushroom and mint demi glace served with roasted bananas. •Filete marinado de res a las finas hierbas con risotto de hongos y espárragos. •Beef tenderloin aromatized with fresh herbs, mushroom risotto and green asparagus •Pierna de pato con glasé de mango y verduras al estragón •Glazed duck leg with mangos and steamed vegetables in estragon butter. Fuera del agua Out of the water •Salmón con verduras a la mantequilla noisette con salsa holandesa al perfume de cilantro •Salmon with braised vegetables glazed with brown butter and hollandaise sauce and seasoned with cilantro •Atún a la parrilla con puré de camote en vainilla y verduras a la toscana •Grilled tuna with sweet potato puree seasoned with vanilla and vegetables Tuscany style. •“Cassolette†mar y tierra: mejillones, almejas, camarones, salsa “Lyonaise†y panceta •Surf and Turf “Cassolette†with mussels, clams, shrimps, “Lyonaise†sausage and pancetta Los Favoritos All time Favorites •Laminas de salmón ahumado a la provenzal y perfume de trufa •Smoked salmon layers perfumed with Provençal herbs and truffle oil •Ravioles de espinaca con reducción de cítricos y aceite de albahaca •Spinach raviolis in citric reduction and basil oil. •Capellini salteado con aceite de trufa, chícharos, aceitunas negras, queso parmesano, y mermelada de tomate. •Capellini sautéed in truffle oil peas, black olives with parmesan shaves and tomato compote •Braseado de res con salsa bordelesa y ratatouille de verduras con aroma de hierbas frescas. •Braised beef with Bordelaise sauce accompanied with fresh vegetables and fresh herbs
  7. Im in the same boat I have send 100 emails and NOTHING! I have lots of questions and need to start choosing things!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by nolaroy724 We are doing dinner at El Cocotol then cake at the health bar afterward. We are paying $8/ person plus the cake. We just got the smallest cake $165 for 1 teir because we figured everyone will be full from dinner (they serve dessert w/ dinner too). We will only have 23 people, so it seems like a great deal to us. You can also save money by doubling up on some of the flowers. You can read about this in earlier posts of this thread. What did the $8 include? Open bar? Tables/set up? Thanks!
  9. I used a TA I would 100% do it again BEST DECISION ever!
  10. Hey! We booked Claudia but now might have to change our wedding date. and .... she isnt available, but Citali is. Who is better honestly? I just want GOOD photos!!!! Thanks
  11. im wearing heels I asked about the runner being included with walkway and they said no, that that had changed - surprise surprise - hahahahaha
  12. I actually like the undressed chairs thanks! Every little bit helps! I bet it will save $200! Monica didnt recommend booking the spa this early, I just wanted to have it down on my sheet!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Mandy Have you looked at other places you could cut back? Do you need our help with your budget? We'd be happy to look it over and give you our thoughts! Thanks for the offer. Here is my spreadsheet items. The food for approx 40 people at a private will be about $3000 extra on top of this .... Ceremony: Sweet Free Wedding Package Gazebo 55 Decoration of Location -- Chairs for 12 people and table with white linen up grade white cover and bow $48.00 Additional chairs (approx 30) decorated with cover and bow $300.00 Gazebo decorations --- Exotic Gazebo Decoration Package 4 poles with sheer fabric, 2 large hanging corsages with 25 pastel or tropical flowers each one, and petals from 48 roses. (pink and white) $220.00 wooden aisle runner $150.00 Fabric decorations for the gazebo $150.00 aisle runner $40.00 Extras Flowers Bouonniere's for the groom B3, Cymbidium Orchid (pink) $25.00 Bridal Bouquet bouquet that combines BB17 (white), BB14 (pink stargazer lilies), and a few pink orchids $150.00 Bridesmaid Bouquets (4) BB17, White Iris total $200.00 Coursages for mothers (2) LCO2, *in Pink*, wrist type total $50.00 Photography Outside vendor fee - Claudia R. $500.00 Spa Hair Appointment for Bride at 1:00 - $77.00 And thats all so far. So ... already over $2000 Plus photos will be about $4000 So I just cant justify a $4000 private reception on top of it all! Now, if I was to show you my actual breakdown including dress, trips etc., you would vomit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IM SO STRESSED
  14. Monica wrote me the following: Re how much more per person if you go over your 40 people limit for the "free" dinner This group dinner reservation is for up to 40 people, in case you have more guests you can have this dinner for 45 people by paying $25.,00 US for each additional person, OR, select to have a private event with additional cost using menus from our Banquet kit (attached) menu cost includes food, open bar, service, private location, basic set up and tax. Re: Dessert Reception they said the no longer have it We do not have a dessert buffet menu, we offer a "Chocolate Fountain" at $14.00 US per person, this cost includes service, open bar, tax, basic set up and the use of a private area for 2 hours. You could reserve this at the end of your dinner so you will have some time in private with your guest. And, as an aside, I wanted to show you this - this came as a surprise. Am I being passed off or is Monica leaving? I would like to introduce you Carolina Miranda, she will be assisting you finalizing your wedding plans starting next week, Carolina is very professional and will be more than happy to help you coordinate this memorable event; I am now in the process to pass all your file to her, please feel free to contact her to this same e-mail address.
