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Everything posted by Helen_S81

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Cherielee stag n does are very popular and because we are accustom to them we don't think they are very poor in taste...its just because you aren't accutom to it...and if you had one i think you would really really enjoy them, they are like your own private party with the music that you want to chose and sell booze and have games and prizes and door prizes they are acutally awsome...one the most excinting things im looking forward to....they are extreemly fun you get to invite work people and family and friends and have a huge get together with everyone espcially those that may not be invited to your actual wedding or if they can't make it...we dont' realyl think og them as fundraisers...we think of them as just another party...we aren't that selfish Thank you for making me aware that there is another purpose to it, besides the fundraiser, which was all I had really heard about them. Sounds like a fun time.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by sohappy For those that are getting eyebrows waxed, I recommend finding someone who can do it by "string". Once you get your eyebrows/lips done by string you will never go back to wax. I love it. The esthetician sp? takes a thin string and pulls the hair. It doesn't hurt and IMO it looks cleaner. This process is used by different ethnic groups but its becoming a trend. I believe its called 'threading' at least around here it is. My daughter pays $3 at one of the local Indian beauty shops.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece fantastic idea, but my mother is all about etiquette and she would kill me! You know, my future son-in-law is from northern rural Ontario, and Stag & Does are very popular in his family. His sister wanted to know when she should organize it and I thought it in very poor taste. They might be having one but are not telling me about it because they know I'm not fond of the idea.
  4. Congratulations! Your pictures are lovely and you looked beautiful. I love the look on the ring bearers face taking his job so seriously. And I love the picture of you and your bridesmaids sitting on the rocks, all spaced out. Just spectacular!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Stormsong great prices!!! BUT...they don't ship to Canada!!!!! <boo> Is there a Chinese part of Saskatoon? I got mine in Toronto in China town, just like Dragonfly. I paid $1 each and they're wooden with blue paper/frabric? in them. I'm sure I could have gotten them cheaper but I was only getting 18 so I wasn't really looking to bargain.
  6. I think its ok, but for myself I tend to wear a fair amount of black so I wanted something lighter and different. Check and see because if a dress comes in black chances are they might have it in another colour. Also, I don't know about where you live, but here the spring/summer stuff isn't even in the stores yet so maybe waiting another couple of weeks you'll be able to find something with colour?
  7. I think the food content on the side of the box might be if the cupcakes are prepared according to the instructions, ie with the eggs and the oil. The calculation of 1 point is not using any of those ingredients. I could be wrong.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by plumsugar My mom can wear halters better than anyone I know lol...so she's going with this BCBG dress (except the sash on her dress is chocolate brown)... That dress is stunning! But not for everyone I tried a couple of BCBG dresses but they didn't fit me very well and were going to be hard to alter. I am a petite (5' 2") especially in dresses.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by leigh miller trish are you kidding!!! omg. im still up 40lbs from where i was when i moved to CA in 2001 and up about 25 from my wedding date in 2005. yikes!!! i dont think i can lose 40 more. well see. im almost 40 and i do think sometimes if youre too skinny it works against you and makes you look older. when you start to hit the 40s that is! Amen to the being too skinny after 40! I looked at my 'suggested' weight recently on a website and if I actually weighed that little I'm sure I'd look much older than I really am. I see a lady at my gym who was on WW and is maybe 10 years older than I am and she's lost too much weight, she looks gaunt and ...um.... saggy? I want to lose weight but I fully accept that I am over 40, have had 2 children, and will never be the shape I was at 18 years old.
  10. Welcome! As one mother of the bride to another You'll find lots of useful information here!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by bre The pool pictures... Beyond being hysterically funny, the best part is that it was completely organized by my FATHER!! He is the sweetest, mildest man on the planet but he also loves to party. Apparently, he'd hatched the idea early in the day and recruited people throughout the festivities. Pete was the first in the pool he didn't wear all his clothes like everyone else b/c he didn't want to ruin his suit. Sooo after he jumps in I look over and he naked at our wedding reception! I guess he wanted to take off his wet boxer briefs... I will say I never really expected to see my husband naked AT the reception. The next morning I called my parents to say thank you and my mother tells me that she has Pete's boxers... She thought it would be strange if we left behind wet boxers on the table at the reception. Good catch Mom. Good catch... That is so mom like I love it. Thanks for sharing the pictures and stories with us all.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by shellb I think so too. When the time comes, we plan on hand delivering and mailing out ours a few weeks prior. This way we don't have to worry about the extra baggage weight (airline restrictions when flying from Canada) or them getting lost in transit if we were to ship them to the resort ahead of time. We are in the same position and plan to do exactly what you are. We have some guests coming from the USA and some from the UK so we plan to take those bags with us.