  15. Thanks Mandy Is that what you would suggest doing to save money? Anyone know what happens if you have over 40 guests, is it a mandatory private reception OR can you pay per guest extra? MANDY- did you have speeches?
  16. Hey! So I am starting to really stress about money. We were doing a private reception, but I am now thinking of having the dinner with my free 40 person dinner and having a get together after - as this I believe will lower the cost/guest. OR I could do a cocktail with appies get together following the wedding, THEN the free dinner for 40 at El Coctal.... My question - does anyone have the info on the dessert buffet option? Im my 30 + page package, I do not have any info on this option. Does it come with the 2 hour international bar deal? What are your thoughts on what to do to save money? All this said, we are getting close to 40 guests, and if we have more, I dont think the free dinner is an option anymore so I might be screwed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP PLEASE!
  17. Two questions: at EDR you get a breakfast in bed following the wedding ... 1) what option did you chose and did you enjoy it 2) is there no bacon and eggs and hashbrown option for my FH! hahaha. here is what I was told: Desayuno de Luna Mieleros Opcion I Selección de frutas de temporada servida con suprema de cítricos Selection of Seasonal fruits served with citrus supreme ** Muesli tradicional con nueces caramelizadas Traditional Muesli with caramelized walnuts ** Canasta de pan danés acompañada de quesos europeos y carnes frías Assorted Danish pastries accompanied with European cheeses and cold meats ** Chuletitas de cordero sobre huevo revuelto con champiñones salteados y salsa de tomates deshidratados acompañados de papas cambray Lamb chops served on scramble eggs with sautéed mushrooms,sundried tomato sauce and baby potatoes on the side ** Café Romántico con esencía de Amaretoo Romantic Coffee with a touch of Amaretto liquor ** Champagne Mimosa Champagne Mimosa Desayuno de Luna Mieleros Opcion II Macedonia de Frutas Afrodisíacas Aphrodisiac fruits Macedone ** Pan francés relleno de Blueberry y Crema Batida French Toast stuffed with Blueberry and Whipped Cream ** Omelet de Salmón ahumado, queso crema y alcaparras Smoked Salmon Omelette with cream cheese and caper ** Café Romántico con esencia de Amaretto Romantic Coffee with a touch of Amaretto Liquor ** Champagne Mimosa Champagne Mimosa Desayuno de Luna Mieleros Opcion III Plato de fresas, moras, frambuesas y kiwi Selection of blueberry, strawberry, raspberry and kiwi ** Muesli tradicional con nueces caramelizadas Traditional Muesli with caramelized walnuts ** Baguel con jamón serrano y queso Mozzarella de Buffalo Baguel with prosciutto and Buffalo Mozzarella cheese ** Huevos Benedictinos glaseados con salsa holandesa y lomo canadiense Eggs Benedict glazed with Hollandaise sauce and Canadian loin ** Café Romántico con esencia de Amaretto Romantic Coffee with a touch of Amaretto Liquor ** Champagne Mimosa Champagne Mimosa
  18. Page Five More Travel Information Pre-Travel Ideas: -Call your credit card companies and banks to inform them you will be in Mexico so they don’t freeze your account due to “suspicious activityâ€. -Don’t forget you need a passport to travel to Mexico. -Some people may choose to leave behind their security digits from banking cards, 1-800-numbers, and photocopies of passport with someone they trust incase they lose these items or have them stolen. -Get immunizations if you do not have them. Most cities have “travel clinics†or you can visit your family doctor to ask for these. Most common immunization for travel to Mexico would be Hepatitis A and B. Arriving in Mexico: Once you arrive at the Cancun International Airport, your first stop will be Immigration. Look for overhead signs leading you to the lower level and Immigration. The lines can get very long but generally move quickly, you will need your passport here. As you pass through immigration, put your tourist card and passport in a safe place. You will need your tourist card and passport upon departure. Your next stop will be baggage claim. After a few rounds on the carousel, luggage is cleared into a central area, usually on the floor next to the carousels. You should look for your luggage on both carousels and on the floor around them. Once you have your bags, head to customs. Some people may try to “carry your bags for youâ€; they do this for a fee. DO NOT let them carry your things. During the inbound flight, you will receive and need to fill out a customs form. You will hand the form to the customs agent and press the button on what looks like a traffic light. A green light means “go†and red means “inspection†in which case, officials perform a quick inspection. After you get through customs, proceed through the sliding doors and to the right. You will walk down a long hall and this hallway may be filled with people trying to show you a timeshare or sell you things. Keep your head down or just give them a firm “noâ€. At then at the end of the hall there is another set of doors which leads your outside. Transport between the airport and resort should be arranged before you leave for your vacation. For guests traveling from Canada, doing the one week All Inclusive, your transportation is included. When you leave the front of the airport you will see several vans/busses, and they will have the different hotel names on them. Look for the El Dorado Royale transportation vehicle, or ask for help on where to go. For guests traveling from the US, you need to arrange for your transportation. You have the option of taxi or bus. Please speak to your travel agent about arranging for this before flying. The resort is approximately 30 from the airport. Packing List/Ideas:-Wedding attire – “beach casualâ€. By this we mean, please no swimsuits! Suits jackets are not required -Water shoes. (the beach may be rocky) -Beach attire including swimsuits and cover ups, hats, sunglasses, and perhaps a beach bag if needed -Shoes: flip-flops for the beach, walking shoes for any activities your partake in, closed toe (men)/dress shoes (women) for evening dinners -Clothes you would regularly wear in warmer weather. Average High: 84° F / 28° C -Lightweight jackets or cover-ups – it can get cold at night or rain! Average Low: 71° F / 21° C -Camera, batteries and/or chargers -Limit your expensive items such as jewelry. As with any foreign destination, things can get stolen -You know the rest! -Don’t forget your sunscreen!  Page Six RESTAURANTS On the EDR grounds, there are several restaurants for you to enjoy. You can find many of the menus online. In planning for what to pack, it is important that all guests are aware that there is a “Casual Elegant†dress code for all restaurants that are indoor, air-conditioned, and enclosed during dinner meals. This dress code has been reported to be strictly enforced. This means no T-shirts, tank-tops, sweats, shorts, Bermudas, tennis shoes or beach sandals. Specifically, men must be wearing long pants and closed toed dress shoes to dinner. Women can wear open toed dress shoes that adhere to “Casual Elegant†code (i.e., no flip flops). Also of note: The restaurants do not accommodate large tables (max 6 people). Only guests staying in Castia suits can get reservations. If there is a wait, you will be given a pager and can go have some pre-dinner drinks! Don’t forget 24 hour room service is included for outside restaurant hours or don’t want to leave your room! El Cocotal Restaurant International 7:00 – 11:00 breakfast 5:30 – 10:00 dinnerDress code at dinner Air conditioned Serving breakfast consisting of omelets made to order, hot buffet, fruit, pastries, cheeses and a chocolate fountain with marshmallow dips D’Italia Restaurant Contemporary Italian 5:30 – 10:00 dinnerDress code Air Conditioned Kampai Restaurant Pacifica Rim and Sushi7:00 – 11:00 breakfast 12:30 – 3:00 lunch 6:00 – 10:00 dinnerDress code at dinner La Isla Restaurant International / Mediterranean 6:00 – 11:00 breakfast 12:30 – 3:30 lunch 6:00 – 10:00 dinnerNo Dress Code. Jo Jo’s Caribbean Seaside Grill Caribbean 11:00 – 4:00 lunch 6:00 – 10:00 dinnerNo Dress Code Lunch features fajitas and ice cream La Fondue Restaurant Gourmet Fondues5:30 – 10:00 dinnerNo Dress Code Las Fuentes Restaurant Flavors of Mexico6:00 – 10:00 dinnerDress Code Choose La Carte menu or culinary theater with wide-screen display & Mexican Mariachis. La Cabana Pizza12:00 – 5:00 No Dress Code Wood -burning oven