  13. 1. How's your heart lately? Generally happy, but sad today. 2. Do you find these surveys silly but take them anyway? Don't usually do them. 3. What was the last movie you saw? Eagle vs. Shark 4. The last place you went? Flips, for lunch. 5. Miss someone? Yes 6. What made you laugh today? My younger daughter, Claire. 7. Are you scared to fall in love? No. 8. You get in the car and drive 2 hours in any direction you want - where did you go? Toronto! 9. Have you ever peed in a pool? Nope. 10. Ever have someone bring you breakfast in bed? Yes. 11. Did you dream last night? Don't remember. 12. What were you doing yesterday at 7 am? Drinking coffee and checking email. 13. What were you doing yesterday at 10 am? Leaving the gym. 14. What were you doing yesterday at 12 p.m.? Visiting bridesmaid dresses 15. Name a country you want to visit: Egypt 16. How many piercings do you have? 2, one in each ear. 17. Are all of your piercings visible? Yes. 18. Do you have a tatoo? No. 19. What was the last thing you drank? Wine. 20. Favorite author? Stephen King. 21. Do you have a nick name? No. 22. Which do you prefer - a sunny day and popcorn at the zoo or a rainy day and movies on the couch? Movies on the couch, but no rain. 23. Are you a type of person who easily gets hurt? Yes. 24. The last person who called you? My husband to let me know that hopefully he got a flight out of Chicago. 25. What beauty product could you not live without? Burt's Bee's Lip chap! 26. Anything exciting happen yesterday? Not really. 27. What color is your underwear right now? Blue. 28. Do you ever lie about your age? No, but sometimes I forget how old I am. 29. How many things in your past do you regret? Nothing that I can think of. 30. Do you have a best friend? Yes. She drove throught the snow today to come take me out for lunch 31. What do you want to be when you grow up? Still trying to decide 32. Who was the last person you hugged? Cheryl, my friend. 33. Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes. 34. Whos the last person you called? My daughter Katie. 35. Do you like your life? Yes. 36. White or wheat? Whole grain! No white bread for me. 37. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back? Not that I can recall. 38. Did you forgive them? I must have done! 39. Would you ever join the military? No. 40. Do you regret the last person you kissed? No. 41. Have you ever slapped a girl in the face? Yes. 42. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party? No, although they've tried to do surprise lunches, and once a surprise baby shower. 43. You just won a cruise for 4....who do you bring? Cheryl and Joe, our good friends.
  14. What an undertaking! You girls are amazing to be doing this. I'm in no hurry for mine so if necessary hold my order back if that helps you out in any way. Thanks so much.
  15. I would up the quantities, and do you know that you have more guests that drink white wine rather than red wine? In my circle of friends it is the other way around. Many more drink red wine.
  16. I just did some of these but I used the Avery paper from staples. I had the iron set in the middle, otherwise mine goes into steam. I used a regular ironing board but I kept moving the iron around. I didn't leave it in one spot. I went backwards and forwards one way and then sideways back and forth the other, for about 2-3 minutes each transfer. I peeled the backing off after about 3 minutes, once it was cool enough to touch. I'm not sure about your brown marks, maybe it burned? Try moving the iron. With the ones I did you can see the outline of the transfer faintly, but it isn't really shiny. Hope this helps and if I can offer more advice please ask away!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Helen, you might want to check out Oriental Trading Co. I got playing cards and poker chips (they came together), they came out to be less than $1. I'm not sure if they ship to canada. I also bought flip flop notepads there were $5 for 24 pads. I bought a ton of stuff from there. you should definately check it out! Thanks for the tip! I have already ordered and received some parasols from Oriental Trading Co. that I did more or less as a trial to see how much I'd get dinged for shipping & brokerage. As I'm not getting all of the items for everyone, just cards and poker chips for some of the guys etc. I'm going to stick with what I can get here in Canada. We are working on 25 bags so I'm trying to 'personalize' them with a few items.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Your daughter is so lucky to have a great mom like you! Her logo is awesome! I'm sure she doesn't always think I'm great I'm sure that because I like to be very organized I can come across as being controlling. At Christmas time I really felt that I should be doing something to prepare for the wedding but they seemed to be handling everything themselves. I kept asking them to give me a job to do. Then once I started showing them pictures from you girls with ideas for OOT bags Katie asked me to handle that. So she designed the logo and I am ordering, buying and making most of the items, and storing it all here as they have a very small apartment. If I need the logo resized I call her and she does that. It's a win-win situation for us. One that was negotiated Thank you all for the postitive comments!
  19. I've heard a few negative comments such as "I just wouldn't expect my guests to have to pay anything to attend my daughters wedding". When we sat down with my daughter and her fiance to discuss what to do about the wedding one of her biggest concerns was that the grooms family might not be able to afford to attend. I told my daughter to plan the wedding she wanted which was on the beach. My opinion is that those that WANT to be there will find a way.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by pryzeless Everything is so cute! Did you put anything in those bags? We're going to put the travel mugs, the candles, and postcards inside. Also working on notepads and pens, pashminas, picture frames, and other assorted dollar store things like playing cards, poker chips and tissues.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by CourtneyV Oh, I really like those; and I would've expected a lot more for shipping to Canada. I've been trying to track down a place in Canada (or more specifically, Calgary!) to do this, but maybe this is the route to go! I really did try to find somewhere locally to do this but couldn't find anyone to do a small batch (i.e. under 100) for a reasonable price. The places in the mall will do a small number but they are much more expensive. I considered having them shipped to a US address which would definately keep the price down as I believe they will ship free in the USA. It was just going to be very complicated to get them across the border if we'd done that, so I opted to just pay shipping and brokerage.
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