pizzas served to order, and a selection of angus burgers, fries, nachos and wraps Healthy Bar8:00 – 4:00 No Dress Code Serving fresh fruits, guacamole, juice, salads, whole-wheat cookies and smoothies Rincon Mexicano12:00 – 5:00No Dress Code Authentic Mexican (this is all arranged far nicer in a table) if you want a copy of it, please PM me! Page Seven Bars ***again this section is MUCH nicer, and I have it in a table, if you want PM me for it Martini Bar – Lobby Martini BarOpen 12.00 p.m TO 2.00 a.m. Serving premium brands beverage selection. Spectacular view of the Caribbean sea. GuacamayasOpen 5.00 p.m TO 2.00 a.m. Bar with swings. Located next to La Carreta for cold Mexican beers, cheladas, exotic cocktails or aged tequila with live music. Swim Up Bar - La IslaOpen 9.00 a.m TO 5.00 p.m. Located at the main pool. Swim Up Bar – La FuentesOpen 9:00 a.m. TO 5:00 p.m. Swim up bar located at Las Fuentes Swimming Pool Health Bar – Los CotorrosOpen 8.00 a.m TO 4.00 p.m. Healthy Bar. See above/serves food. Swim Up Bars – Los Pericos, Los Papagayos, Pelicanos, Colibri, QuetzalOpen 9.00 a.m TO 5.00 p.m. Swim up bar with swings, located at the Casita Suites Section 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 respectively. Gaviotas Seashore BarOpen 9:00 am to 11:00 pm located in front of Kampai restaurant Swim Up Bar – TucanesOpen 9.00 a.m TO 5.00 p.m. Swim up bar also offering shaded area with comfortable seating. Beach BarOpen 9.00 a.m TO 2.00 p.m. Located at the beach with spectacular views of the ocean. Spa The Spa at El Dorado Royale offers an assortment of treatments for the body and soul. Use of the Spa facilities includes the fitness room, sauna and steam room. While they recommend booking one day prior to service, from what we have read, it is recommended that you book your spa treatments either prior to travel, or on the first day of your trip. If you contact the hotel, they can send you a complete list of Spa & beauty (or contact Eden for this list). Spa facilities are open from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm. Rooms The decoration of its 605 Suites at EDR was inspired by local Mexican motifs. All rooms feature wooden furniture including king size or double beds, nightstands, and desk. To cool down, each room has individually controlled air conditioning and a ceiling fan. Other conveniences include a radio and alarm clock, safety deposit box, private bath or shower, Jacuzzi, color satellite TV, amenity kit, ironing board with iron, mini bar with beer pop and water, and coffee maker. Finally, every terrace brings chairs and a hammock. You may choose your accommodation from 8 available categories. Some people may have special requests and wish to call ahead to request a specific room or location (i.e., floor, block). For tips on what areas are best, we have found a lot of information on the Trip Advisor forums. While some people my choose to wait to change room categories once they are at EDR, please note that upgrading your room is subject to availability. If you choose to upgrade prior to departure, you may want to contact your travel agent or call the hotel directly to do so. Otherwise, you may try to upgrade once there. We have read a lot of information on the resort and believe that even the most basic rooms, the Junior Suits, are well appointed and beautiful. The other 8 available categories include: Ocean View Jacuzzi Jr. Suite, Ocean Front Jacuzzi Jr. Suite, Swim Up Jacuzzi Jr. Suite, Presidential Suite, Casita Suite, Swim Up Casita Suite, and Presidential Casita. Location EDR is located 15 minutes north of Playa del Carmen. It is 20 minutes away from the "Playacar Golf Club" and numerous wonderful Cenotes. 5 minutes south from Puerto Morelos. It is 35 minutes south of downtown Cancun. You can book a free shuttle from the hotel to Playa del Carmen or Cancun, but book this your first day as they fill. Page Eight What is there for me to do all day? If you don’t like to be a total beach/pool bum and spend your days “lying out†sunning, El Dorado Royale offers several daily activities to keep you entertained. Below is a daily entertainment chart that details activities offered at the resort, all free for you to join in on. Daily Entertainment Program MON - TUE - WED- THU FRI - SAT TimeACTIVITYLOCATION 08:00Pilates/Yoga Tuesdays ~ Daily SPA 08:00 Tennis lesson beginners ~ Daily except on FridaysTennis Court 09:00 Tennis lesson intermediate ~ Daily except on FridaysTennis Court 09:00Activities center opening (bicycles available from 9:00 to 17:00)Main Pool 10:00 Jungle Bike tour/Kayak tour Activities Center 11:00Cenote Tour ~ Monday, Wednesday, FridayActivities Center 11:00Water volley & Beach volleyball Main Pool/Beach Area 12:00Cooking lesson ~ TuesdaysLas Fuentes Restaurant 12:00Water Aerobics Main Pool 12:45Water Polo Main Pool 13:20Crazy game / Football Soccer Main Pool 15:15Dance lessonActivities Center 15:15 Champion leagueActivities Center 16:00Water volleyball Main Pool 16:00Beach volleyball Beach Area 16:00 Spanish lessonActivities Center 16:00 Cocktail lesson ~ Monday, Wednesday, FridayTucanes Bar 16:30 Towel decoration lesson ~ TuesdayActivities Center 16:30Bingo ~ Wednesday Rifles Shooting ~ Tuesday & ThursdayActivities Center Nightly Entertainment Program - LIVE MUSIC EVERY NIGHT AT GUACAMAYA BAR TIME MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 21:30 ..Mexican .. The Mentalizer .. Circus Show . Karaoke Night Ideal Couple Zapping TV Show Caribbean Show Additionally, some guests may want to go off the resort on tours or day trips. We highly recommend doing this; at least once! We were able to do some off resort activities on our last trip to the Dominican Republic and felt strongly that it added to our overall vacation experience. There will be many organized tours offered by tour operators at the hotel that you will learn about when there. You can choose to purchase an organized tour or you can hop in a taxi and go there on your own schedule. Page Nine will be wedding day details Page 10 will be some fun stuff like spanish translations etc. AND I THINK THATS IT!
  19. I thought I would share with everyone: HERE IS MY FIRST DRAFT! ( I thought the information might be helpful for future EDR brides). Of note: This isnt a welcome book, I am sending this in August (3.5 months before wedding) when the full payment is due, to give people information, and to keep them excited. page one Just our monogram and names, date, etc Page two Welcome Letter (we took a lot from another bride on here, hope thats okay!) Dear Family and Friends, The countdown to Mexico is on! Only a few short months until we are in the sun and sand enjoying what the Riviera Maya has to offer. We are both so happy and feel very blessed to be able to have our wedding at the El Dorado Royale (EDR)! We are especially honored that you are considering traveling so far to be a part of our marriage celebration. Marriage is not a culmination; it is a beginning; the beginning of a life that will grow and change in ways more wonderful than we can imagine. Many years from now when we look back upon our life, love, and our wedding day, we will remember that it was not the flowers, music, nor food that made our day so special; our memories of sharing the beginning of our life as husband and wife with you, our friends and family, will be what we cherish the most. We thank you for considering sharing in one of our happiest occasions. Included is some information and tips to help make your trip a wonderful experience. We hope that your vacation to Mexico will be as memorable for you as it will be for us. This is as much a vacation for you as it is us and we do not want to hold anyone to any schedules, etc. While we will have some optional group activities planned during the week, the only “set scheduled day†of the trip will be our wedding day, November 26th, 2008. If you have any final questions before we leave please feel free to contact either of us by phone or email, or our travel agent who is more then happy to answer any questions: Barry Davis (ph# (403) 286-6582). You can also find more information with regards to the hotel at El Dorado Royale a Spa Resort - El Dorado Spa Resorts & Hotels - Riviera Maya Mxico and with regards to our actual wedding on our personal “wed-site†at www.bande.ca (username: *** // password: ***). With Love and Appreciation, Page Three Who will be there? We are delighted that so many close friends and family are able to join us! At this moment, the following persons have booked their trips: (then following is a list of our guests - already 30 booked - and how we know them) Page four Luggage I have been informed by our travel agent that luggage allowance on Air Transat (the company most guests flying from Canada will be using) will be a combined weight (not per bag) of 45lbs. The following chart was taken from the Air Transat website regarding allowances: CARRY-ON Free23 x 40 x 51 cm (9 x 16 x 20 in) 10 kg (22 lb.)Baggage exceeding either this weight or size must be checked. Only one carry-on bag per person is allowed. It is strongly recommended that medication, personal documents, valuables, electronic devices and jewellery are kept in carry-on baggage, since the carrier will not be held liable for any loss or damages to such items. Diaper bag accepted free of charge when travelling with baby. Please note that in addition to carry-on baggage allowance, the following items are permitted onboard: camera, laptop computer, and purses. CHECKED Free20 kg (44 lb.)Any number of pieces are accepted as long as the overall weight does not exceed the weight shown in the left column according to the point of departure and destination. The overall measurement of each checked-in piece (length + width + height) must be less than 62 in (158 cm) and weigh less than 32 kg (70 lb.) EXCESS $10 CA per kilogram each way for all destinations max. 32 kg (70 lb.) per itemPayable at Air Transat check-in counter. If any individual baggage weighs more than 32 kg contact our cargo department for details at least 72 hours prior to departure. Air Transat provided the following Travel Tips pertaining to luggage: •Passengers are urged to leave all of their checked baggage unlocked, to avoid the need to forcibly open bags that require further physical inspection. Passengers are advised to use cable or zip ties as an alternative to baggage locks. •Checked baggage containing items that are prohibited on board an aircraft may be opened for further inspection. To ensure that your checked baggage does not contain prohibited items, please refer to the websites below. •All liquids, gels or aerosols, with no individual container exceeding 90ml, must be packed in a clear re-sealable plastic bag with a capacity of no more than 1 litre. •For more information on how to pack for your next trip you may call the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority at 1-888-294-2202. •Information on prohibited items is available on the following websites: Air - Transport Canada http://www.catsa.gc.ca/english/travel_voyage/list.htm Canadian Air Transport Security Authority / Administration canadienne de la sret du transport arie
  20. Hello, I am working on my pre-travel book for guests comming to my wedding. Lots of people have not travelled before ... so I want to include a section on "Arriving In Mexico", so sort of a what to expect. Has anyone done this? (examples?) Do you have to pay for a touist/visa card? Does it take a long time in the airport? Are people bugging you about anything / anyone to be aware of? (ie: people trying to carry your bags for money)? THANKS!!!!
  21. Alright How does this sound: On the EDR grounds, there are several restaurants for you to enjoy. In planning for what to pack, it is important that all guests are aware that there is a “Casual Elegant†dress code for all restaurants that are indoor, air-conditioned, and enclosed during dinner meals. This dress code has been reported to be strictly enforced. This means no T-shirts, tank-tops, sweats, shorts, Bermudas, tennis shoes or beach sandals. Specifically, men must be wearing closed toed dress shoes to dinner. Women can wear open toed dress shoes that adhere to “Casual Elegant†code (i.e., no flip flops). Also of note: The restaurants do not accommodate large tables (max 6 people). Only guests staying in Castia suits can get reservations. If there is a wait, you will be given a pager and can go have some pre-dinner drinks! Don’t forget 24 hour room service is included for outside restaurant hours or don’t want to leave your room! Thanks for our help ladies!!!!
  22. Where can I find the Alli diet (not pills)? Someone mentioned it and I am interested in learning more! Please PM me! Thanks
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